In the sky, as if thousands of troops and horses were coming, those wild animals were roaring, like real creatures, stepping on the void, and all rushed to Lin Xuan!


Although the young master of Qin nationality disdains, ridicules and ridicules, he has already been shocked by Lin Xuan's previous methods and dare not underestimate him. So his first move is the top secret skill!

"The magic of beasts!"

A low roar roared from the mouth of the young master of the Qin nationality. He waved his hands constantly and created one divine form after another. All of them evolved into ferocious beasts in the sky, with boundless power!

This beast holy art does not come from this world, but from the outside world, once famous beast sect!

The founder of this sect created the art of animal saints, which surprised an era. Some of his disciples once stepped on the road of God, which was learned by people. Later, the art of animal saints spread on the road of emperor.

Some of the ancestors of the young masters of the Qin nationality got this kind of secret skill, but it's only a remnant, less than one tenth of the complete secret skill!

However, even so, today's Qin minority young master's ten thousand beast holy skill is also extremely terrible!

It is necessary to know that the complete animal holy art is created by the sage. It is terrible for the sage!

If you can understand this secret skill, you will be able to respect the spirit Master!

Lin Xuan also had to be cautious. Although he was not afraid of the three, he also understood that there were some means for them to add up, and he could not be careless.

At the moment, his body is like a magic stove, and his fists are as bright as iron, crushing the wild beast shapes that come rushing one after another!

After that, Lin Xuan murmured: "what is the holy art of all animals? The wild animals evolved from it are just like this. I'd like you to see what is a real wild alien!"

Having said that, he made the seal with both hands, and also performed the supreme holy skill. His infinite divine power surged out. A terrible force was constantly gathering in his palm, as if to evolve some terrible creature!

"Wanhua holy art!"

Lin Xuan gave a big drink. His eyes were as bright as stars. Under the seal, a Dragon flew up from his hands. His whole body was as big as magma!

The dragon's eyes, like lanterns, scan the Qin minority's body, with a burning feeling!

"I'll show you what the real holy art is!"

Different from the Qin minority's master, Lin Xuan's master card, Wanhua holy skill, is not incomplete, but a complete secret skill.

It's a pity that he is too weak to use all the means of Wanhua holy art!

All this in a flash, I saw the dragon like a burning fire dragon, skyrocketing, and rapid dive down.


In a flash, the sound of the Dragon resounded through the sky, just like a real dragon across the ages, coming from the ancient flood and famine era, with a very bleak voice!

The dragon's scales are hot, just like the red meteorite. The dragon's horn is black, showing black light, which is extremely amazing.

Facing the wild animals like thousands of troops and horses, the dragon is like the master of all animals. It holds its head high and roars the mountains and rivers. A rolling heat wave spurts out from its mouth and annihilates the thousands of wild animals!


At the next moment, the Dragon swings its tail and rushes into the wild beast, like entering the realm of no man. This wild alien evolved from the secret arts, at this moment, it is like the birth of a real consciousness. A natural sense of oppression gushes out of the dragon's body, which surprises everyone!

At this time, even the young master of the Qin nationality didn't expect that Lin Xuan had such a means, which had never been used.


The terrible dragon raised its proud head, roared out the dull sound of the dragon, swept thousands of wild animals to pieces, and finally flew to the young master of the Qin nationality, bumped into his body, like a bloody rain of light, disintegrated and dissipated!

However, under this terrible blow, the young master of the Qin nationality was also seriously injured. He coughed blood in his mouth, his face was withered, and his spirit was a little unsteady!

The dragon's collision made his body seem to be tearing apart, and his bones seemed to be broken!

In this regard, Lin Xuan naturally refused to let go of the opportunity to beat the water dog. He wanted to get rid of the young master of the Qin nationality first. He was like a dragon and disappeared in the same place.

The next moment, the shadow flashed, Lin Xuan came to the Qin minority young Lord's body!


With a terrible blow, he looks like a God. It's amazing!

However, when the other two saw this scene, they naturally rushed over and blocked Lin Xuan's attack, leaving time for the young master of Qin to react!

"He must not survive, or he will be our enemy in the future!"

The young master of the Qin nationality cried out in pain. His killing intention was fierce in his eyes. He did not forget to warn them that they should try their best not to be careless!

"Hum, there are three of us here today. Even if he has the ability to communicate with heaven, he can't get away!"

The descendant of chixiashan gave a cold hum. He was very confident and wanted to keep Lin Xuan here forever.

On the other side, the descendants of Wolong valley echoed and said coldly, "he can't run away!"

Both of them are outstanding people. At this time, they blocked all the retreats of Lin Xuan, and they all fought against Lin Xuan, all of which are their own secret skills!

However, hearing this, Lin Xuan could not help but ponder: "run?"

"Hehe, why should I run?"

"Kill all of you today!"

In an instant, Lin Xuan's voice was like thunder. He was so powerful that his body was immortal. He was flowing with divine light. He took the initiative to meet them. He didn't want to escape!


Lin Xuan's hands moved, and he made two miraculous lights, like two fierce soldiers. He spilled his bloodthirsty intention and wanted to penetrate their bodies!

However, this attack did not work. The descendants of Chixia mountain and Wolong valley are not ordinary people. They are blocked!

Each of them evolved a yin-yang aquarium, flowing with the Qi of chaotic yin-yang, as if they could devour all things, and inhaled one of the divine lights into the aquarium and disappeared into the invisible.

Another person uses the five elements secret technique, the gold, wood, water, fire and earth to form a picture of the origin of the five elements, blocking another divine light and dissolving it!

Seeing this, Lin Xuan didn't have any words. He turned into a shadow, waving his magic fist and bombarding the Yin Yang bottle evolved from the descendants of Chixia mountain!


This fist condenses infinite divine power. Even if a mountain falls, it will collapse.

Naturally, the evolved Yin Yang vase could not bear Lin Xuan's blow. It broke into countless pieces and then turned into essence.

"Hum, even if you have three heads and six arms, it's hard to deal with us and the other three. You'd better bend your head and suffer less!"

At this time, the descendant of Wolong Valley gave a cold hum and called the original map of the five elements to suppress Lin Xuan!

On the other side, the little master of the Qin nationality, who was badly injured, was unwilling to kill him. He once again made several wild animal shapes!


The roar of the wild beast was like the collapse of heaven and earth. It was more shocking than the thunder. Every step of the roar made many monks shudder. It was extremely terrible!

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