The descendant of Jianchi coughed up blood, faltered and kept retreating. His hair was scattered and his face was a little white. With a bitter smile, he sighed: "do you really want to live forever?"

These words in Lin Xuan's ear, let his eyes a coagulation, low Yin way: "If today is I lose in your hand, you will let me go?"

"You can be regarded as a character. Even now, you have to be so naive..."

Lin Xuan's voice is calm. He stands far away, shining with golden light. He looks like a God who controls the sky and overlooks the world.

"Well... In that case, let's divide life and death..."

The descendant of Jianchi grins and the green sword trembles. I don't know when I lift a pot of old wine in my hand. It's crystal clear and shining with stars.

This pot of old wine can be seen from Lin Xuan's eyesight. It must be xianniang, but it is made from many top-quality elixirs, which is no worse than the original huangxue regenerative pill.

The descendant of Jianchi took the wine pot and poured it into his mouth. All the spirit liquid came into his body, which repaired the injury of viscera and made his divine power and Qi and blood more prosperous.

His body is shrouded with boundless divine light, and a pot of wine makes him drunk. His eyes are hazy and the corners of his mouth are raised.

Then, the descendant of Jianchi walked in the air and roared up to the sky. His hair danced wildly, holding a sword in one hand and a wine pot in the other. At this moment, he was like a wine Sword Fairy, flowing out of the dust.

"Good wine, good wine, brother Lin, why don't you have a drink?"

The descendant of Jianchi was laughing, his eyebrows were flying, and his voice was like thunder. With a loud drink, he threw the wine pot in his hand and threw it at Lin Xuan.

At the same time, behind the wine pot, the descendants of Jianchi set foot on the sky, crisscrossed the heaven and the earth, and roamed the nine clouds. They were really like those who banished immortals.

The green sword vibrates slightly. The sky is filled with the spirit of the sword. It cuts down a blue light and turns into a green dragon. It falls from the sky and cuts towards Lin Xuan!


A surging sound of the Dragon moves the sky, the bright light of the sword shines on the ancient and modern times, and the vast expanse of green between the heaven and the earth makes all people gape.

The Qi of the sword stretches thousands of Li, and the light of one sword is cold in nineteen States!

At this moment, in the face of a fierce sword, Lin Xuan's body was like a breeze, and the dragon's Footwork showed a golden dragon road at his feet. Lin Xuan was invincible, just like a king walking between heaven and earth, with a white jade heaven and earth tripod hanging on his head, flowing with divine brilliance and protecting him.


Then, a gorgeous sword fell behind Lin Xuan and cut off the golden dragon road. It was like a real dragon being cut into two parts. It gave out a deafening roar. It sounded like a thunderbolt, shaking all directions!

The buildings in the city collapsed, and the sword was rampant. The dust was like a sand tornado, sweeping through the crowd, making many people cry and flee!

Even if it was just the aftermath of the war, it was like a terrible wave, which hurt a lot of people. The monk who was close to him coughed blood and was still in shock!

No one thought, just watch a war, even let themselves are injured, all shocked.

"This is the real invincible means of the descendants of Jianchi. Have you been keeping your hand before?"

"If I'm not wrong, that sword just now is the unique skill of Jianchi, Qinglong sword formula..."

"This battle is unexpected. Both of them are peerless. Everyone can't be underestimated. At present, the descendants of Jianchi show their unique skills, and the victory is still uncertain!"

At this moment, a steady sound came from the vast blue sky, as if it were thunder, which scattered a large area of green awn, and restored a trace of clarity between heaven and earth!

On the vast sky, a pair of big feet suddenly appeared, stepping on the top of the sword pool's descendants, as if the sun and the moon were sinking and falling down!

At this moment, the eye of the descendant of Jianchi flashed a little inconceivable. With a loud roar, the sword moved the sky and chopped at Lin Xuan in the sky to stop him!

"Even if you are the peerless pride of the outside world, it's a bit too arrogant to step on my head!"

This sword is also powerful, and it's fierce. The green dragon sword is shining, and it's like drinking blood. It has a chill through the body!.

That pair of big feet did not escape, but fell ferociously, one foot broke the void, and the incomparable sword light was annihilated in the vast nothingness!

Then, Lin Xuan's figure reappeared. His whole body was flowing with golden light, and he was still sacred. The white jade tripod hanging on the top of his head was shining at the moment. Lin Xuan beat it out and swept the sky, making the void tremble and suppress it!

Jade tripod across the sky, the power of terror shaking heaven and earth, hit the green dragon sword, causing a terrible tremor, resounding through the sky!

When he saw the appearance of Lin Xuan's momentum, the crowd in the distance was completely boiling, and they were all shocked and constantly exclaimed.

"Oh, my God, it's too outrageous. Under such a killing, the foreign experimenter was not damaged. How could it be possible?"

"It's just a sword Qi afterwave, which makes us hurt. Two terrible sword lights cut down one after another, and even the void is annihilated. Why can he be intact?"

"It's really the way of a spiritual master. How strong is this man? He is six small levels behind, and he can still have such fierce fighting power. If he is fighting at the same level, is there anyone in the world who can beat him?"

"If this man grows up, is he going to be invincible to Emperor Lu?"

Many voices were heard in the crowd. They had never seen such a war before. They thought that Lin Xuan would be easily swept by the descendants of Jianchi. After all, the gap of realm was almost difficult to cross.

Every realm of such peak battles is extremely important.

But at this moment, they witnessed a miracle, never thought it would be like this.

In the distance, the red hair of the young master of the Chilong nationality is like a waterfall, which is naturally scattered. His face is handsome, his body is as hard as gold and stone, and his veins are as green as a dragon.

"Invincible to Emperor Lu? Ah, since ancient times, no one dares to say that he can be invincible against Dilu. This man is really strong. I'm afraid it's hard for me to beat him in the same battle. "

"However, it should be noted that the heroes on the road to the emperor are like crucian carp crossing the river, vast as the sea of stars, and the real invincible figures emerge in an endless stream. It is too early to say that the road to the invincible emperor is like this by such means..."

The movement here is so big that it startles all sides, so that the rainbow comes here.

On one side, a young man in elegant clothes, who was a jade tree in front of the wind, did not know when he came. He also laughed and agreed with the statement of the young master of the Chilong nationality.

"It's true that the descendants of Jianchi can be regarded as the top talents in our fengxu community, but you all know that a few days ago, a lot of Tianjiao from the outside world almost swept away the legitimate disciples of our fengxu community and lost their face..."

"I was lucky to witness that kind of fighting power. It really engulfed the whole world, and no one could match it..."

"I don't think I'm as good as that when I meet someone like that, but at the moment, he doesn't have that kind of pressure. It's a little hard to deal with just a sword pool descendant. How can he be invincible against emperor Lu?"

The young man in Huafu changed his voice and said with a low voice and a smile, "Hey, what's more, it's not sure whether he can survive today..."

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