The red jade sword was crystal clear and sharp. It came with a terrible sword spirit, which made Lin Xuan's pace stop for a moment.


He had no choice but to turn back again and make an invincible fist seal. His magic fist was shining and shining with gold. When he hit the ruby sword in the sky, he burst out an exciting trembling sound, which shocked all sides!

In the sight of all the people, the little Ruby sword turned into pieces by Lin Xuan's blow. All the inner divine lines were broken, only a few dull pieces of broken jade fell to the earth like rain and snow!


Not far away, the descendant of Wolong Valley widened his eyes and looked unbelievable.

Lin Xuan's method makes the descendant of Wolong Valley very surprised. He has been preparing for a long time. This ruby sword is a magic weapon for high-level and inferior products. Unexpectedly, it is so easy for Lin Xuan to crack it, which makes him speechless!

However, the only consolation for him is that Lin Xuan is not unhurt. The sword is fierce. Even though Lin Xuan is unparalleled in flesh and martial arts, he has suffered some minor injuries. A few drops of red blood fall from his fingertips, which contains divinity!

Lin Xuan's body has experienced the baptism of natural calamity, and is tempered with many pills, such as the king of medicine, which makes his body contain infinite activity and vitality, comparable to the great medicine of human form!


However, when the descendants of Wolong valley were shocked, he saw Lin Xuan come to him in a twinkling of an eye, even more unreservedly, forced his own Qi and blood, and waved his fists!

"I wanted you to live longer, but I didn't want you to be ungrateful. In that case, I'd better send you on the road first."

Lin Xuan's face was cold. He scanned the descendants of Wolong Valley, as if everything was under control!

In a flash, the descendants of Wolong valley were hairy and subconsciously regressed. They didn't want to fight Lin Xuan head-on!

But it was too late at this moment, and the infinite power gushed out of Lin Xuan's body. He was like a God King. His body was crystal clear and immortal, bathed in the holy light, and two fierce fist seals pierced the chest and head of the descendants of Wolong valley. It was extremely tragic!


The descendants of Wolong Valley roared in despair. Only a light of soul rushed out of the broken platform. But the big hand that blocked the sky and the sun came to them. One hand smashed his spirit!

The vitality of the body is destroyed, and the spirit is turned into light and rain. The descendant of Wolong Valley, who was once invincible before, completely falls down, and everyone is shocked!

"It's unimaginable that this war is really full of twists and turns. Originally, Lin Xuan thought that he could not stand alone, but in the end, he laughed to the end!"

"The descendants of chixiashan can't leave. They can't escape the fate of defeat. This war is really coming to an end!"

"Before that, who could have thought that this great war should have ended with crushing force, but they didn't expect that the sun setting son and the descendants of Wolong Valley fell one after another. It's really a pity!"

In the crowd, a sigh and exclamation, war to this moment, who can see that the victory has been divided!

Lin Xuan is not optimistic about everyone's situation, he cut down a number of Tianjiao in succession, among which there are many Shengzi level figures. Such a record is unprecedented in fengxu, and it is extremely strong!

In the sky, Lin Xuan's hair is flying and his clothes are light. He carries his hands and looks at the descendants of Chixia mountain not far away. An invincible pressure surges away like the waves!

Just now, the huge tripod thrown by Lin Xuan hit him heavily, just like a hundred million strong mountain, which shocked his internal organs, cracked his body, and dyed his clothes red with blood!

He looks a little sad at the moment. His face is covered with blood and his clothes are ragged, just like a beggar on the road!

"Ha ha ha..."

However, the descendant of chixiashan suddenly seemed to be crazy. He laughed wildly and kept shaking his head. His dishevelled long hair covered his cheek and looked like a ghost.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Xuan's eyes gazed, and then he took a step calmly, like crossing the space, came to the descendants of Chixia mountain in a flash!

"What am I laughing at? Just laugh at myself. "

The legend of chixiashan seems to have given up his resistance. He shakes his head and turns around. His back is a bit bent, looking at the ray of afterglow in the distant sky, which seems to indicate the withering of life!

At this point in the war, sunset and dusk, the battle was so fierce that many monks who watched the battle in the distance were palpitating.

"I've never been so miserable in my life... Since the day I set foot on the road of cultivation. You... Have ruined my future..."

The descendants of chixiashan gritted their teeth and were extremely resentful, but in the end they had nothing to do.

As he said, whether it's the son of sunset or the descendant of Wolong Valley, they are all the proud people in fengxu. How could they expect to end up like this today.

If he is defeated in the hands of his peers, or in the hands of saints, he will admit it.

But Lin Xuan's name had no great achievements before. It was just a rumor that he killed the Teng minority leader and forced King Jingtian to retreat. He didn't see it with his own eyes.

Lin Xuan's realm was so low that they didn't put Lin Xuan in their eyes. They didn't work together at the first time, which led to the death of the son of sunset. It was too late for them to regret when they were left alone.

"There's nothing to say. Everything in the world has a definite number. From the moment you give me your hand, it's already doomed."

Lin Xuan's face was expressionless. He didn't hesitate. He waved his fists and shot coldly.

This fist seems to return to its original simplicity without great momentum. It is as natural and natural as a stroke of God, but its power is not reduced. It penetrates the damaged body of the descendant of chixiashan thoroughly!


A mouthful of red blood gushed out from the mouth of the descendants of Mt. chixiashan, as beautiful as the sunset, with a sense of sadness and beauty.

The descendant of Chixia mountain is tottering. It seems that he can't support himself at any time and he wants to fall from the sky

In this short time, he finally looked at Lin Xuan, who was close at hand. He grinned and spat out a few words: "Lin Xuan, it's our carelessness, we underestimated you..."

"However, this is not the end. Our Tianjiao alliance was founded not for you, but for those more terrible opponents on the way ahead..."

"A few of us, even the son of sunset, are nothing in the League..."

"There are outstanding people, descendants of ancient races, and the holy children of the top of the spirit masters... They will find you and take care of you, and there will be no accident."

"You will come with us soon... Ha ha ha..."

The voice of the descendants of chixiashan is as hoarse as a broken Gong, and the deep and terrible laughter reverberates between heaven and earth!

Lin Xuan, however, responded with no expression: "I don't need them to come to me, I will go to them!"

"As a person, I don't like the feeling of being missed."

The next moment, he took out his hand and smashed the head of the descendant of Chixia mountain. Even the spirit had no time to escape, so he was killed!

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