Lin Xuan seemed to kill the gods. He waved his long sword again. This blow crossed the heaven and the earth. It was as if he wanted to split the heaven and the earth!

The vast Dao Qi is sweeping like a vast ocean to annihilate the young master of Teng nationality!

At this moment, the young master of the Teng nationality has played several secret skills one after another, such as the rosefinch flying in the sky, the mysterious turtle stretching the sea, and the real dragon stepping on the sky. The arch guards are all around the young master of the Teng nationality, and they are hard to resist this attack.

However, the three almost supernatural beings seem to have crossed the long river of time and come from the ancient chaotic times. They are reflected in the sky and seem to be alive. They all dive towards Lin Xuan!

"After all, it's not the real secret of dragon and rosefinch. It's just the evolution of a virtual shadow. Ha ha, this method is nothing!"

Lin Xuan's mouth is light, his hair is dancing wildly, his body is crystal clear, and the golden light is shining. He is bathed in the holy light, like a God, independent of the sky, overlooking all living beings.

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan finally moved. He turned into a golden rainbow and rose to the sky, chopping out an eternal divine light. In a flash, he broke up the three evolved virtual shadows on his head. They all broke up and turned into endless light and rain!

There was a vast expanse of whiteness between heaven and earth. Lin Xuan was bathed in it like an immortal God King. His body was shining, his hair was dyed golden, and his eyes were burning.

Under him, Teng minority's clothes were stained with blood, and his chest was entangled by knife gas, revealing large wounds. Cracks appeared on his crystal bone, and he was almost broken!

Before that, who could have thought that such a scene would appear in the two men's war? It's too amazing!

"It's really a duel between the spirit masters. I can't imagine that the emptiness can be broken in a moment."

"Is the pride from the outside really so terrible? It's terrible that the Teng minority, who are five small states behind, can still be so strong in the war. The situation is almost one-sided! "

"The young master of Teng clan is really not weak. He is also a young genius at the forefront of Lingyun sect, but he didn't expect to be defeated in this way today. Lin Xuan is destined to be famous all over the world!"

Up to now, almost everyone can see that Lin Xuan's hand is too fierce, and he doesn't give Teng minority leader a chance to breathe. Such a turbulent war is bound to be a victory in a very short time!

"Hum, don't put on airs there. The battle is not over yet. The winner is still in doubt."

The young master of Teng nationality snorted coldly and said in a low voice.

He is like a streamer across the sky, far away from Lin Xuan, hundreds of meters away, let the battlefield move.

Then, a jade like blood pill appeared in his hand and swallowed it without hesitation!


A loud noise came from the body of the young master of the Teng nationality. Infinite blood gas overflowed from his pores. These blood gases were mixed with strange medicinal power. They were actually repairing the wounds of the young master of the Teng nationality. In a very short time, they grew new granulations, as if they were reborn!

"Well, brother Teng is really going to do his best. He even uses the most precious Phoenix blood regeneration pill in Lingyun sect!"

Yao ten side dew different color, the corner of the mouth lightly Yang, light way.

At the moment, after seeing Lin Xuan's strength, Yao Xi's attitude is ambiguous, and he doesn't despise Lin Xuan as much as before.

On one side, Jing Sheng's face is slightly heavy. He and Teng Zijing are old friends. He also realizes that the situation is not good and forces Teng Zijing's cards out!

"The Phoenix blood regeneration pill is actually this kind of God pill. It is said that the main material of this pill is the blood of God Phoenix, and it is made with many rare and precious miraculous medicines. It is extremely precious!"

"The blood of shenhuang? How can this be possible? It's a mythical and legendary species of heaven and earth, comparable to the real dragon race. How can there be such a beast in the boundary of fengxu? "

Some people question, with a face incredible way.

"Ha ha, little brother, I'm not a member of fengxu. To tell you the truth, the real shenhuang can't be found in fengxu, even in the world!"

"Although there is no Phoenix in the boundary of our fengxu, there are Phoenix birds flowing with the blood of Phoenix. To some extent, they are also the descendants of Phoenix."

"It's the Phoenix blood extracted from the body of the Phoenix. Although it's not as pure as the real Phoenix blood, it also has the ability of regeneration."

The original skill of shenhuang is the skill of Nirvana regeneration, and for the human race, shenhuang's blood has the same effect.

"The world of fengxu has a long history. In that very old age, there were already some people who established the orthodoxy. At that time, the world was wild and primitive, there were many different kinds of heaven and earth, and it was reasonable to have the blood descendants of shenhuang."

Yuniao can't be compared with the real shenhuang. It's a distant relative, and the blood of yuniao has been diluted for many generations. The efficacy of huangxuezaishan made from this blood is very different from that made from real huangxue!

"The Phoenix blood regeneration pill is really a luxury. It's worthy of being the little master of Teng nationality. There are a lot of cards!"

In his field of vision, the wound in front of Teng minority's chest is almost healing at a visible speed!

A moment later, Lin Xuan was a little lucky that although this pill made Teng minority's body regenerate and eliminated the injury, it did not make Teng minority's body undergo any other transformation.

It is said that if you bathe in the real blood of the Phoenix, you can even refine your body.

The shenhuang clan is known as the immortal shenhuang clan. The horror of Nirvana regeneration lies in rebirth by dripping blood!

That is to say, even if there is only a drop of blood left in the war, as long as the spirit does not die out, the body can also be reborn!

If the real huangxue is used to refine the pill, its efficacy will not be worse than Nirvana regeneration.

In a word, Lin Xuan's immortal Sutra may have some origin with the inheritance of shenhuang.

One claims immortality, and the other claims immortality. There should be some similarities in skills and secret arts.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan had only such a guess. If he wanted to verify it, he still needed to meet an immortal Phoenix!

Lin Xuan's thoughts are flying, but all these things are in the light of lightning and flint. Without waiting for him to associate too much, the young master of Teng nationality, who had been hurt and fell into a bad situation, has now repaired his injured body, and even takes the initiative to attack him!

In the hands of the young master of the Teng nationality, there is a holy light sword, which is full of dragon patterns and golden light. It is extraordinary at first sight.

At this moment, driven by the young master of the Teng nationality, this holy light sword is shining with immortal divine light. The sword is as powerful as a dragon. It makes a trembling sound like a dragon chant. It's very terrible. It stabs Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan's reaction is also very quick, his pupil constricts, the foot steps on you long's footwork, in an instant left the spot.


This blow was very sharp. The sword was sharp and close to Lin Xuan's back. It was just a little bit close to the flesh and blood of Lin Xuan!

It just failed in the end!

In the position where Lin Xuangang just stood, there was a loud noise. This blow pierced the void!

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