In the sky, the rules interweave, thunder and lightning flash in the gap, flowing with the power of Taoism, constantly repair, and then restore to the original, attracting people's cry!

"It's a pity. It's only a little short!"

"The Teng minority's luck is a little bad, otherwise the blow just now will be enough to hurt the external testers!"

"Tianjiao duel, the difference is a thousand li, from no luck, Teng Zijing missed the best opportunity, may become the foreshadowing of this battle!"

Yao Shiyi and Jing Sheng change their cups and drink Shenyu tea together. They look like onlookers. The remaining light in the corner of their eyes glances at the battle and murmurs.

On one side, Jing Sheng was silent. They all knew that no one could win a real war by luck, only their strength was inferior to others!

In the distance, Lin Xuan ran away and avoided the blow. He looked back and joked calmly: "just broke your God clock, I didn't expect to take out another holy sword. Ha ha, there are so many good things on his body!"

"Hum, I want to die!"

This seems to be a kind of irony. It seems that he is the young master of Teng nationality, the proud figure in fengxu, but he is just a waste relying on magic weapons.

Let Teng minority young Lord rage, the whole human into a human lightning, kill again!

In the sky, the battle between Lin Xuan and the young master of Teng clan started again. One of them held a knife and the other held a sword. They attacked one after another. The blade and the sword were sonorous, making a loud noise like thunder, which aroused the storm!

"Zheng Zheng!"

The light of the sword roared and the air of the sword soared into the sky. The two men were in a heated battle, almost inseparable, and fell into some kind of deadlock!

But at this moment, Lin Xuan's eyebrows split a gap, hundreds of millions of rays of holy light falling, wrapped in a golden villain suddenly rushed out, straight to the face of the Teng minority young master!

The golden villain is the same as Lin Xuan in appearance. It is his spirit in the Lingtai. Now he breaks out and hangs a big white jade tripod on his head. It is this tripod that sheds hundreds of millions of rays of light to protect the golden villain!

Almost at the same time, the young master of Teng nationality was not willing to be outdone, and a purple mist shrouded villain rushed out of his eyebrow to meet Lin Xuan's spirit!

There is a string of purple copper bells hanging around the little man's neck. At this moment, the little man shakes the copper bell and makes a deafening terrible sound, which makes many monks watching from afar unbearable and screams!

The vast sound of God is like a big wave, to crush the golden villain.

However, at this time, the white jade heaven and earth tripod glows, constantly trembles, and hundreds of millions of rays of divine light fall down like a waterfall, blocking the divine sound, which is hard to penetrate!

Then, I saw the golden little man as if he were a God. He pinched the seal in the endless light. The white jade tripod fell like a towering mountain. He wanted to kill the spirit of the young master of the Teng family!

However, the body around the purple mist of the villain seems to sneak into the hazy chaos, even disappeared!

The next moment, suddenly emerged from the void, purple copper bell is also a treasure, at the moment of crazy shaking, infinite divine sound gushed out from it, more holy light rushed out, all of them turned into shape, the shape of the wild alien, rushed!


The white jade tripod flew out from the top of the golden little man's head, swept by, and smashed all the sacred animals!


At this time, the purple copper bell was not outdone. It was manipulated by the young master of Teng nationality and flew out. It collided with the white jade tripod, making a terrible sound. The earth was shaking. The collapse of large areas of void interweaved the light of thunder and lightning, shaking the sky!

However, at this time, although the golden villain had no protection, he rushed to the purple villain bravely, and a pair of golden fists fell down, as if to defeat the spirit of the young master of Teng nationality!

In this short period of time, what happened was appalling. Many people looked up at the sky. The original battle between Lin Xuan and the young master of the Teng nationality evolved into three battlefields!

The duel between noumenon and noumenon, the duel between the white jade heaven and earth tripod and the purple copper bell, and the spirit just fighting together!

This kind of scene makes people dizzy, it's incredible, it's hard to see.

"Oh, my God, they are so fierce that even the spirits break out. If there is a half point difference in the fierce battle, they will end up with both spirits destroyed!"

There was a cry of surprise and a pale face.

"Ha ha ha, I don't know where you got the courage to fight against my spirit. This time, you are dead!"

In the sky, the young master of Teng nationality laughed wildly, as if he had foreseen the defeat of Lin Xuan!

"You just broke into the spirit Master, but the spirit must be weak. Now I am the sixth cultivation of the spirit Master. The spirit has already gone through six baptisms. What can you do to beat me?"

"If you have been fighting with me with your body and secret arts, I will really have nothing to do with you for a while and a half, but this time, you give me the chance, so don't blame me!"

The purple villain gave a cold hum. His whole body glowed, and there was a pattern on his face. In a flash, he rushed to Lin Xuan's golden spirit to suppress Lin Xuan completely.

At the moment, under the sky, the golden villain didn't escape, but waved his fists and took the initiative to fight!

In the eyes of others, it's like taking the initiative to die.

"Teng Zijing, after all, is the cultivation of the sixth section of the spiritual master. After six baptisms, his spirit has developed a complete Taoist pattern. He can use the Taoist method to suppress his opponent. Is the guy from the outside crazy? Although his spirit is bathed in the holy light, there is no fluctuation of Taoist pattern. It is difficult to use the Taoist method, and people with good eyes can see the gap, so he even takes the initiative to die?"

At this moment, even Yao Shiyi was not optimistic about Lin Xuan. Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan, who had been in a good situation, took the initiative to choose his weakest spirit for the battle. He was just dizzy!

"It's over. This man has gone a step and lost his game. The young master of Teng clan has seized the chance. This battle is really coming to an end. The external testers are going to be defeated!"

"Who would have thought that Tianjiao, who had been the leader of Teng minority in the noumenon war, would end up in such a situation and failed to create a miracle!"

In the crowd, these friars who heard the wind were sighing. They seemed to feel that Lin Xuan's ending in such an unseemly way was very hard to accept, and they were all regretting.

However, no matter how sorry the people outside, Lin Xuan is still calm and confident!

This is the first time since Lin Xuanjin was promoted to a spiritual master. Before that, he had no chance to test the power of the spirit. Today, he finally has a chance!

"Just like you said, the outcome is not divided, and the world is still uncertain. Who will win or lose is still unknown."

In the face of questioning from the outside world and the taunt and ridicule of the young master of the Teng nationality, Lin Xuanping spoke quietly, with no joy or sorrow on his face.

At the moment when his voice just fell, two immortal thunderbolts burst out of the golden little man's eyes. The golden holy light gradually faded away, and there were more than ten purple dragons wandering around Lin Xuan's body, which contained the power of thunder. Every Dragon seemed to be able to destroy the world!

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