On the sky, a sharp and bright sword turns into a dragon, flowing with golden light, like an arrow away from the string, powerful as a rainbow. It seems that it is going to break through the sun and the moon and make a hole in the world!

This blow is extremely terrible, the real dragon turns over, sends out the sound of the Dragon chant, shakes nine sky!


Lin Xuan threw a white jade heaven and earth tripod, which was growing bigger and bigger. He stood in front of him and attacked the terrible sword!

The white jade cauldron gushed out the boundless divine light, which annihilated Lin Xuan and blocked the terrible sword.

The thunderous sound made the world change color. Almost all the people in the small town were shocked, and the sound was huge, stirring up thousands of sound waves!

At their feet, a large area of buildings collapsed, shocked and turned into ruins!

The descendants of Jianchi dance wildly in their hair, and their eyes seem to be disillusioned with stars, which is extremely frightening!

His face was very cold. The ancient blue sword in his hand was shining, and he shot several swords in succession, like lightning. But all of them fell on the white jade heaven and earth cauldron, which was resisted by Lin Xuan.

"Good tripod, such a treasure falls in your hands. It's so outrageous that it's hard to play its role. Leave it to me!"

The descendant of Jianchi looked at the white jade heaven and earth tripod, which seemed to contain heaven and earth.

"Oh? Since you want it, I'll give it to you. It depends on whether you can catch it! "

However, Lin Xuan gave a cold drink. He waved out his big hand and threw out the huge tripod bathing in the divine light. It was as if the stars were falling down towards the descendant of the sword pool!

At this moment, the eyes of the descendant of the sword pool coagulated, and he also made some moves. The ancient blue sword in his hand was shining. Gently waving the sword, gorgeous swords flew out of the sword body, just like eagles spreading their wings, blocking the white jade tripod.

However, at this time, Lin Xuan's figure suddenly disappeared from the back of the cauldron, as if it was hidden in the void. This is the depth of the dragon's footwork. It's a secret skill, but it's invisible.

But the descendant of Jianchi didn't suspect him. He didn't notice the subtle fluctuation in the void. He thought that Lin Xuan was hiding behind the white jade heaven and earth cauldron.

"You can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime. This time, I'll see how you can escape!"

The descendants of Jianchi roared and rushed to the tripod!

Just at this moment, a sharp blade suddenly came from the void of the sword pool. It seemed that it was going to create the world. It was as powerful as a guillotine. It was extremely terrible.

Almost in an instant, the sword pool spread a warning sign. He tried to escape madly, but he was still slow. He was cut off by the blade on his back, which broke his protective light and went deep into the bone marrow, leaving a bloody wound!

Even though he is a hero of kendo, he is a mortal body after all. This unexpected knife almost hit him hard. Half of his body seemed to split and blood gushed out.

Almost visible to the naked eye, Jianchi's descendants' physical Qi and blood are declining and will be exhausted.

"Why hide? I can't kill you without killing a chicken!"

Lin Xuan laughs. He deceives himself and doesn't give the chance to the sword pool. On the black gold ancient sword, those strange patterns seem to be alive at this moment. They are constantly shining, producing infinite essence and moistening the blade!

"Return to one!"

At the moment, driven by the cross cutting technique, the ancient Dao is really different. Just as it was at the beginning, the gorgeous light of the Dao is like a galaxy hanging down, sweeping and unstoppable!

In the distance, people were almost shocked. In a short moment, the battlefield was changing rapidly. Could it be said that the descendant of Jianchi would be defeated?

How to see this attack, he is hard to hide, Lin Xuan blocked all the way back!

"Who the hell is this man? It's a good way. Even the descendants of Jianchi have been recruited!"

"I don't know. I think it's a battle of the same level, but if I read it correctly, this man is only a section of cultivation of Lingshi, and the descendant of Jianchi already has seven sections of cultivation of Lingshi. How can I see that the descendant of Jianchi can't lose?"

"They are both Lingshi and the young master of Teng clan... Eh... Can't we say that this man is Lin Xuan who has become famous in our fengxu recently?"

I don't know who it is, a sudden sentence leads to bursts of cry, all shocked.

In the distance, Long Yin smelled the words, his face was shocked, but Gu Yunfei beside him was calm, as if he had known from the beginning!

"If this man is really Lin Xuan, who is said to have killed the young leader of Teng clan, it's fair to say that he has such fighting power. I didn't expect that this time, the descendant of Jianchi kicked the iron plate and said that he had to take his own life!"

"One is the second person of the younger generation in Lingyun sect. He is known as the little master of Teng nationality who has no rival under the Holy Son, and the other is the descendant of Jianchi... These two people are absolutely proud of each other. They are between Bo Zhong and Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan can kill the little master of Teng nationality, and I'm afraid the descendant of Jianchi can't get away from him today..."

"It's true. Although Jianchi Yimai is famous for its swordsmanship, its real hard power is not as good as Lingyun sect. You should know that the Holy Son of Lingyun sect is the only one who survived after the war with Jiang Jianyun, a sword immortal. This already shows his horror."

Many talented heirs of great forces have died under Jiang Jianyun's sword. When they were rampant in fengxu a few months ago, there were rumors in fengxu that they wanted to let the heirs of Jianchi fight, but the heirs of Jianchi were too scared to be born.

On the other hand, the Holy Son of Lingyun sect took the initiative to find Jiang Jianyun, who was almost invincible. In the next battle of the moon, he showed his supreme demeanor.

Although the final result is very tragic, this war let him suffer very serious injury, it is said that until now he is still closed, but also played a prestige.

The discussion in the crowd did not stop, but the war did not stop.

Everything is in the blink of an eye. The most powerful way is to cut it out in one form. It's very terrible. It seems to split the heaven and the earth.

"Hum, arrogance!"

However, the descendant of Jianchi also roared at the moment. He made a crystal jade amulet, which contained infinite sword meaning. In a moment, the sword was full of murders, and hundreds of millions of swords rushed out of the jade amulet, destroying the light like the Milky way!

"Ha ha, I'm worthy of being a disciple in the sword pool. Sure enough, I have some cards, but it's like the jade talisman just now. How many do you have?"

Lin Xuan's eyes were bright, and he was surprised. But he was relieved at last. He had to know that he was facing the descendant of Jianchi. Such a character is not so easy to kill.

What's more, he is backward now and can't be suppressed by his strong fighting power, which is justifiable.

Even the young master of Teng clan can fight with him for hundreds of rounds. In front of him, the descendant of Jianchi should not be weak. There are not many cards!

However, Lin Xuan's means didn't stop. He took pictures of the jade tripod left in the sky, and then smashed it out again!

At the same time, Lin Xuan's figure also disappeared in the void again, as if you long disappeared!

But this time, the descendant of Jianchi was obviously ready. He gave a loud drink, and the invisible sword field gushed out from his body, isolating everything!

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