"I admit that I underestimated you. The pride from the outside world is really extraordinary!"

"If it wasn't for the rush of time and the lack of time for layout, we wouldn't have lost so many manpower."

"But if you want to step on our corpses, it's not so easy to achieve your brilliant achievements. Even if I die here today, I will certainly kill you!"

The man in the grey robe wiped the wound at the corner of his mouth. In fact, he also had some regrets. Maybe he shouldn't do it.

But by now, it's too late.

Seeing the tragic death of the people, there is a great sadness in the hearts of the people in grey robes, not only for the sake of the people, but also for the sake of giving an account to the Teng people.

After all, it was he who brought his people here to hunt Lin Xuan, but unexpectedly, they became prey in the end.

But fortunately, in order to be safe, the grey robed people borrowed a secret treasure from the clan. It was a pagoda made of green gold by a clan elder at the peak of a spiritual master. It had unpredictable power and had suppressed more than one strong man!

At this moment, Lin Xuan didn't expect that the grey robed people offered sacrifices to the green gold pagoda.

Over his head, green gold glittered, and an invisible net fell, blocking Lin Xuan's retreat.

"The pagoda made by Qingjin is indeed a secret treasure, but it's a pity that it's not so easy to trap me!"

Lin Xuan laughs. It's not that he hasn't defeated the magic weapon made by Shenjin before. Although his rank is not as high as the pagoda in front of him, his cultivation has not been promoted to a spiritual master before.

Lin Xuan is like a god of war. He rises from the sky and shines with divine light. He is full of spirit. He strikes the green gold pagoda heavily and wants to break it!


A loud sound like thunder is deafening and makes people unstable.

However, although Lin Xuan's strike was strong, the green gold pagoda was too miraculous. At the moment, it was not damaged or even shaken. From the sky, endless green gold lights appeared in the green gold pagoda. It was as vast as the ocean!

Like the spider silk, this extraordinary secret treasure, under the control of the people in the grey robe, exerted infinite power to suppress Lin Xuan!

"Well, as I said, this pagoda has drunk the blood of more than one person who is stronger than you, but they fell under this pagoda!"

"If you want to break it with brute force, it's like a fool's dream!"

The man in the grey robe snorted coldly, as if he was laughing at Lin Xuan's overconfidence.

It's a pity that Lin Xuan didn't care about such ridicule. At the moment, his body and mind were empty, and his body protection was shining, even more like a god!

He once again sacrificed the white jade heaven and earth tripod to block the divine power pouring from the top of his head. He even used all his strength to throw the jade tripod heavily and bombard the pagoda!


The dull sound is like the sound of bells and drums, which makes people scared.

However, Lin Xuan's blow finally worked. The cobweb like patterns on his head were blasted out of a gap, and the green gold pagoda itself was shaking, as if it was about to fall!

On the grade, the white jade heaven and earth tripod is not inferior to the green gold pagoda on the top of the head!

As a result, Lin Xuan never cared, such a thing in other people's eyes is a treasure, but he saw more, already did not care.

"Don't think you're the only one who has a high-level magic weapon!"

Lin Xuan sneered. He wanted to have a try and fight hard with his body. He wanted to break the pagoda directly with his magic fist.

Unfortunately, after trying, Lin Xuan found that he was still a little far away. At least he had to improve a few levels. Today, he can't destroy high-level magic weapons with his bare hands!


Then, Lin Xuan bombarded the sky with a white jade heaven and earth tripod, which made the earth shake. The light around the green gold pagoda also dimmed a lot, and the dense divine pattern destroyed most of it!

At this moment, the grey robed man realized that it was not good, but also a little flustered. He recited the ancient mantra in his mouth, and wanted to take this opportunity to kill Lin Xuanlian under the pagoda!


The glory of the towering waves rolled down from the pagoda. It seemed that it was to obliterate everything. It was very powerful!

However, when the white jade heaven and earth tripod was sacrificed, it was difficult to hurt Lin Xuan through the jade tripod.

The spring tide is dense, which is mixed with the divine patterns engraved on the pagoda. The final cutting is to refine Lin Xuan and Qian Kun Ding.

Unfortunately, all this is in vain.

Under the control of Lin Xuan, the jade tripod was in the air, and it was sacrificed again, shaking the sky.

The pagoda that originally hung on the top of Lin Xuan's head was completely overturned and torn open. Lin Xuan seized the opportunity without any hesitation. He quickly stepped on the dragon's Footwork and appeared in front of the grey robed man not far away!

The white jade tripod is like a star. This blow runs through the past and the present, destroying time and space, leaving nothing left!

As strong as a middle-aged man in a grey robe, he was swept away by Lin Xuan after he left the protection of Qingjin pagoda.

Thoroughly into powder, even the spirit can not escape.

The next moment, Lin Xuan took the pagoda hanging in the air, which was the same level as the white jade heaven and earth tripod. Although it was damaged in the war just now, it was still an extraordinary thing. Even if he didn't use it, he could sell it for a good price!

"It's a pity that the boy slipped away!"

When Lin Xuan finished cleaning the battlefield, he found that Teng Chong, the descendant of the grey robed man who once ridiculed Shiwa as a waste, had fled. He thought he was going back to the Teng family to report!

But Lin Xuan was not afraid and did not run away. Instead, he went back to the Yao people and adjusted his Qi and blood!

For him, it was just a killing battle. He didn't suffer too much injury. He just spent too much energy. After taking a few pills, Lin Xuan closed his eyes and meditated.

Yao people, in the quiet wooden house, Lin Xuan sat with his eyes closed. His hair was black and dense, like a waterfall.

The whole body is as miraculous as purple jade, with a lustrous appearance. In the dark, it seems that there is a chanting sound.

His breath is introverted, his face is expressionless, and he can't see happiness and anger.

"Who killed my Teng people? Get out and die!"

But at this time, a loud sound of drinking came, the sound wave like thunder, shocked a lot of people!

Lin Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and two purple lights came out of his eyes. They were like two sharp sword lights falling on the small door in front of him, directly breaking into pieces!

His eyes are too frightening. It's like thunder inside!


At this moment, not only Lin Xuan woke up, but also countless rainbow gods came from the horizon. All of them were Yao people. A big war was about to break out!

A lot of people see the atmosphere in the appearance is very tense, all at daggers drawn. It seems that if they don't pay attention, they have to start!

"I'm the young master of Teng nationality. If anyone hurts my Teng people, please hand them over quickly, otherwise we Teng people will never give up!"

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