Just after the two disciples of tianyunzong left, the sound of breaking the air suddenly came from outside the teahouse, and several divine rainbow came down from the sky, all of them were fierce.

"Who hurt my sword pool disciple, get out!"

A friar in green, who was the leader of the group, came calmly with a blue and simple sword on his back.

His body is shrouded in an invisible sword field, and there is a terrible Qi flowing. His green hair is like a waterfall, overflowing with divine radiance, which is very bright.

On his side, there is a red haired man with wild eyes, powerful momentum, incomparable wildness, body like a divine stove, very fiery, as if containing great energy.

He is like a savage, wrapped in animal skin, revealing bronze skin, like steel, comparable to mountains.

Lin Xuan's eyes were slightly sharp. Both of them were extraordinary. They were absolutely gifted. They had a high level, even higher than the Teng minority leader!

The man in Qingyi who carries the sword is supposed to be the descendant of Jianchi, but Lin Xuan doesn't know about him, but he should have a great origin.

At this moment, the teahouse is boiling again.

"Haha, sure enough, I'll see what other means the man has to stop the descendants of Jianchi!"

"Well, not only that, but also the proud man of the Chilong clan."

"The pride of the Chilong people?"

"It's true that the red haired man is the young leader of the Chilong nationality. This vein is very old. He takes the Chilong as his totem, so he is called the Chilong nationality."

"It's said that the blood of the wild race is flowing in the body of the people of this clan. It's very likely that they are the descendants of the alien race and the human race. The human quality of this clan is extremely strong, and the body of the young leader of the Chilong clan is even more abnormal. He once killed a proud man with his bare hands without using secret skills."

All of a sudden, there are two extremely arrogant people. It seems that they are not good at it, but Lin Xuan is surprised.

Soon, more than a dozen rainbows fell from the sky. All of them showed their true bodies. They were all young heroes with extraordinary bearing and extremely high accomplishments. There were some beautiful women who were as graceful as immortals.

This is a genius who happens to stay in this city. It seems that he was attracted by the descendants of Jianchi.

"Ha ha ha, I heard that there is a good play here, but I'm not late."

"Cluck, these faces are so familiar that they seem to have met somewhere."

"It's rare for the descendants of Jianchi to fight so much!"

More than a dozen people are all outstanding people. At the moment, someone laughs and continues: "don't pay attention to us. We have no fun in our spare time. Come to see the scene. Go on!"

At this moment, the descendant of Jianchi ignored these people. His eyes were awe inspiring and his body was full of brilliance. The ancient blue sword behind him was trembling and shaking. It seemed that he was about to come out of the scabbard!

"Who is it, get out!"

Another big drink, like thunder, made the void roar and resound through the sky.

It was not until this moment that Lin Xuancai got up lazily and walked out of the teahouse. Facing the comer, he raised his eyebrows and said, "are you the descendant of Jianchi?"

"Hum, you hurt my sword pool disciple?"

The descendant of Jianchi gave a cold hum. He didn't answer directly. His eyes were frozen. The long sword behind him turned into a streamer, flying out from behind and falling into his hands.

"Why don't you ask me why I hurt them?"

Lin Xuan walked calmly and said with a smile.

"No need!"

"Hurt my sword pool disciple, die!"

The descendant of Jianchi was a cold drink again. He was as fast as thunder and lightning. His figure floated in the sky and outlined several shadows. An extremely sharp sword light waved towards Lin Xuan!

No one expected that the descendant of Jianchi would make a decisive move without hesitation.

It was Lin Xuan who was angry at the moment. He sneered and said, "well, no wonder it comes down in one continuous line. It's really overbearing!"

"Since you want to fight, just as you wish, so as not to let people say that I am afraid of you!"

Lin Xuan's body is like a dragon, and his feet are stepping on his body. In his hand, there is also a black gold ancient sword, which is engraved with strange patterns, just like an ancient beast. Now it seems that all of them are alive, and they are constantly flowing. The black light is awe inspiring!

Lin Xuan gave a big drink, and his whole body was full of blood. Like a real dragon roaring, he had no intention to fight against the sky, and wanted to fight with the descendants of Jianchi!


Both of them are as powerful as a rainbow. The blade of the sword and the blade of the sword strike each other. A sonorous sound, like thunder, shakes the world and shakes the earth.

In front of the teahouse, many people couldn't sit still any longer. They hurriedly left, hiding far away for fear of being affected.

At this moment, situ xian'er wants to sneak away while the situation is chaotic.

As a result, his shoulder was covered with a green gold sword.

"Where do you want to go?"

Shen MuQing's eyes are vivid and smiling.

Although Lin Xuan did not say anything to her, Shen MuQing knew that he would not let situ xian'er leave like this.

If she left easily, it would be the real end of the road, which would lead to endless killing.

If situ xian'er had stayed with Lin Xuan all the time, Tianyun Zong would have been afraid to fight against them, for fear that his little princess would miss.

"No, no, I'm not going anywhere!"

Situ xian'er cried and shook her head. She finally became honest and didn't dare to escape any more.

"Sister, can you put down your sword, I'm afraid!"

Seeing this, Shen MuQing also shook his head helplessly, didn't say much. He grabbed her shoulder and photographed her far away from the center of the war.

In the sky, the war continued, and did not affect Lin Xuan.

With the wind blowing, Lin Xuan's hair is like a waterfall. His face is clear and handsome, his clothes are hunting, and he walks calmly in the void. His whole body is as bright as the sun, and his golden light is shining, just like a God coming into the world!

Every step he took, the void was shaking, rippling like water.

The desolate air permeated the scene through the boundless void. At this moment, even more than a dozen people in the distance subconsciously held their breath, and their eyes were slightly shocked, staring at the light figure in the field.

They are all outstanding people. They haven't seen anything in the stormy days, but now they are surprised by Lin Xuan.

"It's a strong momentum. Is this man really the cultivation of Lingshi?"

"This kind of power is like the rebirth of a real dragon. It's so full of blood that it's hard to say that this man is also a descendant of the Honghuang race. His body is also extremely terrifying!"

"It's so terrible. No wonder I can lead the descendant of Jianchi to do it in person. I really have some skills!"

In the crowd, some people subconsciously open their mouth, full of shock.

However, in the sky, the descendant of Jianchi didn't care. He sneered and said, "mole ants are mole ants after all. They want to degenerate into a giant dragon, but the fool talks about dreams!"


Lin Xuan snorted coldly. His state was at its peak, and the blood in his body was reviving, like thunder.

"Heaven's paw in the wilderness!"

At the next moment, Lin Xuan clapped his hand, and the great power gushed out of his hand. It turned into a big palm that blocked the sky and the sun. It seemed that he could pick the sun, the moon and the stars, and lift his hand to destroy the mountains!


This palm is fierce and suddenly comes down like a great mountain. It's powerful and surging like the ocean!

It seemed that he wanted to take the palm abruptly in order to escape. However, it suddenly shook the sword and turned into a rainbow again. His swordsmanship was like the roaring of dragons, which broke through Lin Xuan's palm!


At this moment, a dragon song resounds through the sky, and the sword sounds in the sky. One hand is the most powerful means!

"The sword breaks the sun and the moon!"

The descendant of Jianchi yelled, his body was crystal clear, like a sword fairy, his hair was dancing wildly, shocking!

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