An unknown external experimenter first killed the young master of Teng nationality, and then forced the invincible King King Jingtian back. The news is really amazing. However, in a few days, it spread all over the surrounding states, which was extremely shocking!

Lin Xuan is also known and often mentioned. Compared with those who have already left this world, he has become famous.

However, after the battle, Lin Xuan was completely silent, as if he had disappeared in the world of fengxu. There was no more news about him.

Leizhou, an unnamed town bordering on the state boundary, continued to have monks from all over the country to enter the town and settle down here.

The restaurants and teahouses on both sides of the street are quite lively, and the fierce discussion is constantly spread.

"It's said that Teng Zijing, a wizard in Lingyun sect, was killed by an outsider and his spirit was destroyed."

"Tut, you know that half a month ago. You already know that."

"I've heard about it in the past two days. It's said that the man was not very old, and his name seemed to be Lin Xuan. On that day, he not only killed the young master of Teng nationality, but also forced King Jing, who wanted to stand out for his old friend, to retreat. He was extremely powerful."

In the tea shop, someone nodded heavily, obviously shocked by the news.

At this time, sitting at another table beside him, there was a young man in a Dragon Robe who obviously didn't know the news. He was surprised and said, "well, there's such a strong man again. Why hasn't he heard of his nameless hometown before?"

"Your Highness, you don't know it's reasonable. The outsider named Lin Xuan should have just stepped into our fengxu community, so there was no news before."

"What's more, the war between him and the young master of Teng nationality took place in the border region, and the news just came from the border region."

An older green robed friar at the same table explained respectfully.

"Oh, I see."

The young man nodded, his eyes clear, mouth with a smile, it seems not very concerned.

They are located in Leizhou, which is the center of fengxu. They are the headquarters of many great religions and sects. It takes hundreds of millions of miles for them to travel to the border area. Even if they cross the border area, it will take a long time to come here.

The delivery of information inevitably lags behind.

Although fengxu world is only a small world, it has a long history. In the flood and famine era, it was a fragment of the world separated from the main world, which was born after a long time of evolution.

This is not a man-made opening-up, this world can be regarded as vast and vast, even in the outside world, it can almost be compared with less than half of the prefecture, very huge.

"Hum, these outsiders are too rampant. They run rampant in our fengxu area and wantonly kill the arrogant people in our area. It's really hateful!"

In the teahouse, someone heard such news, angrily patted the tea table and scolded loudly.

"Yes, it's said that there are already some arrogant people who are not born in the world. They are dissatisfied and can't stand what these people have done. They want to make trouble for those outsiders at this grand gathering!"

"Haha, this time's Tianjian mountain grand meeting is very attractive!"

These are also some monks who came from afar, sitting in teahouses next to each other to have a rest. They all have a high level, red face and a smile.

"Oh, to the emperor's road tester? How ridiculous

However, at this time, there was a sharp sound of ridicule in the teahouse. In the corner of the teahouse, there was an ordinary young man in black robe sipping the tea with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Boy, what's your origin? Do you even speak for those foreigners, or do you say that you are an outsider?"

"Hum, have a good drink of your tea and talk more. Believe it or not, I will destroy you!"

Smell speech, seem to feel oneself is ridiculed by the person, a few friars who just spoke all stand up, the complexion is not good of stare at the young man in black!

Their words were fierce and they yelled at the boy in black.

However, these words did not make the young man stop, but continued to sneer: "you trash, you can only show off your prestige here, just like those people!"

"In the early days, those arrogant figures from the outside world did not dare to stand up when they were rampant in the fengxu world. Now it's not funny enough to wait for some of the strongest people to leave the world before they dare to jump out and play with their prestige."

The boy in black poured another cup of tea, disdaining the way.

"For many years, the road to the emperor has been opened again, and the great world has come. In the past, the outstanding people in our fengxu community can also be regarded as stars shining, but now, ha ha, they have already declined..."

The boy in black seemed to have some emotion, shaking his head and laughing.

This small teahouse is almost full of people. Almost all of them are monks from all over the world. Some of them are big disciples. Now they are all attracted by the young people in black. They look at them one after another.

Being stared at by so many eyes, the friars in the early days only felt that their faces were burning and that they had lost all their face. They were extremely angry!

One of them was hot tempered. He smashed the tea table with a slap and went straight to the boy in black. He scolded: "good boy, I'm looking for death, right..."

However, before the monk came to the young man in black, he was slapped, smashed through the window of the teahouse and fell into the street!

This abrupt scene, let a person incomparably shocked, all eyes delicate, send out exclamation.

"Well, I can't help myself."

The boy in black snorted coldly. He lowered his head and continued to drink tea as if nothing had happened.

In the scene just now, even the friar himself, who was slapped by a slap, didn't see clearly. He got up from the street and walked away in despair despite the comments of outsiders. He didn't dare to fart.

They don't understand at the moment. This is a tough problem. How dare they continue to provoke?

Thank you for your kindness!

"Ha ha, I quite agree with what Taoist said."

The young man in the Dragon Robe got up and came to the young man in black with a smile.

"In the next heaven, the Third Prince of the Dragon Kingdom, Longyin." The Dragon robed youngsters hold their fists and report to their families.

Smell speech, the youth in black doesn't think of to raise a head, light way: "Gu Yunfei!"

However, although Gu Yunfei's voice is light, he is surprised to hear it in other people's ears!

"Oh, my God, it's him. He's Gu Yunfei, the young genius who has become famous in Yunzhou these days!"

Inside the teahouse, someone knew the origin of Gu Yunfei and exclaimed.

"Gu Yunfei, what a familiar name!"

"A few days ago, this man uprooted the seven bandits in Yunzhou in a few days. He was ruthless and became famous in the first World War!"

"Yes, the bandit leaders of the seven bandits are all the top accomplishments of the Lingshi. There are many followers under them, and they have secret treasures in their hands, but they still can't stop the young man. Let him kill everywhere, and there is no one to stop him!"

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