This successive conflict, as if the opening of a drama, is to let the people in the teahouse talk with relish, a lively look.

Although Lin Xuan knew that Longyin was defending him, he had a conflict with these people, but he didn't say much, just drank tea calmly.

From the corner of his eye, Yu Guang glanced at some of the Tianyun disciples at the next table. One of them, the nun, was very sensitive. She noticed Lin Xuan's eyes and immediately said coldly, "hum, what are you looking at? Be careful, I'll dig your eyes!"

The nun was pretty good-looking. She was dressed in yellow clothes, with excellent appearance, bright eyes, straight nose, delicate body, graceful and outstanding temperament.

It's a pity that this character is hard to say. It's arrogant and arrogant!

Even now, even if they go out of the clan, they still don't put outsiders in their eyes and scold them at will, as if calling servants at will.

"Ha ha, is that the female disciple of tianyunzong? I'm so rude. I want to dig my eyes. OK, I'll sit here. You can have a try! "

Lin Xuan sneered. He thought that the girl was not old, but she was 18 or 19 years old. He didn't want to see her in the same way. But who could have imagined that the woman had been forced to look him in the opposite direction. Now he is clamoring to take out his eyes. Rao is that Lin Xuan's heart is like a lake. At the moment, his eyes are angry and frightening!

"You... You don't want to be so arrogant that I don't dare to fight you?"

"You know, you're just a Lingshi. I've been promoted to Lingshi for five years. How can you be my opponent?"

The woman seems to be frightened by Lin Xuan's eyes, her face suddenly changed, some pale, gritting her teeth and saying.

"Younger martial sister, are you ok?"

The male friar with a crooked nose next to the woman in yellow noticed the abnormality and asked with concern.

"Elder martial brother... Please help me kill him... This man has been rude to me for several times, and just peeped at me..."

At this time, the woman in yellow resisted the shudder of going deep into the spirit and said eagerly.

However, hearing these words, Lin Xuan was angry and laughed.

"I'm rude to you? Ha ha, it's really able to confuse black and white. Who has been here all the time, yelling at me and killing me at will... "

"Don't you think I have a good temper?"

Lin Xuanqi smashed the tea table with a slap. The jade pot and the tea cup burst into pieces, and the tea also fell on the ground, which made the messy teahouse worse.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's momentum was not covered up. He was like a dormant real dragon. His blood soared to the sky and his power surged. With a strong sense of oppression, he walked step by step towards the woman in yellow!

"You... What are you going to do..."

"You know who benxian is, and you want to fight me!"

At the moment, the oppressive feeling came to her face, which made the woman in yellow look like she was facing a towering mountain. She couldn't resist, but her delicate body was constantly shaking.

"Boy... I tell you, don't mess around... This is situ xian'er, the young daughter of the master of Tianyun sect. The old master has a daughter in his old age. He's very precious... If anything happens to my younger martial sister, I'll guarantee you that even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will have to pay the price!"

At this moment, the two male friars at the same table with situ xian'er were in a panic. They stood up and stopped Lin Xuan with a look of vigilance. They were afraid that something might happen to situ xian'er!

They didn't put Lin Xuan in their eyes, but at the moment the breath of Lin Xuan's body shocked them, as if they were facing a supreme pride. It was very frightening!

"The young daughter of the patriarch, hehe, no wonder she is so unruly and willful, hum!"

Lin Xuan murmured and figured out why the woman in yellow had always been so rude. It turned out that she had such a background.

However, Lin xuangen was not afraid of anything. He slapped the two people in front of him and then, despite situ Xianer's scream, grabbed her slender wrist and said in a cold voice, "follow me!"

"What are you going to do... You let me go... Do you believe I let my father kill you..."

Even at this time, situ xian'er was still very headstrong and unruly. It seemed that Lin Xuan didn't dare to do anything to her!

"What are you doing? Ha ha, you humiliated me several times in public, and even threatened to kill me. What do you say I want to do? "

"Naturally, I want to discipline you for your father!"

Lin Xuan wanted to eat people. At this moment, he scared situ xian'er.

"Discipline? You... How are you going to discipline... "

Situ xian'er's voice trembled a little, and he didn't know what to do.

"Ha ha, you look pretty, and you are a noble girl. You are barely qualified to be my maid... How can I let you be my maid for a year and a half to let you go..."

"Don't you want to... I don't want to be a maid... Please let me go..."

Seeing situ xian'er's appearance of being flustered, Lin Xuan's anger in his heart had dissipated a lot unconsciously. He also knew that this was just a spoiled girl with yellow hair. She was scared at random, and he was afraid to be like this.

At this moment, Lin Xuan began to play with his heart and pretended: "ha ha, it's not so easy to let you go. Remember, I don't care what identity you used to be. From now on, you are my maid, and you are more like a maid than a real maid!"

"If you can't do it, or if you do something wrong, you will be beaten and punished like an ordinary maid..."

Smell speech, situ xian'er immediately cry pear flower with rain, extremely pitiful, she is now very regret, why to hide father and brother secretly run out, stay in the clan, otherwise also won't meet Lin Xuan such big devil!

"Wuwuwuwu... If you let me go now, I won't tell my father, otherwise... Wuwuwuwu, please let me go, I know it's wrong... I won't dare any more..."

At this time, situ xian'er's eyes were dim with tears, and she was very scared. Her original look and pride seemed to be completely broken by Lin Xuan, and she cried and begged.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan was indifferent. Instead, he hummed coldly, "don't cry. If you cry again, I will punish you. Go, now bring me tea and water..."

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Hearing this, situ xian'er was even more aggrieved. When did she suffer such a crime? She was regarded as the apple of her eye since she was a child. She never suffered. How could she be a maid


Lin Xuan slapped situ xian'er's buttocks in front of countless pairs of eyes in the teahouse and made a crisp sound, which completely stunned everyone!

What kind of person is this? It's too fierce. I'm not afraid of death?

Even the Pearl in the palm of the Lord of Tianyun sect dares to treat like this. It's just like a myth. It's incredible!

But situ xian'er's face turned red in a flash, and his tears came down like a burst of water

"Cry. If you cry again, you will be beaten. Go and pour water for me and your sister!"

Lin Xuan scolded, swaggered to find a new place to sit down, and called to situ xian'er.

The latter dares not to be obedient at this time. For fear that Lin Xuan will do something to her, she sobs and runs to pour tea.

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