"Where on earth did this man come from? Even the favorite daughter of the master of Tianyun sect dares to treat him like this, so he is not afraid of causing great disaster?"

"Haha, it's really shocking to wait for Meng Lang's move. If it's spread, I'm afraid the whole fengxu community will be shocked!"

In the teahouse, some people were very surprised and talked about it.

At this time, Long Yin, the Third Prince of the Tianlong Kingdom, who had been defending Lin Xuan, also said bitterly: "Taoist brother, Tianyun sect is the top sect in the fengxu area, with a profound foundation. The patriarch of this generation is the peak of the respectable realm. Such a person must not be offended!"

"It's better to release situ xian'er as soon as possible."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan shook his head and said to him, "brother long, you are not bad. You just want to be a good man. This is my grudge with this girl. It has nothing to do with you. Don't worry about it."

Just now, he even scolded and ridiculed him, and even threatened to kill him. Lin Xuan didn't kill him. He was kind-hearted.

He glanced at situ xian'er, who was standing by and sobbing gently. His face did not change. He said in a low voice: "in the past, everyone in the clan let you and spoiled you. As a result, you developed such an arrogant character and wanted to kill me at will..."

"If I hadn't met you today, I would have died in your hands."

"Don't be so aggrieved. Take away your princess's temper. I won't kill you. I'll just punish you a little. It's out of the law."

Lin Xuan never had any fear when he entered this world. If he was afraid that it would lead to the liquidation of a big man, he would not have to do anything.

To practice is not only to cultivate the realm, but also to cultivate the mind.

But just beside Lin Xuan, situ xian'er sobbed: "I just want them to teach you a lesson, but I don't really intend to kill you..."

"I grew up so big, many times I went to experience with the elder martial brothers in the clan, but I didn't kill a strange beast, let alone kill a human..."

"Besides, at first we were kind enough to remind you that you would be angry if you showed a dead fish face and ignored us."

Her words are still a little unconvinced, like a little pepper, but in the face of the bully Lin Xuan, she still wants to be a little white rabbit.

"If you really think so, it's good. It means it's not hopeless."

Lin Xuan sipped his tea and said calmly.

"OK, I won't punish you any more. You are going to Tianjian mountain to participate in the grand meeting. During this period, you should stay with me and be a little maid. When you meet the elders in your family, they will redeem you!"

"Well, you are worth millions of spirit stones. You should compensate me for my spiritual loss. It's not a loss."

Lin Xuan went on his own way.

It's just that I don't know what to say in other people's ears.

Mental loss fee?

They have never heard of it, but they can still guess its general meaning. It's just a reason for compensation.

This master is really surprising. He not only wants to accept situ xian'er as a maid, but also exchange her for ransom. This is not losing money, but making money!

But the premise is, he has to have that life to take!

"Well, fortunately you reminded me. I told you, you'd better let me go, or my brother won't let you go when you go to Tianjian mountain!"

Situ xian'er snorted and said haughtily.

"You are unreasonable, but I believe your brother should be reasonable. If he is unreasonable, I will suppress both of you. I don't believe that you tianyunzong won't come to redeem people!"

Lin Xuan ha ha a smile, seem to have some joke of meaning, a pair of don't think of appearance.

But in other people's ears, that's thunder!

"Good fellow, is this man acting too much?"

"The people who have just provoked Jianchi don't know if they can survive the pass of the legend of Jianchi. Now they are saying that they want to suppress the little master of Tianyun sect... This is really fierce!"

"Ha ha, this man's real ability has never been revealed, but his words are very frivolous. I don't think he will suppress the little master of Tianyun sect. As soon as the descendant of Jianchi arrives, he will die today."

Some harsh taunts came to Lin Xuan's ears, but they didn't affect him. He was still calm.

Instead, situ xian'er hooked his mouth and said, "suppress my brother? Thanks to what you said, the people who dare to suppress my brother in fengxu are absolutely no more than one hand! "

"Then there must be me in it."

Lin Xuan said calmly.

This scene, let situ xian'er hate teeth itch, behind him holding a small fist, but helpless!

Her cultivation talent is quite good. Unfortunately, she is playful and has the best resources, but she doesn't concentrate on cultivation. As a result, her current state is similar to that of Lin Xuan, but she has just broken through the second stage of Lingshi.

Such strength in front of Lin Xuan, just like a lamb to be slaughtered, there is no room for resistance, can only let it go.

"Well, we'll see!"

Situ xian'er was not willing to be outdone and hummed. She silently began to pray that her brother would come to save her and teach the bully a lesson!


But it's a pity that she didn't think much about it. She only heard another clear sound, which made her hands and feet numb. With a groan, she became very popular.

"Is this the attitude of a maid? Call me childe

Lin Xuan is really like a bully. What happened today is bound to be remembered by situ xian'er. He may never forget it in his life.

When did she suffer such grievances when she was growing up? Her tears, which were not easy to stop, came down again, which made everyone in the teahouse feel sad.

In the distance, the two disciples of tianyunzong, who had just been slapped by Lin Xuan, were unconscious. Now they were all relieved. They all scolded: "stop..."

However, before they finished their words, they saw another palm wind coming. Lin Xuan waved a palm, and they were immediately fanned away.

This time, he said slowly: "you go back, I'll take it. If you want to end the gratitude and resentment, come to Tianjian mountain with sincerity to redeem people!"

"Bah... If you run away, where shall we find you then?"

Tianyunzong's two people's bones are about to be smashed, but the current situation has to endure the pain to get up, eyeing Lin Xuan to drink.

"Don't look for me, I'll look for you then!"

As soon as Lin Xuan's voice fell, he raised his hand again. But this time, the two disciples of tianyunzong had already suffered twice. With experience, they ran away in a hurry and did not dare to say more.

If this slap comes again, they may not be able to leave today and have to leave.

But before they left, they did not forget to shout to situ xian'er: "don't be afraid, younger martial sister. Let's move the soldiers now, and we will save the younger martial sister!"

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