This time, the Qin minority's little master did not evolve ten thousand beasts, but only evolved a few more powerful wild beasts. Although they were not as powerful as before, they were also very terrible and gathered more divine power!

The descendant of chixiashan, who had just been broken the bottle of yin and Yang, also made another move. He was cold and heartless, and his killing intention was like a sea. He squeezed a seal in his hand and suppressed Lin Xuan!

At that moment, Lin Xuan was attacked from all sides. He fought back hard, but it was hard to stop all the killing moves. His body was also injured, and the situation was very bad!

In the eyes of all people, they were worried about him.

"There are three terrible Tianjiao Junjie together. Even if they are as strong as him, they are still hard to resist!"

"Yes, although he killed the sunset son, he proved that his fighting power is really stronger than ever."

"But it's a pity that we will lose in the end. It's hard for us to fight with two fists and four hands!"

"Well, he shouldn't have been so big. If he had run away early, he might have a chance to live!"

At the moment, the crowd at the foot of someone constantly open their mouth, see through the situation.

"Since ancient times, I have seen many such outstanding people, but few of them can really grow up!"

"It's the same with this son. He was defeated by arrogance. Today, he will die!"

In the distance, an old man with grey robes sighed, as if he felt sorry for Lin Xuan's withering.

"I'm young and energetic. I don't know if I'm afraid I don't have to burn firewood to keep green hills. Such an ending is also the result of destiny!"

Another old man opened his mouth. The wind was light and the clouds were light. There were not too many waves.

Lin Xuan's trouble with Nuo has spread all over the world. It not only brings people from Tianjiao League, but also brings many old people around.

In the sky, the war is in full swing, extremely fierce, the roar of divine power is constantly ringing, deafening.

All four of them gave up their magic weapons and used their own secret skills to attack Lin Xuan one after another. All of them killed Lin Xuan in all directions. Lin Xuan seemed like a trapped beast still fighting, giving people the feeling of being at the end of a crossbow!

"Well, up to now, I'd like to see how arrogant you can be. If you want to kill us all, you won't be afraid to flash your tongue if you say such a big thing!"

The descendant of chixiashan gave a cold hum, with a smile on his face.

"Now you are exhausted, and your qi and blood are no longer as prosperous as before. I'm afraid it won't last long?"

In the eyes of the young master of the Qin nationality, he hated a lot. At first, he was caught by Lin Xuan and had a chance to be seriously injured. If he didn't have a secret medicine to repair the injured body, I'm afraid it would leave him a bad dark wound in the future.

See Lin Xuan more and more powerless at the moment, kill idea exuberant like sea, sneer sarcastically!

On one side, the descendants of Wolong valley are also in Leng Shen, as if to show their strength: "what if you killed the son of sunset, you don't want to die in our hands!"

However, these words in Lin Xuan's ear, but feel too ridiculous.

"You're the one who's stupid and doesn't know it."

"The descendants of the three spiritual masters in the seventh paragraph and the young master level people have joined forces to deal with me, a little monk who has just broken into the realm of spiritual master. It's hard to suppress me. It's also worth showing off?"

"It's just proof that you're incompetent and useless!"

Lin Xuan sneered. He forced his Qi and blood and waved his unparalleled magic fist. Taking the little master of the Qin nationality who had been badly injured as his weakness, he fought a way out of the prison!

In the eyes of the public, this scene is even more incredible.

"Oh, my God, he got out of the siege of the three and didn't get trapped. Is there any chance?"

No wonder some people think so. It's Lin Xuan who created so many miracles that they have to guess!

However, after hearing this, some old people in the distance shook their heads, and their eyes were as if they could see through the reality of Lin Xuan.

"He is at the end of his life. His power is exhausted, and his proud body is also hurt. Even if he gets out of the siege, he can't escape the disaster!"

"Yes, if there were no previous two wars, maybe this son could really change his life, but now, there is no chance."

"It's a pity that such a rare person can't see the day when he grows up. The world is like this. Everything is destiny."

An old man in grey sighed. He was the only one who felt sorry. He wanted to see what Lin Xuan would achieve if his cultivation became more advanced in the future.

However, he now understood that Lin Xuan had indeed exhausted his divine power in his body, and even the golden light of his body was dim. It was hard for him to perform miracles.

Not far away, Shen MuQing's eyes moved, different from others, she now seems particularly calm.

The red dress looks like fire, the eyebrows are picturesque, and the delicate cheeks are still white, crystal clear and flawless.

Before that, what she worried about was that Lin Xuan might not be the opponent of sun setting son and would be suppressed by absolute combat power.

But later, Lin Xuan swept the sunset son, and this worry completely disappeared.

Lin Xuan's powerful, even she had to sigh, such a person, who do his opponent, have to pour bad luck!

At this time, situ xian'er shook his head and said, "Alas, I still can't go against the sky. I will be defeated eventually..."

But then, she seemed to think of something. Gu Ling's eyes turned to stare at Shen MuQing and said, "eh, by the way, I feel that you are also very strong. If you help each other now, maybe you two can escape. He doesn't have to die!"

"Wouldn't it be better for you to come back to these people for revenge after your injuries recover?"

In fact, situ xian'er didn't want to escape, but he did have such a feeling.

Before Shen MuQing wanted to start, she felt a terrible fluctuation, as if she couldn't beat Shen MuQing in ten.

However, hearing this, Shen MuQing shook her head and said, "I don't need to do it."

Since Lin Xuan asked her to take good care of situ xian'er, she would do as Lin Xuan said when Lin Xuan's life was not in danger.

"What? Did I hear you right? Elder sister, can't you see that he has run out of oil and the lamp is dying, and he is about to lose

Situ xian'er was very puzzled. She could see her half done cultivation, but Shen MuQing couldn't.

However, Shen MuQing didn't say much. He had an answer in his heart.

In the sky, the three young masters of the Qin nationality also sneered, which showed that Lin Xuan was not far away from defeat.

"Ha ha, I have to say that you are the most difficult opponent I have ever met in my life. Unfortunately, you will die in my hands in the end."

"Well, you've lived long enough. It's long overdue!"

"Kill him, take off his head and pay homage to the dead son!" The eyes of the descendant of Wolong valley are cold. Let's do it again!

However, at this time, Lin Xuan, who had run out of oil and the lamp was dead, suddenly his Qi and blood were churning. He had recovered most of his power in a short time!

This scene shocked the three people. There was something wrong in their hearts. They were all screaming and wanted to fly away!

"No, it's cheating!"

"Let's go!"

However, how could Lin Xuan let them leave like this? He murmured: "force me to perform taboo and secret skills. If I let you run away, I'll stop here!"

His divine voice is like the sea, like the sound of a bell, surging in all directions.

In a flash, Lin Xuan turned himself into a dragon, catching up with the young master of the Qin nationality with no effort, and waving his magic fist in the exclamation, as if he had created heaven and earth!

The sky is full of blood and red!

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