Lin Xuan's spirit had been tempered and baptized by the natural calamity. It was condensed in the natural calamity, stained with the divine power of the natural calamity, and flowed with the power of thunder.

However, Lin Xuan's method is even more amazing. He once put hundreds of terrible thunderbolts into the body of the spirit villain, tempered them day and night, and finally evolved into a dozen thunderbolts for his own use!

Usually, he always hides this Thunder Dragon in the belly of the spirit villain, which is also Lin Xuan's trump card.

At the moment, he finally came out when facing the Teng minority young master. He wanted to temper himself with his opponent and try out the power of thunder Bruce Lee!

This is why Lin xuanmingming had already occupied an advantage in the battle between the body and the secret arts before, and actively gave up the advantage, instead of setting off the war between the soul and the spirit.

Others don't understand, but Lin Xuan's heart is very clear.

"What's that?"

In the distance, Yao Shiyi and King jingtianwang had sharp eyes, and found some unusual fluctuations. They looked at the purple little dragon that surrounded Lin Xuan's spirit.

At this moment, others can't feel the power fluctuation of thunder and lightning destruction, but the Teng minority young master who has been fighting with the golden villain is aware of something bad.

However, when the golden villain showed his true body, it was too late.

In a flash, the golden villain turned into a golden light and suddenly appeared in front of the spirit of the young master of the Teng nationality. A pair of golden magic fists fell and shook the sky. The void was annihilated. The battle between the spirit and the spirit broke out, which was extremely fierce.

The golden villain is invincible. It has been tempered by natural calamity. It's no worse than the flesh. It's just as strong!

"I underestimate that your spirit is really tough. Even if you haven't been baptized by Daowen, it's hard for me!"

"But don't you think I have only such means? Hum, it's over!"

However, after the short war of the spirit, the young master of Teng nationality was angry and gave a cold hum!

A complete Taoist pattern emerges at the foot of the spirit. At this moment, the power of Taoism and Dharma is linked, and the constant power of Taoism moistens the spirit of the young master of the Teng nationality. It is incomparably crystal clear and bright, with divine radiance covering the body and flowing Taoist rhyme, as if standing in an invincible position.

This is the horror of the spiritual master. He can directly borrow the power of heaven and earth, and use it for his own use, instead of relying on the physical body to obtain the divine power!

Compared with the young master of Teng nationality, the power of Taoism that Lin Xuan could exert was very little, and his realm was too low. He had not been transformed and baptized by the spirit, so there was no complete Taoist pattern.

All of his strong foundation is just brought by the original disaster, plus the blessing of immortal xuanjing, which can make his spirit comparable to Jinshi, invincible!

What is immortality? It is not only the body but also the spirit!

Before that, Lin Xuan had never reached such a state and could not show it, but at the moment, he played it incisively and vividly!

But even if only so, it has been able to fight back and forth with the Teng minority young master in the battle of the spirit, and it is also slightly suppressed!

Just fighting, the young master of Teng family found that he could not fight with his spirit and body. He was no longer in love with fighting. Instead, he broke away from Lin Xuan and wanted to suppress Lin Xuan with the power of Taoism!

At this moment, the young master of Teng nationality roared, his spirit bathed in the holy light, walking on the sky, just like a God, overlooking the heaven and earth.

The sky is dim at this moment, as if all the light is not as dazzling as the spirit.

I saw a series of green dragons also appeared in the Teng minority young master's body, each flowing road rhyme, as if carrying the power of the road, incomparably terrible.

Urged by the young master of the Teng nationality, all the little dragons formed by the power of Tao and Dharma rushed at Lin Xuan, like sharp swords, to penetrate his body.

"I've been fighting for a long time, and I'm tired. It's time to end!"

Lin Xuan nodded, echoed and agreed!

However, at the same time, more than a dozen purple little dragons that originally surrounded the golden little man also moved, and the thunder inside them burst out at the same time, showing a tremendous momentum and startling everyone!

There is a faint thunder from the mouth of the purple little dragon, just like the Dragon singing moving sky!

"Oh, my God, what secret method is it? How did it evolve? It has such a terrible momentum, like a real thunderbolt

"This kind of breath is really terrible. There's really a gas engine of destruction brewing. It makes me feel like I'm in the face of my master's annual disaster!"

At the foot of the crowd, these bystanders from the wind are shouting, exclamation, feel incredible.

Only Yao Shiyi and King Jingtian, who are sitting in the distant sky, understand that this is not some secret skill, but the real thunder of heaven, the God of destroying the world!

These little purple dragons are also expanding at a high speed. They are all turned into purple dragon with teeth and claws. They are breathing the blazing thunder. Each one seems to be going to destroy the world. Under the urging of Lin Xuan, they are going to suppress the little master of Teng nationality!


A terrible sound, the void burst, burst out of endless pieces of light rain, the atmosphere of desolation in the continuous diffuse!

I saw a purple dragon exploding in front of the spirit of the Teng minority leader. The purple dragon was surging, crackling and thundering.

At this moment, the thunder light annihilated everything, such as the ocean, all the things are shrouded in it, the scene is terrible, just like the arrival of natural disaster, shocking!

"Today I will let you know that even if I can't use the power of Taoism, I can easily suppress you with the spirit!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan was sneering, as if he was mocking the little master of Teng family. He thought that Lin Xuan's fighting with the spirit was a blind move. Now, when he got the bad result, his spirit was annihilated by thunder and lightning, and the fierce thunder kept splitting away, as if to destroy everything!

This is just a purple dragon, and Lin Xuan's body side, but still hovering more than a dozen!

"Open it for me!"

In the thunder all over the sky, the young master of the Teng nationality roared and put up a light curtain in front of him with the magic power of Taoism, trying to defuse the threat of these gods.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan did not give him too many opportunities to end all this!

Another two purple dragon flies away, exploding in front of the spirit of the young master of the Teng clan. The endless thunder seems to destroy the world. It's very terrible. It's constantly roaring and pounding on the sky!


The emptiness will be annihilated and broken down by the thunder. The spirit of the young master of the Teng clan is also severely shocked. The holy light of the whole body is extremely dim, and even cracks like hair appear on the spirit!

The pain that the spirit was about to tear made the young master of the Teng clan wake up from the edge of death. He knew that he could not continue, otherwise, he would really perish and be cut into ashes by the thunder!

"Come back!"

The young master of the Teng nationality roared. In the distant horizon, the body still fighting had to return. To let the spirit return to the platform, or there would be a big problem!

In the same way, the bell vibrates and is pulled back to his hand by the master of Teng minority. When it shakes slightly, there will be infinite divine light gushing out like a big wave and rushing into the thunder all over the sky!

At this moment, the golden little man opened his mouth and sucked the remaining ten purple electric dragons into his stomach again. Then he returned to the body and sat in the Lingtai!

The white jade heaven and earth tripod came and was thrown by Lin Xuan to the young master of Teng family!

Then, he once again ran into the thunder sea with the black gold sword in his hand, and wanted to kill the Teng minority young master!

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