"Well, I can't help myself!"

The son of the setting sun murmured, holding a silver hammer, his body was covered with purple air, just like a saint walking in the world, flowing out a terrible Qi.

The Silver Hammer fell like a mountain, the void was broken down, and the earth was shaking. This terrible blow stirred up a huge wave of energy, and the vast expanse of white obliterated Lin Xuan in it.

At the moment, many friars all cast a startled look, extremely shocked appearance, thoroughly boiling!

"You really can't underestimate the saint son level people. The inside information is too deep. This silver hammer is comparable to that of the venerable one. It can suppress all the strong spirit masters, and no one can match it!"

"It seems that Lin Xuan's life and death are hard to predict. Maybe he has turned into powder and disappeared with this blow!"

"Even the void has been punctured. It's terrible. It's an invincible means!"

Not far away, Shen MuQing's heart jumps wildly. Her beautiful face stares at the gorgeous Silver Ocean nervously, but it's hard to see through. There's no half shadow of Lin Xuan!

By the side of his body, situ xian'er sighed and said with regret: "people are still very strong. They can defeat the descendants of Jianchi and fight against the son of sunset, which is enough to explain everything."

"But it's a pity that he's too arrogant and underestimates the saint son level people. I'm afraid he's already gone with that blow!"

"No, he can't die!"

Shen MuQing bites her red lips and shakes her head desperately. Her cold eyes sweep past situ xian'er. I don't know when a line of tears will fall from her dreamy face

Even though she didn't want to believe it, her body's reaction was very real. Shen MuQing's divine sense spread out, but she didn't notice any vitality from the Silver Ocean.

Only eternal silence!

Shen MuQing didn't dare to think about what it meant. She never thought that he would die today, no matter what opponent he faced.

"I just stepped on the road of God, how could..."

Shen MuQing doesn't want to believe this result, but she can't control her mood. Her expression is colder and colder, and her breath is more and more frightening!

Shen MuQing's face was as pale as snow, and a blue golden streamer flew out of her storage ring, soaring into the sky. Her sword was as powerful as the sea, shining for nine days!

The ancient sword of green gold is constantly trembling and murdering. It sounds like a dragon's song and spreads in the sky!

Shen MuQing was dressed in red and her beautiful long hair was flying. With a slight rebuke, she saw the green gold sword turned back and returned to her hands!

At this moment, Shen MuQing's heart is like a bright moon, cold and merciless, as if he wants to take revenge for Lin Xuan at any time!

However, at this time, in the distant sky, the vast Silver Ocean gradually dissipated into the energy between heaven and earth, dissipated in the invisible.

In the center of the vast ocean, a human figure shining with golden light still stands. His eyes are as calm as water, and the source is still strong, just like the gods walking in the world, shining and extraordinary!

"What? How could he have survived such a terrible blow? And it looks like it's unhurt? "

"Oh, my God, it's so surprising. I thought he was dead. He resisted the terrible blow of the hammer."

"This man is too terrible. Even those ancient and remote races, who are good at flesh, can't be strong enough to make the hammer hard and intact, can't they?"

At the foot, the crowd erupted more intense exclamations than before. What they saw and heard today made them unforgettable all their lives. It was too shocking!

No one expected that Lin Xuan, who thought his life would be destroyed, would appear in front of everyone again without any damage. It was like a dream. It was unbelievable and unimaginable!

Situ xian'er's eyes widened in surprise, and he said, "no, he's still a human being. It's harmless?"

On one side, the chill in Shen MuQing's eyes also turned into an excited look. Her red lips, which she had been biting tightly, were relieved at last. She raised her mouth slightly. Her tears were like rain, like crying instead of laughing. She murmured: "I knew... How could you die..."

Even the green gold ancient sword seems to feel the master's idea and make a joyful sound, which resounds through the sky.


In an instant, the sun setting son's face changed from disdain to shock. He yelled, "what? Not dead? "

"A lot of people want me to die, but in the end they all die in front of me, so do you!"

In the distance, in the sky, Lin Xuan was full of Qi and blood. He walked alone. His feet seemed to gather the rhyme of Taoism, rising like a dragon pattern, as if a volcano was about to gush out. It was very terrible!

"Impossible... Impossible..."

The sun setting son shakes his head and looks at Lin Xuan's leisurely figure. His heart is a little hairy. It's incredible. It makes him have a kind of ghost idea!

However, after all, the sunset son is still a outstanding man. He soon calmed down the turbulence in his heart and said with a rebellious smile: "hum, I see. You must have been seriously injured, otherwise you won't show up late. The strength at present is just pretending!"

"Hey, hey, you want to scare me and make me afraid of you?"

"Well, it's just a paper tiger. Do you really think I'm afraid? Today, the son of God will expose your true face and send you to the west to live in bliss

The son of the sunset snorted coldly. He seemed to have seen through the reality of Lin Xuan, fearlessly holding a silver hammer and killing Lin Xuan!

The purple air behind him was like a cloud, and it turned into countless dragons, like a sword. Thousands of swords rose up, blocking Lin Xuan's way forward!

At this moment, Lin Xuanyuan looked at the sunset son, not flustered. He laughed calmly, shook his head slightly and said, "it's true that as you said, I've been hurt, but don't worry, this little injury is no big deal to me. It's OK to kill you."

"Well, see how hard you can talk!"

The son of the setting sun gave a cold drink. He turned into a streamer and suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xuan!

"Silver Hammer up, star river down!"

A roar shook the heaven and earth, and the mighty divine power surged in. It was really like the end of the world. The sky was going to collapse. The bright silver was as vast as a river of stars, and the hammer was as big as a mountain. It was like a meteorite falling down. It was necessary to suppress Lin Xuan!


However, in these short breaths, Lin Xuan was like an invincible God of war. He forced his Qi and blood and used his magic power which had not been used for a long time to elevate himself to the peak!

Lin Xuan was still, but his immortal fists burst out. In an instant, they pierced the void and cracked the hammer. What's more, they disintegrated the silver light and made the world clear!

"Put it down!"

The sun setting son roared and his eyes were full of anger. He once again waved a silver hammer that had already appeared a crack to destroy Lin Xuan!


But Lin Xuan is like a hard stone. His body is immortal, his divine power is like the sea, and his fists are shining with golden light. Once again, he bombards some dim silver hammers!


With a loud noise, Lin Xuan smashed the silver hammer into pieces and turned it into silver light and rain, which scattered all over the earth!

Then, Lin Xuan's magic fist was incomparable, and he kept making terrible fist marks, which made the sunset son suffer the threat of death. His mouth overflowed with red blood, and his body was injured. Even his chest was pierced by Lin Xuan's fierce fist marks!


The sun setting son spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, and all his bones seemed to be falling apart. He couldn't resist Lin Xuan's attack.

In this battle, Lin Xuan, like an immortal God King, tore the body of the sunset son in the sky, forcing him to abandon the body, and the spirit rushed out of the platform to escape!

But Lin Xuan's body is like a dragon, and his disease is like thunder. Naturally, he won't let the sun setting son go away easily. He spurts out a mouthful of congenital essence, which turns into several silver arrows. His blood is full of blood, and his killing chance is exposed!

This kind of means has hindered the body shape of the sun setting son. He has to turn back to attack and block the arrow, otherwise the spirit will also suffer heavy damage!

But in this short moment, Lin Xuan had already come to the body of the sun setting son. His face was calm and he said coldly, "it's your destiny to fall here. You can't go away!"

With that, he waved his fists and sent out a terrible thunder sound, which was extremely powerful to pierce the spirit of the sunset son!

However, also at this time, several Tianjiao who came with the son of the setting sun seemed to wake up from the shock. They yelled one after another and turned into rainbow to stop Lin Xuan!


"Stop it

"If you stop him, you must not let the son die here, or you and I will be implicated in the future

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