It seems that the fat monk didn't see that what really matters is not the jade itself, but the carved patterns.

Although he was happy in his heart, he didn't show anything on his face. He chose one jade and another white jade.

This is a surprise for Lin Xuan. After paying the spirit stone, Lin Xuan puts all the black gold and Polygonum multiflorum he bought into the storage ring.

He held the palm sized jade in his hand. Lin Xuan had a profound and obscure feeling.

The Taoist pattern on it seems to contain a kind of Dharma. If you can understand it, it will be of great use.

However, Lin Xuan, after all, is an open man with a system. He can quickly learn and comprehend any Dharma and Tao.

Then, in his own consciousness, Lin Xuan had the lines carved on this ancient jade. At this time in the past, Lin Xuan was always able to receive feedback from the system.

But at this time, there was no movement in my mind.

"Something's wrong. How could it not react?"

You know, even if it's an obscure atlas, as long as it can be copied into consciousness, the system will give feedback.

This is Lin Xuan's way of knowing the original runes. Every time he unlocks a rune, he will imprint it in his mind. Otherwise, he will not understand the function of these ancient runes at all. All of them depend on systematic analysis.

He tried again and copied all the lines on the ancient jade. Today, he is tough and has infinite mental power. There is no lack of mental power.

But in the end, there was no response.

Lin Xuan concentrated on the ancient jade in the palm of his hand, and then looked carefully, but suddenly found something wrong.

"Ah, can't I be cheated?"

Lin Xuan found that he had neglected that the ancient jade was real, and had been baptized for more than ten thousand years, otherwise it would not have such ancient charm.

However, the patterns on it did not exist ten thousand years ago, and there were traces of deliberately making old Taoist patterns!

Then, Lin Xuan took out the Polygonum multiflorum and the big black gold from the storage ring.

There is nothing wrong with this Polygonum multiflorum. It's really a top-grade elixir. But Lin Xuan of Heijin thought that there were some problems earlier, just because he focused on the ancient jade and didn't make much investigation.

Lin Xuan took Heijin in his hand and clenched his fist directly. The big fist Heijin was flattened by him, like a shrunken watermelon!

"Your uncle's!"

Lin Xuan scolded secretly. This special black gold is really a parallel product. It's only covered with a layer of black gold on the outside, but it's just ordinary ore inside.

No wonder it's so light!

The fat monk absolutely knew that this black gold mine was an ordinary ore, so he deliberately made a game!

At the next moment, Lin Xuan turns around and steps on the dragon. He turns into a rainbow and wants to go back to find the fat monk!

As a result, when he arrived, the goods had already run away!

The most irritating thing is that the pit goods still leave a note in place. It looks like it has just left.

Lin Xuan cried, "where are you, fat man? Come back to me!"

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful. Little brother, don't blame the monk for my idea of that ancient jade. Do you really think I didn't see the monk?"

"All this has cause and effect. Monk, I cheat you. If you had not been greedy and wanted to cheat me, monk, I would not have been like this."

Lin xuanchuang scolded: "day you immortal board board, monks also come out to cheat, you are still a monk?"

"Don't be angry, little brother. Monk, I call treating people in their own way. Hehe, we have a long way to go. Goodbye when we have a chance!"

"Go to your uncle!"

Lin Xuan scolded again, only to find that the notes had been broken, and the divine lines had disappeared. It was obviously the hands and feet of the fat monk.

Lin Xuan really didn't expect that his cleverness was mistaken by cleverness.

"He Shouwu is the first Bureau. Let me know that it's genuine. My vigilance is relaxed."

"Packing and selling black gold raw ore is the second game. It seems that the old and the young are not deceived. In fact, it's parallel goods. In this way, as long as I buy it, I will definitely lose blood."

"That special broken jade is the third game. The fat monk probably wants to cheat people to buy ancient jade, but he doesn't know why he didn't cheat me in the end. Is it hard to find his conscience?"

"I bah, conscience will not run away!"

Lin Xuan sighed to himself. He was helpless this time. He could only admit that he had lost his way.

Indeed, as the fat monk said, it was because he wanted to pick up the leak that he got into the trap set by others!

"If I meet that fat monk again, I'll beat him to the head of a pig!"

Lin Xuan scolded, but he was not in the mood to continue to go to the black market. Instead, he went straight to his destination, bought all the ingredients he needed, and then left.

However, just after Lin Xuan left the black market, he was followed again on his way back to the settlement.

Lin Xuan pretended not to know. In fact, he was already angry.

He is just waiting for the black hand behind the scenes to appear. A single follower is nothing to him. Raising one's hand can suppress it!

Soon after, as soon as Lin Xuangang returned to the outskirts of the settlement, he found that there were seven or eight people in front of him from all directions. Everyone's breath was very strong, at least above the fifth section of Lingshi!

It was the middle-aged man in grey robe who threatened Lin Xuanfang on that day.

"Hum, I thought you were going to stay in Yao's family as a turtle. Today, we finally seize the chance!"

"I hurt my parents and children that day, so overbearing, did you ever think that there would be such consequences?"

The grey robed middle-aged man snorted coldly.

Behind him, Teng Chong, who had been taught by him with a big mouth, also came.

Now half a month later, his appearance of the injury has recovered, see nothing.

"Dad, don't talk so much nonsense to him. Kill him and take revenge for me!"

Teng Chong covers the corner of his mouth. He can still feel the pain. At the moment, his eyes are staring at Lin Xuan. I wish he would die right away!

He called to the grey robed man.

But Lin Xuan faced his opponent in front of him, but he didn't panic, calm and calm.

"You miscellaneous fish, even a few more are nothing. It happens that if you want to move your hands and feet today, someone will come to you. Then I will help you!"

Lin Xuan murmured. He was full of anger. Now he can vent it!


Some people heard Lin Xuan's low voice, heard his irony, extremely angry.

There were seven people in total, all of them came to kill Lin Xuan with sharp blades!

At this moment, the divine power in Lin Xuan's body was surging, and his Qi and blood were roaring, just like rivers, lakes and seas were surging!

He stepped on the dragon's Footwork like an immortal rainbow, leaped into the air and waved his fists, as if a great mountain was pressing down to pierce the stars!

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