Soon after Lin Xuan left, many warships came across the void, including some disciples of the great religion. Situ Mingyue, the young leader of Tianyun sect, was among them!

He is also a saint son level figure. His arrival also caused a burst of uproar. Unfortunately, he came too far away. Lin Xuan and others had already left, and half of them did not leave!

Situ Mingyue heard that his younger sister situ Xianer appeared here. He came here to take her back.

Before, situ xian'er was always in the clan and under the protection of his father. But this time, I heard that the Tianjian mountain grand meeting was going to be held. I was afraid that my brother and father would not take me with them, so I slipped out secretly.

There are only two disciples who are coerced by situ xian'er. They are beaten seriously by Lin Xuan and run away. They report back to the sect!

It's a pity that they don't have the magic weapon across the void. At the moment, they probably don't know where to pass through Yumen. It's impossible for them to meet with situ Mingyue!

When situ Mingyue came, she realized that her little sister had been taken away by a man. She was furious!

He grabbed an ordinary Friar and asked, "where did they go?"

"No... I don't know..."

This monk is also very miserable. He is just a passer-by. As a result, he just hit the muzzle of the gun and fell into the hand of situ Mingyue. He can't escape!

I can only ask situ Mingyue to let him go!

"Hum, rubbish!"

Situ Mingyue was not a murderer. She ignored him, but forced others to ask again, "what happened?"

Different from other disciples, he came to take his younger sister back.

But others are attracted by Lin Xuan.

At this time, the young man of the royal family of beizhou came to situ Mingyue and said, "master situ, the son of the royal family of lower beizhou, Wang Wudi is my brother!"

"You know?"

Hearing the words, situ Mingyue fixed her eyes and looked at the man. She asked coldly.

What kind of person is situ Mingyue? Even among the saints, they are all outstanding people. Let alone Wang Wudi's younger brother standing in front of him, even if Wang Wudi himself stands in front of him, there will be no change.

"Master situ, I really saw it. It's a pity that I have low cultivation and can't do anything. I can only watch the thief take Miss situ away!"

"The thief's name is Lin Xuan. He fought with several proud people here, and even killed the sunset son. He is too powerful. If my brother is here, he can stop the thief. I really have no strength!"

Hearing this, situ Mingyue was also a little surprised and asked, "did you kill the sunset son?"

"Not only that, the young master of Chixia mountain and the descendants of Wolong valley were killed by him, but also the descendants of Jianchi were severely damaged. I'm afraid they won't live long now..."

The young man surnamed Wang has his own way of doing things. He looks rather scared. He seems to remember Lin Xuan's hegemonic means just now!


If you cut off a sunset son, although situ Mingyue would be surprised, she would not be too shocked!

But it was incredible for him to hear the arrogant figures in the mouth of the Wang family's descendants.

"Lin Xuan..."

Situ Mingyue murmured. He thought the name was familiar. After thinking for a moment, he finally remembered that the man who had killed the young master of Teng family and forced King Jingtian back was Lin Xuan?

"Well, it's him!"

"If this man is really strong, I'm afraid his cultivation is the peak of the spirit Master?"

Situ Mingyue asked with a cold snort.

In his mind, people with such achievements should at least be at the same level as him, otherwise it is really difficult to achieve.

But then Wang's words made situ Mingyue incredible!

"This... Master situ... You don't know, this man is too evil. His realm is no more than the peak of the Lingshi period, but his combat power is no less than that of the Shengzi level. His physical body is even more powerful, especially his fists can break high-level magic weapons!"

"What? How is that possible? "

At this moment, situ Mingyue is not surprised. Who can believe it?

"It's true. I can't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes!"

"All the people present witnessed this man's overbearing means, which made it difficult for the sunset son to resist!"

Before the voice of the man in Huafu fell, there was a voice of agreement around him. Obviously, they were all deeply impressed by Lin Xuan, so powerful that they shuddered!

"Is there such a person in this world?"

Situ Mingyue shook her head and even forgot about her little sister. She was shocked!

In the distance, some of his disciples came at the same time. They felt almost the same. They couldn't believe it!

Before they came here, they just knew that there was a war here, so they came to join in the fun.

The specific results of the war were only heard from the crowd after they came.

"It's absolutely true... By the way, master situ, before the thief left, he left a message saying that Miss situ had offended him and wanted to take Miss situ away as a maid to serve around and punish him!"

"He also said that he wanted the people of Guizong to give him a satisfactory ransom at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting and redeem Miss situ..."

"If he is not satisfied, he will tear up the ticket!"

When situ Mingyue heard this, she was very angry, but she was still a little confused and said, "tear up the ticket?"

"Well, it's about to kill Miss situ, so young master situ, you have to prepare early!"

Huafu youth explained.

"Hum, arrogance!"

"I don't care about tianyunzong!"

When situ Mingyue heard that Yan was furious, she wanted to kill Lin Xuan now. It was not only the reputation of her younger sister, but also the shame of the whole clan!

Their Tianyun sect is also the top sect in fengxu. How could they ever be bullied like this!

However, a sudden voice came from one side: "ha ha, master situ, that man even killed the sun setting son mercilessly, how can he care about these?"

The visitor was dressed in black, cold and fearless!

"Who are you?"

Situ Mingyue frowned.

"I'm Gu Yunfei. I've heard a lot about master situ. I've come to see him!"

Gu Yunfei came quietly and said with a low smile.

"It's you, hehe. No wonder you're so young."

Situ Mingyue smiles. Naturally, he has heard of Gu Yunfei. As far as he knows, this man is an immortal. He comes from an ancient hermit family and has been hidden in the snow since he was born.

It was not until recently that emperor's road was reopened.

Although he is young, his realm is no worse than that of some Saint son level characters. Now he has broken into the eighth section of Lingshi and is extremely powerful.

The result of the battle was even more impressive. As soon as he was born, he swept the seven bandits. The head of the seven bandits was the highest cultivation of the Lingshi. He was used as a knife testing stone by the youth. But in the war, he couldn't stop the killing of the youth and eventually died.

At that time, Gu Yunfei had not yet broken the boundary, and he was still the seventh section of Lingshi.

No one dares to ignore such a young man when he sweeps the seven bandits and the generals who follow them!

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