"My God, the young master of Teng nationality is really extraordinary. With one move, he even suppressed the external testers and imprisoned them in his own divine wheel. Does it mean that this war is coming to an end?"

"What kind of pride from the outside world is only at this level? Just one face-to-face will be suppressed, I'm afraid it will be defeated! "

"Ha ha, if I remember correctly, this man was still shouting that he killed the young master of Jiang Jianyun's family. It's really funny!"

"Bah, bravado, that's all!"

Many people were shocked by the war. Rainbow after rainbow came and gathered around the battlefield. From time to time, some people expressed emotion and others mocked. It seemed that the victory had been decided.


However, at this moment, a loud noise came from the sun moon god wheel, which was shrouded by the holy light. It shook all sides and caused the void to wail!

In the vast white sun moon god wheel, Lin Xuan was bathed in the golden light. He was like a real little sun. His power was as powerful as the sea!

He is in charge of cutting, opening and closing, destroying all the dharmas with his divine fist. The sun and moon are unstable and shaken by his divine fist. It seems that he is going to crack!

However, the young master of Teng nationality gave a cold hum. He clapped his hand heavily, and the divine radiance surged. In the vast white sun moon divine wheel, this blow turned into a holy six winged divine bird. His whole body was as bright as white jade, and he kept neighing and went to kill Lin Xuan!

One divine bird after another vibrates its wings, and thousands of feathers become sharp arrows at the moment. They shoot out constantly, like penetrating Lin Xuan's body!

However, Lin Xuan at this time with divine power to open a protective light curtain, blocked all the killing.

He was like a banished immortal. He was dressed in white clothes and bathed in the golden light. He was like a God walking in the world. He was inviolable to all kinds of methods. He opened and closed in the wheel of the sun and moon god, and could kill a bird with every blow.

After all, these secret arts evolved from divine power. There were too many defects. With Lin Xuan's continuous bombardment, the seemingly indestructible sun moon god wheel turned out to be dim and not as prosperous as before!

At this time, Lin Xuan's hand did not know when there was a dark golden ancient sword in his hand. He held it in his hand, and the blade was filled with the air of rushing to the sky!

"Return to one!"

The skill of Hengduan Dao is still very powerful. It was cut out by Lin Xuan fiercely, as if he wanted to create a new world, shaking the void. The wheel of sun and moon was cut into a huge gap

Dao Qi runs through Xiaohan and penetrates the wheel of sun and moon. It's so majestic that it's hard to stop. It startles everyone outside.!

Lin Xuan's body is like lightning, fast as a dragon. He rushes out of the sun moon god wheel at an incredible speed, holding a black gold ancient sword, and cuts at the young master of Teng nationality!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's hair is like a waterfall, flying with the wind, his eyes are bright, flowing with golden light, surrounded by endless purple electricity, as if bathed in the disaster, reappear the glory.


Lin Xuan a big drink, Yu Teng minority Lord's ear burst open, as if thunder turbulence, stir up heaven and earth situation!

This knife is very abrupt, like running through the river of time, condensing the potential of cutting everything, falling heavily, unmatched!

In a hurry, the young master of the Teng nationality had no time to escape. Instead, he sacrificed a white bell, which bloomed and breathed the essence of heaven and earth!


This is also a treasure. It's a high-level magic weapon. It gives off frightening waves and shakes the world!

The bell wave is mighty, like a big wave, sweeping away, blocking the air and killing.

And Lin Xuan's black gold sword also heavily hit on the holy clock. It couldn't be destroyed. It just made a deafening sound!


Lin Xuan let out a loud drink, and another knife came. The black gold sword in his hand had a very big origin and was extremely old. After his search for the source, it was suspected that it flowed out of an ancient battlefield and later fell into his hands.

This is also an ancient treasure, and the grade is higher than that of the white jade heaven and earth tripod. It's just like being sealed. It's hard for Lin Xuan to exert the real power of this sword!

This time, the ancient sword was powerful, and finally showed a little effect.

The God is vast, and there is a knife mark on the holy God clock, which makes the whole body's God light dim a lot.

When Lin Xuan's eyes opened and closed, they were like the blazing sun. There was an extraordinary light pouring out.

He constantly attacked and cut, and his Sabre technique changed a lot. Every time he cut, he took up the great Sabre spirit and spread it all over the world. It turned into a terrible killing opportunity and filled the sky!

"What kind of knife is this? It's so terrible. It seems that it can kill everything, even if it's a god clock, it's hard to match it!"

As strong as the young master of Teng nationality, he was anxious at the moment. He was attacked by Lin Xuan with a knife again and again. His body was unstable and almost fell down!

It's hard for him to sustain for a long time. This kind of war consumes too much divine power. Every time he drives the divine clock, it makes the divine power in his body consume greatly!

The light on the clock was so dim that it cracked completely. It's unbelievable!

At the moment, there is no barrier in front of the Teng minority's body. He faces Lin Xuan and cuts fiercely. Even though the Teng minority's method is strong and holds up a light curtain to protect his body, the result still shocks him. The light curtain breaks. His blood and blood flow counter current, and there is a knife seal on his chest. It's three points into the bone, and fresh blood is pouring!

You should know that the body of the Teng minority's young master is also first-class, but it's a pity that Shanglin Xuan has such a result.

"Never drag on, or..."

The young master of Teng nationality was calm and kept repeating that he wanted to find an opportunity and get rid of Lin Xuan, but he didn't want to keep close to him!

He roared, but also a magic hit, it is a virtual shadow like a god beast, imposing heaven, shaped like a real dragon, full of golden light, overflowing with divine light, roaring up to the sky!


The huge sound wave is like rolling thunder, the huge real dragon virtual shadow is like a revived ancient beast, the limbs are like huge stone pillars, tall and ferocious, it is daunting!

"The real dragon steps on the sky!"

At the next moment, under the roar of the young master of the Teng family, he urged this divine skill to attack Lin Xuan with the terrible giant virtual shadow. It seemed that he wanted to destroy all the retreats of Lin Xuan!

However, at the moment, Lin Xuan had no fear. He was so powerful that he rose up to meet the fierce shadow of the real dragon!

"Don't say that it's an evolved fake magic. Even if it's a real Kirin secret, what is it?"

"I see how long you can last!" Lin Xuan laughs. He shakes his arms like the God of war. His fighting power is almost invincible!

Lin Xuan's every blow made the void roar, and even had a spirit of breaking the sky and the earth. The cracks in the space would be opened!

This is simply unprecedented, in such a realm, he is not a real master of the spirit, unexpectedly already had such a means, really terrible!

"Unheard of, I finally understand why all the heroes are defeated in his hands. Such invincible momentum seems to swallow mountains and rivers!"

"This is the real boxing town of Shanhe. No matter who you are, I'll blow it up with one blow and I'll be very excited!"

"Why do I have a feeling that Teng minority is defeated? Is that person really human? How can it be so strong?"

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