The three figures were not only drunk, but also turned into flowing light like a rainbow. They flew from the sky and stopped Lin Xuan by force. What's more, they played their own secret skills!

However, Lin Xuan's figure did not stop at all. He was like the sun god, bathed in the golden light, holy and immortal, and yelled: "get out of here!"

The roar, like the sound of heaven, resounded all over the world, which made everyone's mind tremble. The three people who stopped the way showed a short absence!

Lin Xuan, like an invincible God of war, had no fear. He was calm and confident. He waved his fists face to face. He broke through the limit of his strength and made two fierce fists!


The terrible fist seal not only flies the three people in front of us, but also breaks through the void again, making the void collapse constantly, revealing the big hole of silence and darkness. The turbulent flow in it strangles all the swallowed things invisibly!

At this moment, the three people were all thrilled. No one thought that Lin Xuan was so terrible. With just one blow, he repulsed them!

The shattered void black hole is flashing thunder, interwoven with the traces of the law, a strong suction gushed out from it, to pull the three people in front of you into the eternal darkness!

At this time, the Qin minority young master's face was as heavy as water, and his killing intention was endless in his eyes. He stamped his feet and murmured: "hum, no one has ever dared to be so rampant in front of me!"

Then he made a seal with both hands and made a fiery God wheel. He had octagons, like a bright moon, which covered with silver light. He wanted to kill Lin Xuan!

However, although this blow was extremely terrible in other people's eyes, it fell in front of Lin Xuan's body and was easily broken by him. His magic fist was matchless!


The silver wheel of God turns into broken jade and melts into light and rain in the sky. In a flash, it turns into smoke!

At that moment, Lin Xuan didn't take charge of the three people. Instead, he appeared and disappeared like a dragon in the void, as if he had disappeared from heaven and earth!

In the distance, the only spirit left by the sun setting son turned into a streamer. If he wanted to take this opportunity to escape, he rose up and fled!

But, in this light stone, Lin Xuan suddenly from the void to kill, let the sunset son scared!


He yelled, showing his speed, trying to distance himself from Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan didn't give him a chance to escape at all. All the magic power in his body was boiling, surging like a sea, pouring out from his magic fist!


This fist is like Mount Tai, as if it can suppress everything in the world. It's extremely terrible!


The sun setting son cried out. The only spirits left were hard to resist. Under this blow, they were completely turned into ashes, and the form and spirit were destroyed!

This scene completely shocked everyone!

In the distance, many friars all felt numb. It was hard to hide the fear in their eyes. Some even trembled and could not stand steadily!

Lin Xuan's strength is beyond everyone's expectation. He has created a miracle in history. No one is afraid!

"Oh, my God, it's so terrible that the saint son level characters should be destroyed like this. If it's spread out, I'm afraid the whole fengxu community will shudder!"

"Defeat the descendant of Jianchi first, and then kill the son of sunset. It's really very powerful."

"Yes, if we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, who could have imagined that such a spiritual master could accomplish such a feat, which has never happened in ancient times!"

"Even a saint son level figure is not his opponent. If such a person is promoted to a higher level, I'm afraid he doesn't want to be respected in our fengxu area!"

The crowd was boiling and exclaiming. They were so shocked by Lin Xuan's fighting power that they looked at him with a look of awe!

This is the supreme prestige, let all people who see this scene are convinced!

However, at this moment, as members of Tianjiao alliance, the young master of Qin nationality, the descendants of chixiashan and Wolong Valley didn't want to let Lin Xuan go!

Even if Lin Xuan's strong means make their hearts can not be calm for a long time, but now there is a reason to kill Lin Xuan!

The original intention of their alliance was to suppress the external experimenters. Now the revered son of sunset in the alliance died in the hands of Lin Xuan. They don't say how to explain to sunset sect!

Even for themselves, there is no way to account!

If they let Lin Xuan go, doesn't it mean that they are afraid of Lin Xuan, and the Tianjiao alliance has no meaning to continue to exist!

The three are all top talents with extraordinary means. At the moment, Qi Qi stands around Lin Xuan's body and sets up a formation to suppress him!

"Go away!"

However, what surprised many friars was that Lin xuangen didn't put them in his eyes. He gave a cold drink and glanced at them.

Their cultivation is a little lower than that of the sun setting son. Although they are also called the arrogant characters, they only treat ordinary monks!

In Lin Xuan's eyes, after the only thorny sunset son was forcibly killed in front of the three people, these people would not be much better than the Teng minority leader.

Speaking of it, it was the carelessness of the three. No one thought that the sun setting son would lose to Lin Xuan, so that they didn't have any preparation!

By the time the reaction came, it was too late.

However, Lin Xuan ignored their performance in this way, which made the three people angry!

All three of them are well-known figures of pride. How ever have they been so despised? What kind of people have they met in the past? Who is not respectful to them? Only Lin Xuan is an accident!

"Hum, you are still so arrogant when you are dying

The descendants of chixiashan could not help but hum, and their anger kept rising!

The young master of the Qin nationality even sneered: "Lin Xuan, it's really unexpected that you can kill the sunset son. It's a pity that you have experienced two wars in succession. You must be strong outside but weak in the middle. You have exhausted most of your power!"

"I'm afraid it's a forced show of composure now, isn't it?"

"It's too much to look down on us if we want to drink back from us!"

It's true that he guessed like this. As he said, Lin xuanzheng's consumption is terrible even though the xuanjing is running all the time.

However, after hearing this, Lin Xuan put down his hands and said with a lonely sneer: "what's the point? OK, then you can try it! "

Next to him, the descendants of Wolong Valley frowned and said, "don't talk nonsense with him. Let's go together and kill him!"

"Well, do you really think we'll be afraid? Do it

Qin minority young master's clothes are like snow, romantic and elegant, like a flying dragon with a jade face. Now he can't help it!

He waved his hands and recited the secret words. All of them turned into wild beasts, just like the real body!


A roar came from the sky, and I saw that the spirits of the strange beasts were so strong that they were terrible. It was like the rebirth of the ancient wild beasts, and the earth was shaking. It was like a torrent of steel armor, and no one could stop it!

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