"Well, you don't leave, hum, we'll see!"

Several disciples of Jianchi got up from the ground and left the teahouse in a hurry, heading for the city!

They were all surprised by Lin Xuan's hand just now. They already knew that Lin Xuan was not the person they could provoke. They didn't dare to do it by themselves, so they simply chose to call someone!

At the moment, although the teahouse is in a mess, most of them don't blame them. On the contrary, some people kindly remind us: "Taoist brother has enough blood to make us admire him, but the descendant of Jianchi is really here. He is drinking in a wine shop in the city with a lot of proud people. If he comes here, I'm afraid it will be bad for Taoist brother."

"Taoist brother, you'd better leave early. It's still too late!"

However, these words in Lin Xuan's ears, he shook his head, calm way: "no harm, thank you for reminding."

"Well, young man, don't be a hero. You'd better leave soon."

Even an old servant behind long Yin sighed and reminded him.

"The descendant of Jianchi was once famous in the world of fengxu. He has an outstanding record in battle. Now he is the seventh peak cultivation of Lingshi. He is a top-notch young man and can't be dealt with by ordinary people."

"I don't think you are a spiritual master now. Even if you have some talent, you still have a long way to go. If you leave early, you still have a chance to live!"

The old servant continued to speak more, which was also kind.

However, Lin Xuan still didn't like it in his ears. He said thanks for the old servant's kindness. He still sat in front of the tea table with a flat face.

"It's reasonable that Taoist brother doesn't want to leave. It's true that the disciples of Jianchi are too arrogant. Besides, it's because of me. Taoist brother, don't worry. I, Long Yin, will help Taoist brother!"

At this time, Long Yin sighed and said.

Even with his identity, he was afraid of Jianchi, especially the descendant of Jianchi.

"I appreciate your kindness. Ha ha, but don't worry. It's just a small matter. It's nothing."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said calmly.

However, his words are very harsh to others.

Originally, some people still sympathized with him, but now they changed their mind. A woman in yellow sneered: "I really think you are a genius who can't be born. I want to fight with the descendants of Jianchi. I'm looking for death."

"My elder martial brother is kind enough to remind you, but you are so arrogant. It's ridiculous."

On the side of the woman in yellow, a man with a crooked nose echoed and nodded: "yes, since he wants to die himself, you don't have to say anything more. I'll see what he will do after the descendants of Jianchi arrive!"

Lin Xuan didn't even care to answer these words, so he drank tea on his own.

At this time, on the contrary, the boy in black looked at Lin Xuan with deep eyes. It seemed that he thought of something. He gently raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and murmured: "interesting."

The third prince Long Yin didn't know. Although he was confused, he didn't ask much. Instead, he focused on Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing.

In other people's eyes, their accomplishments were just the accomplishments of a spiritual master. They were far inferior to others, not to mention the descendants in the sword pool.

"No matter what, thank you, Taoist brother. But I don't know the name of Taoist brother. How do I address Taoist brother?"

The third prince, Long Yin, has a good temperament and attaches great importance to love and righteousness. He reads Lin Xuan's kindness for him just now. Now he looks grateful and talks with Lin xuanpan.

"Ha ha, I just said what I thought in my heart. It's nothing. Your highness doesn't have to be like this."

Lin Xuan gave a faint smile and shook his head. He didn't pay attention to it.

However, as soon as his words were uttered, he was ridiculed and ridiculed again.

In front of the tea table beside Lin Xuan's body, several monks who were not weak in cultivation all laughed.

In particular, the nun who just mocked Lin Xuan once again said, "I'm still hard mouthed at the end of my life. Oh, what I can't stand most is that you are such a dead duck with a hard mouth."

"He is the Third Prince of Tianlong kingdom. Maybe he will become the Lord of the Kingdom and become emperor in the future. At this time, he is willing to make friends with you at the risk of offending the descendants of Jianchi, but he doesn't think you are so mean and arrogant that he doesn't take the third prince in his eyes..."

The nun was also like a disciple of a certain sect. She was used to her authority. At the moment, she gave orders to the third prince, Long Yin, and said, "ha ha, your highness, it's not wise to have a bad relationship with the descendants of Jianchi for such an ungrateful waste. It's not worth it at all!"

"Yes, as my younger martial sister said, I would like to remind your highness that such a person is not successful enough, but has more to lose. It's better to stay away from him, or you will hurt your highness sooner or later!"

In front of the tea table, when the nun's voice fell, another male friar on her side answered and murmured.

However, these words in the third prince's second middle school are very harsh.

With a cold face, he said angrily, "shut up... You are the real people who can't succeed. Don't insult Taoist brother. Otherwise, don't blame my long Yin for being rude to you!"

What Long Yin has been cultivating is the right way and dragon Qi. He is upright, upright and aboveboard. He can't stand these villains' behaviors. They all have ugly faces!

When he had a conflict with several disciples of Jianchi just now, these people didn't say a word and watched the excitement!

But Lin Xuan offended the disciples of Jianchi in order to help him speak. At present, these people who don't know the origin are still taunting Lin Xuan, which makes the upright Long Yin look angry!

"Your Highness, we kindly remind you that you should not be black and white!" At this moment, in front of the table, the leader of the sect robe disciple sneered and gritted his teeth!

"I can tell right from wrong. Don't worry about it!"

Unexpectedly, Long Yin flicks his robe and pours his hands. He doesn't have a good airway!

"Hum, Long Yin, I call you your highness. Don't you really take yourself seriously?"

"Now it's rumored that your father has been badly damaged and may fall at any time... Without your father, the kingdom of Tianlong is nothing. I'm afraid it will be destroyed and eaten away by the major forces in an instant!"

"At that time, I'll see how arrogant you can be!"

These people become angry and scold one after another. They don't care about the identity of Long Yin!


Behind long Yin, the two old servants all turned black. They got up and yelled angrily, as if they were going to clean up these people!

"Ha ha, Tianlong kingdom is really powerful. Long Yin, don't you think that if you take some old servants with you, we will be afraid of you!"

"I haven't been afraid of anything yet!"

At present, these people are actually from Tianyun sect, which has a long history in fengxu, and is enough to be one of the top sects,

It must be noted that before the old emperor of Tianlong kingdom was injured, there was a gap between him and tianyunzong, and now it is even more difficult to compare with him.

This is nothing more than the tianyunzong of these people so Yin Yang strange, defiant, do not put Long Yin in the eye, the original does have this base!

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