At this moment, the young master of the Teng family finally knew what kind of person he was provoking. He was also bathed in the thunder. One was invincible, and the other was almost broken

The gap is too big.

Even though his spirit engraved complete Taoist patterns, he did not undergo the baptism and tempering of the natural calamity. In the real war, he still had too many disadvantages, and could not hold on in the first place.

"Who on earth is this man and how can he produce so many purple lightning? Has he ever experienced the baptism of natural calamity?"

In the sky, King Jingtian's face was gloomy. Even he thought it was incredible. This kind of scene was unheard of and never seen!

Who would have thought that the battle of gods and souls could lead to the real thunder of heaven and God? We must know that the most restrained thunder of heaven and God is the spirit!

"Maybe, as you guessed, we all underestimated this man. He is absolutely a genius from the outside world. He has survived the disaster. Otherwise, it can't be explained!"

"Only after being baptized by natural disasters can his body and soul be so extraordinary and indelible!"

"It's not vulgar to be able to attract natural calamities at this age and level, and it's even more difficult to withstand the tempering of natural calamities. If you grow up all the way, if you don't fall too early, you'll almost be doomed to the glorious road under your feet!"

"But now, this man has not only been robbed by heaven, but also refined the divine thunder for his own use, hidden in the soul's belly. This kind of means is really terrible and unimaginable."

"You know, all the friars who have been able to stir up natural calamities in this realm since ancient times have been recorded in ancient history, and their ultimate achievements are limitless. Maybe now, standing in front of us, we are such a future supremacy!"

Yao Xi immediately thought of a lot, his voice was low.

"Such a character, even if five small levels behind, is not Teng Zijing can compete, the final result is almost doomed."

On one side, King Jing was also silent and didn't know what to say.

Originally, King Jing could stay away from the event and watch the battle in silence.

But in the sky, Teng Zijing, who was fighting in the thunder sea, felt the threat of death, but he didn't care about his dignity. He yelled, "brother Jing, help me!"

This remark caused an uproar.

Lin Xuan's strong beyond their expectations, even let Teng Zijing down face, also want to call for help.

This kind of behavior makes people despise. Lin Xuan laughs and says, "ha ha, it's ridiculous."

"Well, up to now, I do admit that you are much more powerful than I thought..."

"It's just that there is no black or white in this world!"

"In my territory, it's not so easy for you to kill me!"

"I don't want to die yet. I'm going to fight on the emperor's road to win the highest position..."

"So you'd better die!"

At this moment, the young master of the Teng nationality was like crazy. He urged the bronze bell and swung the Shengguang sword. Without any reservation, he wanted to give full play to his strongest fighting power in this life!

"Ha ha, don't you think it's ridiculous to say that?"

"People like you still want to fight on the way ahead and win the highest position?"

"Do you deserve it?"

"Can only be reduced to stepping stone..."

"Now, you can't see yourself clearly?"

Lin Xuan chuckled, and felt that the young master of Teng was ridiculous.

"You are the real trash!"

If this person is generous to die, even if he knows that he is invincible, he will fight with Lin Xuan for life and death. He will absolutely admire such a person!

He who is afraid of death is a hero.

But in front of him, he didn't deserve the respect of Lin Xuan. What kind of arrogant person was he?

"I give you five small realms, you are not my opponent, whether it's the battle of the body and the secret arts, or the battle of the spirit you are proud of, you are all suppressed by me..."

"Don't you feel the difference?"

In the war, Lin Xuan seldom said so much, but now, he is fighting against the Teng minority!

"If I'm in the same realm with you, I can kill you with one hand. How can I use such trouble?"

"Under the son of Lingyun sect, fortunately, the young master of Teng clan is still conscious, and he is still shouting:" brother Jing, help me to kill this man, otherwise, he will become the enemy of fengxu sooner or later! "

At this moment, Jingsheng can no longer stay out of the business. He is known as the king of heaven, which is the embodiment of his fighting power. He is far less than the Teng nationality, and is mainly stronger

If he ends up

Lin Xuan is one enemy and two enemies. There is a lot of suspense about who will be the winner!

Therefore, Lin Xuan naturally did not want to see such a situation happen. At least he had to leave time for him to completely kill the Teng minority leader, so that he could spare his hand to deal with other crises!

"Ha ha, you worry too much. Fengxu is just a node of my way to God. I will leave soon to find the real battle of Tianjiao and end the cause and effect."

"It's hard to say whether they will come back in the future."

Lin Xuan sneered.

However, King Jing and Teng Zijing are old friends after all. They didn't listen to Lin Xuan's words at the moment. They finally moved and wanted to move!


He sighed, not knowing who was sighing.

King Jingtian is like a streamer. He rushes into the sea of thunder like walking on the ground and kills Lin Xuan mercilessly!

"Ha ha, after all, you've done it to me. Do you know, it means that as long as I don't die, we will never die?"

Lin Xuan sneers. He throws the tripod again and drags the Teng minority leader aside. Instead, he takes the initiative to meet King Jing!

This person will give him a great deal of pressure, have to take it seriously, otherwise it will suffer!

King Jingtian didn't speak, he just kept on fighting. He didn't use any magic weapon or magic power, just a confrontation between the physical body and the divine power. He seemed very conceited. He felt that Lin Xuan was at the end of the crossbow. He could easily take Lin Xuan's life!

It is true that everyone outside seems that Lin Xuan's divine power has almost been consumed. His realm is low and he has been suppressing the little master of Teng nationality. That kind of consumption is too huge.

However, at this moment, not far away, a figure in red came like a long rainbow, and the ancient sword of green and gold trembled like a dragon, whistling and chopping!

"He gave it to me!"

The woman in red is picturesque and beautiful. At the moment, she looks like a fairy in the dust. The sword dances and the sword rushes out to form a green lotus. This scene is like a picture scroll, elegant and refined!

At this moment, Shen MuQing came in time. She had taken Shiwa to the mountains to find some low-level beasts, so that Shiwa could exercise her muscles and bones, and test some of the results of these days.

In the distance, Shiwa also returned. He looked sad and weak, but now he was worried and cried out, "master!"

Lin Xuan didn't say much. He just nodded. His eyes flashed over Shiwa's body. Then he turned to the young master of Teng who wanted to run away because he saw something bad!

"Now I'll see what you can do!"

This time, without any bondage, Lin Xuan, like the God of war, bathed in the golden light, used his magic fist to completely blow up the young master of Teng nationality!

"Brother Jing, help me!"

The young master of Teng nationality roared, his face was not willing, and a villain burst out of the platform.

However, Lin Xuan arrived in a flash, and another blow fell. It was like the creation of heaven and earth. There was no place for a villain to avoid. The spirit that was full of cracks completely disappeared and became light and rain!

Then, Lin Xuan murmured and appeared in another battlefield!

At the moment, Shen MuQing and King Jingtian are fighting fiercely, but they are falling behind, and the gap between them is too big.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan arrived in time. He yelled like he was going to break mountains and rivers with his Vajra fist!

This blow was extremely terrifying, which contained Lin Xuan's strong fist intention. Even the void collapsed, and the rumbling sound penetrated the raging thunder sea and resounded through the heaven and earth!

However, King Jing was called king of heaven after all. He was very strong and forcefully blocked Lin Xuan's attack.

"I'll do it myself!"

Lin Xuan looked back at Shen MuQing. He looked back again. His fighting spirit was surging and his blood was boiling. He yelled: "I didn't want to fight with you just now. Now I've freed my hand. You'd better come again!"

This seems to be a mockery of King Jingtian's taking advantage of others' danger. Lin Xuan is extremely powerful. He murmurs and uses taboo techniques to improve his state to the top!

"Keep burning blood!"

This is a taboo skill. Lin Xuan seldom uses it, which will consume his life. But now, he doesn't care much about it!

But in a short time, Lin Xuan's body was roaring wildly, and his state was constantly improving. Such a terrible scene made people stay in the distance!

Even Yao Xi was in a state of consternation.

At the moment, King Jingtian saw that Lin Xuan's way was to tighten his pupils. The little master of Teng nationality in the distance had already turned into light and rain. It was meaningless for him to continue fighting. The current situation was very unfavorable to him.

He sighed again and murmured, "brother Lin, you are so admirable. It's a pity that we can't be friends..."

"That's all for today. Brother Teng has gone away. If you have a chance, I'll see you on the way to the emperor."

King Jing shook his head and sighed.

"Ha ha, you want to go now, don't you leave something?" Lin Xuan sneered. At this moment, he didn't want to let King Jing go!

However, just at this time, an ancient soul summoning banner appeared in Jingsheng's hand. The dark light was flowing, and it seemed to be stained with dried up blood!

At the next moment, the flag was urged by King Jingtian. It seemed that a supreme demon was waking up, and the ghosts were covered by Yin Qi. They rushed out of the flag and cut off Lin Xuan's way!

Then king Jing turned around and turned into a rainbow running through heaven and earth. He did not turn his head back!

Lin Xuan urged the white jade tripod, spent some effort, wiped out all the ghosts, and put the nearly broken soul summoning flag into the tripod, completely ending all this!

In the distance, many onlookers were extremely frightened and terrified. This kind of achievement is absolutely heinous!

"It's really a God and a man to cut off the young master of Teng nationality first and then push back King Jing."

"Before that, who could have thought that the outsider who suddenly appeared was so powerful. In a trance, I saw an invincible human king rising..."

"From today on, I'm afraid Lin Xuan's name will be well known in the fengxu area. His fighting power is too terrible..."

Yao family, stone baby ran to see Lin Xuan a pair of weak appearance, almost cry, anxious way: "master, are you ok?"

"It's ok... You don't have to worry about me..." Lin Xuan shook his head. He didn't really have any serious injury. He just used some of his Qi and blood in the end, which made him look pale!

"Brother Lin is really a great man. I feel inferior to him for his fighting power."

At this moment, Yao Xi came to Lin Xuan and said with a kind smile.

However, after hearing this, Lin Xuan was indifferent.

Seeing this, Yao Shiyi said with a smile: "brother Lin must have a grudge against me, but as a member of the Yao nationality, I naturally have to consider for the Yao nationality. I can't help brother Lin at the risk of a clan war. Otherwise, the Teng nationality will not give up. I hope brother Lin won't blame me..."

Lin Xuan is still silent, just sitting silently.

"Brother Yao, in a few days, there will be a grand meeting in Tianjian mountain. At that time, all kinds of talents and talents will show up. For people like brother Lin, without you, there will be less fun..."

"Brother Lin, it's not the right time today. Please honor me when the time comes. I'll make amends to brother Lin..."

"Brother Lin, don't talk about it. If you kill the young master of the Teng nationality, the old people of the Teng nationality may not be willing to give up. Although there is an old saying about the emperor's road, it's inevitable that they will attack you..."

"Goodbye, brother Lin..."

Yao Xi Xi smiles and faces Lin Xuan.

At this moment, Lin Xuan finally opened his eyes, he naturally understood these reasons!

At this time, he said in a low voice: "take good care of Shiwa. I've accepted such a disciple in my life. I can't just give up before I can help him set foot on the road of cultivation..."

"In a few days, please take brother Yao with Shiwa. We'll meet at tianjianshansheng!"

Lin Xuan's words made Shiwa cry. He naturally understood that his master was going to leave

"Don't worry, Shiwa is my brother. I will take care of him. Brother Lin can leave at ease, and then you will meet each other..." Yao Shiyi nodded and agreed.

"Well, if Shiwa is wrong, I'll ask you!"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth in a low voice, looked at Shiwa again, and said to him, "I'm leaving. You should follow the method of teaching you, so as to cultivate your life. Don't be lazy. I'll see you then..."

Lin Xuan is a bit strict. The reason why he doesn't take Shiwa with him is because he is afraid of being chased by the elders of Teng nationality. At that time, he will harm Shiwa

"Yes, master, Shiwa is never lazy..."

Shiwa wiped her tears and cried.

"Man, what are you crying for..."

Smell speech, stone baby immediately stop crying, cover face sobbing, just wait for him to open his eyes again, but no trace of Lin Xuan!

"He's gone. Let's go home with brother eleven!"

Yao Shiyi took Shi Wa's hand and said softly.

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