The descendant of Jianchi is powerful. He props up the invisible sword field, which is full of fierce sword spirit and wanders like a little dragon.

It's made of divine power, not real sword Qi, but it has that kind of power.

At this time, the sword pond is handed down to spread secrets, well ingrained in blood, and the essence of infinite life is washed out of the body, restoring the deep bone marrow injury on the back.

Almost at the same time, Lin Xuan appeared again, and it was hard to hide in the void for a long time.

This time, he shakes the tripod from a distance to break through the invisible sword field.

It's a pity that the white jade heaven and earth tripod seems to have bumped into a mass of cotton. It's very soft and hard to enter because it's blocked by the invisible sword Qi.

It was also at this time that Lin Xuan realized that the invisible sword field was not broken by brute force.

But at this moment, the exclamation of the crowd also spread to the ears of Jianchi's successor, which made him look strange.

"You killed the young master of Teng nationality?"

One after another, Lin Xuan's fighting power also made the descendants of Jianchi feel confused. Although he guessed that the people in front of him might have some skills, Lin Xuan's realm was too low and there were too many confusions, which made the descendants of Jianchi feel that they could easily crush their opponents.

But I didn't expect that I mistook my opponent and was too confident, leading to a passive situation.

"Yes, it's me."

Lin Xuan calmly admitted that as soon as he opened his mouth, he let the people watching the battle in the distance boil.

"God, it's really him. No wonder he's so strong!"

"I should have guessed that no one can stay here in such a state of cultivation except him, and insist on facing the descendant of Jianchi."

"Is the pride from the outside world so powerful?"

"What kind of world is that? It's said that there is an eternal holy land, in which every disciple is extremely powerful, and there are many forbidden areas. It seems that there are traces of wild races. After the change of times, they always exist."

At their feet, many people are looking forward to it. Most of them stay in this world all their lives and know little about the outside world. Most of them come from some ancient books.

If it had not been for the reopening of emperor's road and the opening of the domain door to other regions, they would probably have occupied this small world.

"This is a different world. As long as we go on all the way, we can enter the world by the way of emperor."

"In the past few years, some of the heavenly pride have gone on the road of God and never returned. Not all of them are buried in the road ahead, but some of them have entered the big world!"

Someone sighed and said something, which surprised many people.

At this time, in the sword field, the descendant of Jianchi had deep eyes and murmured: "if it were you, if you had revealed your identity earlier, maybe there would be no such battle..."

"Ha ha, you didn't give me a chance. From the beginning of your appearance, you gave me a hand and threatened that no matter who I was, I would die..."

"Why, regret it now?"

Lin Xuan laughed as if he were mocking.

"Hey, you're right. At this moment, I haven't stopped fighting. Today, either you or I will die..."

The sword pool descendant sighed again and said coldly.

"There's nothing to say. Take this opportunity to use all your cards, or you won't have a chance!"

Lin Xuan shakes his head. He bathes himself in the golden light. He takes a step and enters the sword field of the sword pool in a flash. The invisible sword Qi surges around. It's just that Lin Xuan's body is extraordinary, just like the Buddha's body. It's hard to shake, without any damage.

His physical body has experienced several times of natural calamities, and also has the secret art of immortal body. He has reached the extreme of his own realm. Just like the name of immortal body, he has gone further and further on the road of immortal body, and has already begun to show his clue.

"Indeed, there's nothing to say. Let's fight!"

The descendant of Jianchi is very calm at the moment. He knows that there is no way out. As the descendant of Jianchi, even if he dies in battle, he can't retreat in such a situation. Otherwise, Jianchi will be shamed.

At the beginning, when Jiang Jianyun and others killed all sides, he didn't meet them head-on. There was still reason for silence.

But now the battle has reached such a point, and the opponent's level is far behind him. If he retreats, he will lose face, and even the sword pool will be laughed at.

This is almost unacceptable for the descendants of Jianchi.

Lin Xuan's behavior is too overbearing. Who dares to enter his sword field and fight with him?

This surprised the descendant of Jianchi, but it was also a rare opportunity for him!

"It's widely said that you are unmatched in flesh and can't be defeated in close combat. The young master of the Teng clan suffered such a dark loss, so he was defeated..."

"Today I'd like to see if you are as invincible as the rumor has it!"

It's no wonder that he is so confident. He is in his own sword territory, just like the Lord in the world. Everything is under control. When he raises his hand, the sword roars and roars towards Lin Xuanchong.

These swords are like meteor shower, which is the evolution of divine power, not the real swords.

The sword area he can open now is too small for him to use. Instead, he throws away the long sword and uses the secret skill to compete with the divine power!


These swords came from all over the world, but Lin Xuan didn't panic at all. He sacrificed the white jade tripod again and smashed away. He defeated the endless swords one by one and solved the crisis!

"Well, I'll do as you wish!" Lin Xuan laughs. He looks like he is at ease. He keeps punching in the sword field to block those swords coming from all directions.

After that, Lin Xuan was as angry as a dragon. He stepped on the air and gave out a deafening roar, which scattered a lot of sword Qi in the sword field!

Then, Lin xuanru went into the no man's land, defeated all the killing moves, and came to the sword pool!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's fist was like the resurrection of the God of war. His power was roaring and his blood was surging. He was able to fight against the descendant of Jianchi. He was extremely powerful!

Although the swordsmanship of Jianchi's successor is amazing, his physical body is still much worse than that of the close combat. It's almost hard to compete. Lin Xuan beat him back and forth!


The fierce explosion sounds, like breaking through the sound barrier, and a magic fist strikes. Finally, the descendants of Jianchi can't stand it, and the painstaking maintenance of the sword field completely collapses.

He spat out a mouthful of red blood, and his face was full of horror. Then he said with a bitter smile: "ha ha, it's true that the rumor is true. In my own sword field, I'm not your opponent when I fight close to you... It's really awe inspiring!"

He is unconventional. He has lost a lot of earlier hegemony, which is incredible in the eyes of others.

"This is still the descendant of Jianchi. What do you mean by these words? Is it difficult to admit defeat?"

In the sky, Lin Xuan looked calm. He stood far away, with his hands on his back. His eyes showed incomparable domineering power and looked down at the world!

"I won't play your cards until now. What are you waiting for?"

"If you don't use it any more, you really won't have a chance to use it again!"

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