Seven people came from all directions. They were all strong men in the fifth section of Lingshi. They were all extraordinary.

"You don't deserve to kill me!"

Lin Xuan is calm and self-confident. He strides like a meteor across the river of time. He slowly claps his hand on the opponent who is coming, and directly flies the man!

"Hum, it's arrogant. You're just a little monk. Even if you're from the outside world, how can you be arrogant? With so many of us, how can you go against the heaven?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him. Let's go together!"

Many children in Teng family are sneering. They are confident that they can solve Lin Xuan easily.

However, the fact is very cruel. In the face of Lin Xuan's magic fist, Teng's children have no power to fight back and are defeated by Lin Xuan.


When Lin Xuan's magic fist was wielded, it vibrated thousands of ways and made the void tremble. It was as shocking as thunder!

He was bathed in the golden light, surrounded by five sacred beasts. There were rosefinch hissing, white tiger roaring, and mysterious turtle rubbing the sea. It was as if the emperor of heaven was coming, accompanied by a terrible vision!

Even a simple fist can move the way, arouse the sound of the road, and reflect the vision of heaven and earth.

This is the only way to belong to the proud people, and it is the recognition of heaven and earth.


Lin Xuan's low voice is like Huang zhongdalu's. The sound wave resounds through the sky and reverberates in everyone's heart!

At this moment, the murderous spirit surged into the sky like a tide.

To deal with these people, Lin Xuan was as unpredictable as a ghost. He stepped on the dragon's footwork. Every time he made a move, he could hurt one person badly.

In a short period of ten minutes, three people were damaged in his hands.

It never occurred to Teng people that so many of them gathered to kill a monk for a while, but they were swept away by Lin Xuan.

This kind of fighting power is unheard of.

"What kind of existence do we have, and why are we so strong?"

"Is the pride from the outside so strong?"

"It's the downfall of our fengxu community. An ordinary person from the outside world has such fighting power. I'm afraid it's comparable to the direct disciples of those big forces!"

The Teng people were extremely frightened. They were all going backwards and didn't dare to step forward.

Within a short period of time, three relatives fell, and their lives were unknown.

It was difficult for any of them to take Lin Xuan's fist and break the barrier of realm, even if they were all the friars of Lingshi wuduan, they were just foil in front of Lin Xuan.


At this time, the gray robed people of Teng nationality held a long sword surrounded by Qingxia, which was more than three feet long and extremely sharp. They wielded thousands of gods, and the Qingxia was all over the sky.

These gods were as vast and boundless as a vast ocean. They came to Lin Xuan and seemed to devour him.

"What are you still doing? Even if his means are against the sky, you should leave him here today. You can't let him go, or you will have endless trouble in the future!"

The grey robed man is like an elder in the Teng clan. His orders are obeyed by the clan. Even if he knows Lin Xuan's terror, he has to fight hard.

The blue light roars, the sword soars into the sky!

Lin Xuan smashed out the tripod to block all the sword light, but also turned into a god of war in heaven. He broke through the ocean like green awn and killed the man in grey robe. He hit a diamond fist heavily.


The grey robed people spit out a mouthful of red blood. His whole body flies upside down like a broken kite and falls on the towering ancient trees in the distance. He looks very miserable.

Even though he was already standing in the realm of Lingshi Qiduan, his power was turbulent, but if he was touched by Lin Xuan, he would lose this advantage.

Lin Xuan's magic fist was too fierce in the physical duel. It was like a huge stone falling on a person. All the viscera were shocked, and the blood and blood flowed counter current!


Some people were afraid to get close to Lin Xuan. Instead, they took out a long bow and bent it to shoot several black arrow feathers. The sound of breaking the air was heard in Lin Xuan's ears.

These black arrow feathers can't be underestimated. The arrows are made of divine iron. Even though Lin Xuan has no match in his body, what he faces is the divine arrow shot by the master of spirit, which contains divine power and can hurt him.

However, the arrow plumes were not dense. Lin Xuan stepped on the dragon's Footwork and hid himself.

Instead of taking charge of the grey robed man, he turned around and clapped his hands!

"Heaven's paw in the wilderness!"

The majestic divine power turns into a big hand that blocks the sky and the sun. It shoots down from the sky and smashes the earth into a sunken pit. In it, the Teng people who steal cold arrows at him turn into a pool of meat mud, and their bodies are smashed!

Such a scene is too frightening, so that the rest of the Teng people are screaming, eyes full of horror!

"It's just a demon..."

"Come on, we're not rivals at all!"

However, Lin Xuan didn't give them a chance. He stopped them and said coldly, "where is the pride when you want to kill me? Now if you want to go, it's not so easy!"


His figure is too fast, no one can escape, every punch, it is like in the creation of heaven and earth, broke the void!


Some people roared, but they couldn't stop it. It was as dazzling as the sun. Lin Xuan was bathed in the golden light like an immortal God.

But at this time, behind Lin Xuan, the middle-aged man in the grey robe was about to split. Seeing so many people killed by Lin Xuan mercilessly, he was completely mad.

"How dare you do this! I swear that Teng people will never give up and let you pay the price of bleeding!"

The man in the grey robe came with a long sword surrounded by green clouds, which aroused a huge wave of divine power to annihilate Lin Xuan.

It's a pity that this kind of means is nothing to Lin Xuan. He calmly plays the white jade heaven and earth tripod, as if he has settled the world, and all the huge waves are hard to get near!

"It's a joke. I just punished your son a little, but it led to your deliberate murder. Now I'm still kicking back, as if I was the villain!"

"If you were not aggressive and wanted to kill me, how could you have come to such a land?"

"Is it difficult for me to stand still and let you fight?"

Lin Xuan laughed angrily. He never thought that this man should be so brazen.

It's clear that they came here to kill him, but he killed him instead.

"Hum, there's nothing to say. It's already here. There's no possibility to stop. You'll all stay here. This is your burial place!"

At the next moment, Lin Xuan raised his hand and another big palm fell, shaking the void and sinking the earth.

However, even such a terrible blow still failed to kill the grey robed man.

After all, he is not like other Teng people. He is more difficult to deal with. He has a secret treasure to protect his body, and even blocks it.

In the hands of the gray robed people, I do not know when, emerged a green gilded pagoda.

Being sacrificed by him, it grows bigger and bigger. It's like a great mountain. It's bright and bright. It's engraved with countless divine lines. Now it's all shining, like a net of heaven and earth, covering Lin Xuan!

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