Lin Xuan also joined the crowd. The long street was like a straight dragon.

On both sides of this Qingshi street, many people sit on the ground and don't care about their dignity. They are covered with animal skin blankets and a variety of objects on them. They are constantly Hawking.

Some of them were dressed in animal skins, bare chests and open bellies, with big arms and round waists, and were as strong as hunters in the city.

There are also merchants who lead strange animals and trade with each other.

The others are ordinary practitioners who sell their useless things in exchange for some spirit stones.

After a while, Lin Xuan stopped in front of a stall with different eyes and looked at the objects on the stall carefully.

"Yo, little brother, what do you like?"

In front of the stall, a chubby bald monk, dressed in greasy cassock and shaking a banana fan, said hello to Lin Xuan.

"Little brother, what do you think of this? The 3000 year old Polygonum multiflorum is a top-grade elixir. It's rare and precious. It was originally grown in the valley of the medicine king. Monk, I took great efforts to collect it!"

Lin Xuan's face turned pale when he heard the words.

He has been in fengxu for more than half a month, and has a general understanding of the situation in fengxu.

The valley of medicine king in the mouth of the fat monk is a well-known Taoist tradition in the fengxu area, and the valley owners of the past dynasties are honored as the king of medicine.

This vein is famous for its alchemy. All the disciples in the sect are alchemists, and Yaowang Valley is a unique place. It is a holy land and cultivates infinite elixirs.

The fat monk is not a disciple in the valley. Can he collect medicine from the valley?

Do you still have to work hard?

Lin Xuan's heart gave birth to a bold idea: "this guy should not be the elixir to steal?"

"Little brother, look at this product and color, absorbing the essence of life and death for three thousand years, life and death, human flesh and bones, no worse than the king of medicine."

The fat monk laughs like a Maitreya and says with red face.

"How many spirit stones?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Hey hey, monk, I'm honest and trustworthy in this area. It's not easy to see little brother. I'll sell you three million spirit stones!"

But Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile, "master, don't bully me. I don't know what I'm doing. I'll tell you quietly that I'm an alchemist."

Hearing the speech, the fat monk wiped his mouth and said: "monk, I'm as good as my little brother at first sight. I can still pit you. Besides, we monks have rules and regulations. What I say is the real price!"

"I'll take the 500000 stone."

Lin Xuan shook his head and cut the price of the fat monk to the end.

"Little brother, you don't bargain so much. Well, we are all people who know how to buy. I won't say more. As long as one million spirit stones, the little brother of Polygonum multiflorum can take it away!"

The fat monk said helplessly.

"It's fifty thousand dollars!"

"The lowest is 900000 spirit stone... It can't be lowered any more. It's the monk I took my life to collect..."

"Forget it."

Lin Xuan turned around without any hesitation and was about to leave.

"Ah, hold on, little brother. I still have a piece of black gold with big fists. It's a precious material for refining utensils that even the venerable ones are keen on. Don't say monk, I won't give you a chance. Plus the thousand year old Polygonum multiflorum and two million spirit stones, you can take them if you want. After this village, there's no shop!"

Fat monk will stand in front of a piece of black gold covered with black cloth shine out, this piece of black gold is black and shiny, as deep as the starry sky.

Lin Xuan deliberately thought that he was attracted by the black gold. He stopped and went back to the stall. He took the black gold in his hand and played with it at will.

"Master, your black gold is a little light. I've heard that even a small piece of black gold is as heavy as a great mountain. It can't be refined if it's not a peerless person..."

Lin Xuan is full of laughter and comments.

"Ha ha, little brother, you don't know. The kind of black gold you said is the black gold after the saints sacrificed to the soldiers. It's extracted from the endless black gold raw ore, so it can have that effect“

"The fist sized black gold in my hand is the raw ore excavated from the underground gold mine, which has not been refined. However, for my younger brother, this black gold raw ore is enough now, and there is no need to refine it."

The fat monk explained.

Lin Xuan smell speech, a pair of suddenly realized appearance: "so it is."

It's not that he doesn't know, but that Lin Xuan pretends not to understand.

The purpose is to let the fat monk relax his vigilance. Lin Xuan stares at an ancient jade in front of the booth.

Neither Polygonum multiflorum nor black gold was what Lin Xuan wanted.

From the very beginning, his purpose was the plain jade in front of the booth.

The ancient jade is mottled. It has experienced the baptism of endless years. It looks like some kind of divine jade, but its surface has turned black. It is engraved with ancient and primitive patterns, like the Taoist patterns that were born from nature and copied from heaven and earth. It is extremely complicated and obscure.

This ancient jade is put in the most humble place of the booth, it looks like a gift, no one cares about it.

"Well, little brother, two million stone, have you decided?"

The fat monk asked again.

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "it's still too expensive. Two million is almost all I have. It's not cost-effective to buy these two things."

"Gone, gone!"

Lin Xuan turned around and refused again.

"Well, little brother, if you have something to say, why don't you just leave and give you another 200000 yuan?"

The fat monk sighed.

"It's 200000 yuan cheaper. I'll give you something. Shifu, I've accepted the two most valuable treasures in your stall. Do you think it's appropriate not to give you something?"

Lin Xuan turned back, also a face tangled appearance, very painful, as if the fat monk refused, he would leave.

"See you off, monk. I've seen it today. Little brother, you can really bargain."

The fat monk shook his head and sighed, and said, "the rest are worthless gadgets. You can choose any two."

In this fengxu area, Lingshi is more valuable than the outside world. Millions of Lingshi are already a big deal on the black market, which is rare on weekdays.

This is also why Lin xuandu decided that the fat monk would hold him, because apart from him, even if others are hot eyed, they are reluctant to spend so many spirit stones to buy.

"Master, is this dark thing Jade? What kind of material is it?"

They reached a consensus that Lin xuanruo was playing with the objects in front of the stall, most of which were jade used as materials.

"It's jade, but I don't know what kind of monk it is. I've got it by accident. I don't know what kind of immoral thing it is painted by. It will let out all the essence in the jade. It's not spiritual at all. Otherwise, it's worth some spirit stone."

The fat monk continued, "if you want it, I'll give it to you."

Wen Yan, even Lin Xuan didn't expect to be so smooth.

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