
The words surprised many people, even the young master of the red dragon clan.

"My God, what does this man mean? Does he want to help? "

"I have a hunch that there will be a big mess today!"

"Can't, even if this person gives a hand to help, Lin Xuan even if beat but, also not necessarily can't run away?"


Someone suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said in dismay: "is it true that more than one Tianjiao wants to kill Lin Xuan?"

Unexpectedly, this person said, he heard the friar laugh: "ha ha ha, indeed."

"You must have known for a long time that there will be some immortal Tianjiao people who will make trouble for those imperial road testers coming from the outside world and frustrate their spirit at this Tianjian mountain grand meeting..."

"These arrogant figures have formed an alliance. They are going to fight together at the grand meeting to promote the prestige of the arrogant figures in our fengxu world!"

"Unfortunately, some members of the alliance have heard about the changes here and are going to join in the excitement. They are preparing for the altar and opening the gate. Soon, they will come across the void!"

The friar in Huafu looked like he was watching a play. He said leisurely: "as far as I know, there are not many people coming this time. They are all the heirs and young masters of the great hermits..."

"So, even if this person has wings, it's hard to fly today!"

"Hey, if you want to blame him, you can only blame him for his bad luck. He just hit the muzzle of the gun. Now, he will die here!"

Once this remark came out, the crowd immediately became boiling and shocked. This is absolutely fatal news.

"Who is this man? Is what he says credible? "

However, at this time, some people were very confused and asked suspiciously.

"I know this man. He is a direct descendant of the Wang family in beizhou. Although he is not well-known, he has a brother of a mother compatriot on him. In beizhou, he is an outstanding person. He is called" Wang Wudi "and is almost the first of his younger generation in beizhou."

"I'm very close to the descendants of many sects and great religions. I'm also a member of that alliance. It's said that I will also appear at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting!"

"At the moment, his younger brother appears here and brings such news. I'm afraid it's really because the changes here have alarmed some members of the alliance, and they have to move ahead of time to build up power!"

In the crowd, someone recognized the identity of the young man in Huafu and said.

"My God, he is Wang Wudi's younger brother. If so, what he said must be true. It seems that today, there will really be a wave."

"Lin Xuan is doomed today."

In the distance, many monks who heard the news were constantly surprised, one after another.

Shen MuQing, who is catching situ xian'er, naturally hears the news not far away. He anxiously looks at the two people who are fighting in the sky. His eyes are a little worried.

"Sister, you also heard that someone is going against you!"

"You'd better let me go and run for my life!"

Situ xian'er's eyes slip around, and he persuades you with the appearance of your great disaster.


Unexpectedly, Shen MuQing knocked on her head directly. Although she was worried in her eyes, she still said with a smile: "you little girl, you are so strange. You want me to let you go. If you run away, how can you find someone to deal with us?"

"With you in hand, no matter how bad it is, they can be more scrupulous."

At this time, situ xian'er quickly shook his head, patted his chest and said: "sister, you believe me, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will never trouble you again!"

Now she is blocked by Shen MuQing, and it's hard for her to run the divine power in her body. She is half a mortal. With Shen MuQing guarding her, she can't escape.

"Sister, I once heard my brother say that every member of the Tianjiao alliance is the descendant of each major inheritance, and some of them are outstanding. Even he thinks it is difficult and very difficult!"

"Now they are numerous and powerful. If they come here, you will not be rivals. I can't say that you will be buried here today..."

Situ xian'er said with a serious face.

Smell speech, Shen Mu Qing is not clear true and false, really hard to calm down.

Read here, she still with secret method sound Lin Xuan, tell him the coming crisis.

However, at the moment, the war in the sky is extremely fierce, and Lin Xuan has no response.


Lin xuanbing's descendants of Jianchi collided with his body, and the secret skills emerged one after another. It was brilliant and brilliant, as if there was a torrential flame burning.

In the aftermath of that kind of war, the clouds connecting heaven and earth are constantly collapsing and breaking, with great momentum, flowing with terrible fluctuations.

The wind and thunder are surging, and the blood is soaring to the sky!

Lin Xuan is very good at his field. He is just like a demon. His fighting power is so terrible that he almost sweeps the sword pool.


An immortal divine light struck the sky and made a terrible roar!

When all the splendor is gone, a flowing and shining white jade tripod is revealed, floating and shining in the void!


There is an immeasurable divine light falling down from the tripod, just like the Milky way. It is extremely bright and weighs more than one hundred million yuan. It is pressed on the top of the sword pool's descendant's head and directly explodes his body. Only a little man bathed in the divine light flies out of his head!

Then, Lin Xuan's hair was light and elegant, and his footwork was natural and nimble. Like a wisp of smoke, he came to Jianchi's successor again!

He didn't say a word, his Qi and blood roared, and his magic power was surging. He waved his fists like two dragons. He wanted to kill the descendant of Jianchi here!


The magic fist is fierce. This blow falls firmly on the soul of the descendant of Jianchi. It will crack him and break him

At the moment, the descendant of Jianchi is dead. Even though he tries to keep his spirit alive, the cracks are still spreading

Up to now, the descendant of Jianchi has understood that this will be his burial place!

In the sky, the spirit of the descendant of Jianchi is dim. He smiles with self mockery and shakes his head and says: "even though I had expected this day for a long time, before I die, I am still reluctant to give up..."

"Lin Xuan... You are the strongest opponent I have ever met. If you and I are on the same level, I may not be able to take your ten moves..."

"I'm not unwilling to lose in your hands today. I'm inferior to others."

"As the descendant of Jianchi, I always want to protect the pulse of Jianchi. If you hurt my disciples, I have to do it."

Speaking of this, the descendant of Jianchi sighed again: "if you and I didn't meet in this way today, maybe we would have a chance to be friends..."

"It's just that everything doesn't matter now..."

But in the end, he shook his head again, looking a little trance, looking into the distance, with the last obsession in his heart, unwilling to die like this.

"Today's World War I, let's call it a day. I want to see another person..."

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