
In the sky, the young master of the Qin nationality screamed, and his chest was pierced by Lin Xuan's magic fist. His blood was dripping, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

At this moment, the young master of the Qin nationality wanted to run away. He tried his best to run to the sky!

But Lin Xuan was like a shadow behind him. In an instant, a dazzling light was shot by Lin Xuan, like a silver arrow, into the body of the young master of the Qin nationality, which seriously injured him again and made the figure of the young master of the Qin nationality stagnate for a moment!

"Help me!"

The young master of the Qin nationality howled again and asked for help from the descendants of Chixia mountain in the distance.

The descendants of chixiashan and wolonggu also rushed to stop Lin Xuan. They knew that if the young master of Qin died, they might not be able to leave today!

"There's no other way now. Only by killing this man can we survive!"

The descendant of Wolong Valley gave a cold hum. He didn't know where to draw a bone sword. The white bone was cold and murderous!

On one side, the heirs of chixiashan did not dare to raise their magic weapons. They also showed their magic weapons. They were shining purple and gold, dazzling like stars, revealing colorful divine light, which was very frightening!

"At this moment, there is no way out. Alas, it's a pity. I didn't expect that this war would consume a pot of weak water that I had to work so hard to collect!"

"I wanted to step on God's road in the future, which could be used as a card to deal with accidents..."

Then, the descendants of chixiashan looked at Lin Xuan and sighed: "in this case, we have to kill you with weak water first!"

In his hands, the streamer dispersed, looked carefully, it was a purple gourd, brilliant, itself is extraordinary.

However, this gourd is only a carrier. Driven by the descendants of Chixia mountain, silver weak water poured out of the pot mouth, and the breath of death was diffused, as if it could melt all things in the world. All of them flew towards linxuan, just like the Tianhe river!

This scene shocked all the people in the distance, all speechless!

"What... It's the most Yin water... It's only on the way of the yellow spring that the most Yin land will be revealed. It's said that this kind of weak water can melt all things in the world. Ordinary monks will turn into thick blood if they splash such a drop..."

"Yes, even the venerable Da Neng doesn't want to be contaminated with this kind of extreme Yin water, which will damage the origin..."

This time, even Lin Xuan did not dare to be careless. The breath of death was like leaving him in the underworld. The flowing weak water could devour everything and refine everything!

Lin Xuan has no doubt that if he gets into the weak water, even if he is as strong as him, his body will be melted

At this moment, Lin Xuan offered a memorial banner, which was obtained from King Jing at the beginning. It was a rare magic weapon!


With Lin Xuan waving the flag, an invisible soul wall emerged. The dense soul bodies were squeezed together to block the surging weak water.

At this moment, behind Lin Xuan, the descendant of Wolong valley came in a flash with a bone sword in his hand!

"Die for me!"

The descendant of Wolong Valley roared. He waved his cold bone sword and cut it with pungent blood gas. He wanted to cut off Lin Xuan's head!

However, this hit did not succeed, Lin Xuan's figure is still very flexible, he is like a fish Dragon into the sea, haunted, escaped this sword!

"As I said, if you can escape today, I'll give up!"

In the distance, Lin Xuan loomed in the void. His face was as deep as water, his voice was cold and heartless, and time seemed to stop. The next moment, he suddenly swung the spirit calling flag and threw it out as a spear!


After all, the young master of Qin nationality who wanted to escape was still hard to get rid of. The spirit flag passed through his head, and his spirit was shattered and completely destroyed!


Looking back again, the two people behind him came after him again. Only this time, the weak water had already poured down to his feet and disappeared into the soil, which could no longer threaten Lin Xuan.

"I'm not going to kill you, but you sent it to me again. In that case, I'll leave them all!"

Lin Xuan boasted that his body was unparalleled. He was domineering and fearless of all attacks. He took the initiative to attack them, and once again made two invincible fists, as if he wanted to pierce the void!


The piercing roar, like the earth breaking apart, exploded in the ears of many monks!

Everything happened so fast that many people didn't even have time to react!


The descendant of Wolong valley was badly hurt by Lin Xuan's fist seal. He flew out, vomited blood in his mouth, pale and depressed.

"How could it be?"

He roared, with an unwilling look on his face. With only one punch, he suffered a heavy blow, which was unimaginable in the past.

On the other hand, the heirs of chixiashan also got a blow, and all the viscera seemed to be smashed and attacked by divine power.

"It's hard to crush us like this even if it's a saint child. Why don't you, I'm not willing to!"

He also roared, his eyes full of disbelief!

The next moment, his body thundered like thunder, his hands swayed in the void, showing his unique knowledge of this life!

In front of him, a red glow just like the axe light at the beginning of the sky, suddenly cut out, where even the void has been smashed, the storm has annihilated everything, only the red glow has become eternal!

"Cabernet Sauvignon!"

In the crowd, someone screamed and recognized the secret skill of chixiashan. This is the foundation of the school of chixiashan. It is extremely strong.

When the founder of kaipai realized this amazing secret, he even killed three enemies of the same level, and there was no one to stop him.

The blow seemed to run through time. Suddenly, everyone seemed to see an old man with white hair waving a red glow on the sky, and the whole world was separated

In the storm, Lin Xuan couldn't move his figure. He had to sacrifice the white jade heaven and earth tripod to block him. He had to take the blow hard!


In a flash, the whole sky and earth filled with the red haze, a terrible sound came from the storm, mixed with Lin Xuan's stuffy hum, rolling red waves, pouring down from the sky, very spectacular!

All eyes were wide open, looking at the broken void, there was no shadow.

After the dead silence, the crowd was boiling and screaming!

"Oh, my God, it's really a unique skill of Chixia mountain. This blow alone is enough to compare with the saint son level figure. Can't we say that Lin Xuan has been destroyed by this skill?"

"I haven't seen him for a long time. Even if I don't die, I will be seriously injured..."

However, at this moment, before many people's words fell to the ground, a big white jade tripod was suddenly thrown from the storm and bumped into the descendants of Chixia mountain!

Later, Lin Xuan's figure emerged from the storm like a dragon. There was a trace of bright red blood on his mouth, but he was more and more powerful. His fists were waving like the God of war!

But at this moment, behind him, there was another rainbow light flying in the distance. Looking at it, it was a small Ruby sword flying out of the mouth of the descendants of Wolong valley. It was extremely fierce and wanted to break into Lin Xuan's back!

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