Gu Yunfei, dressed in black as ink, calmly walked to situ Mingyue without any fear.

"That man, I once dealt with him for a short time, and I watched him capture your sister with my own eyes, and I knew the whole story."

Smell speech, situ Mingyue eye light is exquisite, stare at Gu Yunfei way: "do you know where he went?"

Gu Yunfei pointed to the north, the latter was about to chase, but was stopped by Gu Yunfei.

"It's no use. He left long before you. I'm afraid he's gone tens of thousands of miles now. I don't know where Leizhou is."

"This man doesn't seem to be unscrupulous, and you don't have to worry too much. Since he said that you tianyunzong should be ready for ransom, he should show up at the tianjianshan grand meeting."

"Hehe, Tianjian mountain grand meeting? When that time comes, the saints and children will gather, and all the outstanding people will come. How dare he show up? "

Situ Mingyue chuckled. Some of them didn't believe this. Besides, there was still more than a month to go before the Tianjian mountain Festival. During this period, his sister was taken away by Lin Xuan. Who knows what will happen!

"A person like him will certainly be present, since he has said so."

Gu Yunfei shook his head. He was very accurate at seeing people. When he first saw Lin Xuan, he knew that he was a great enemy on the road of a future emperor.

People who can be so praised by him can't do things without words!

"Well, I hope so!"

Situ Mingyue snorted coldly, but he had nothing to do. Now even if he wanted to find Lin Xuan, he didn't know where to start. He was helpless!

Leizhou in nuota is the central area of fengxu, where there are many powerful people, and there are many great religions and heritages.

It's a vast area, occupying almost one fifth of the whole fengxu area. In such a place, it's really like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone who deliberately hides himself!

"Ha ha, master situ doesn't have to worry too much, and I think master situ didn't come to Leizhou just to find his younger sister, did he?"

Gu Yunfei smiles lightly. He has the confidence to make friends with situ Mingyue.

It is far from Tianjian mountain grand meeting. Many people arrived in Leizhou ahead of time, not just to participate in the grand meeting.

But for another thing!

Not long ago, a large tomb was found in Yandang Mountain in Leizhou. It was said that the owner of the tomb was at least an invincible king. Some even said that it was a tomb of saints!

It should be noted that from ancient times to the present, although the fengxu world is also a place of outstanding people, the people who can really practice to the king, or even the invincible king, are extremely rare. Everyone has a trace to follow in ancient history!

Almost all of them are the founder of the big schools and big religions.

Most of these characters are buried in the cemetery of zongmen after they are seated. They are guarded by zongmen and will not be coveted after death.

Few of the most powerful figures are buried in the mountains. The owner of this tomb has a long history. He may even be a famous figure in the ancient history of fengxu!

These days, Yandang Mountain often has a leader level characters appear, want to enter the tomb!

It's a pity that the array patterns carved on the outside of the tomb set several terrible prohibitions, which are hard to break!

If it had not been for a long time, the Earth Dragon in the mountain would have turned over, triggered a landslide, and destroyed the most outer shadow pattern, it would not have been found!

This is why many of the most powerful people speculate that the identity of the tomb owner is very important. Even they can't match this method!

This kind of invincible character's tomb, even for the patriarch level characters, has unimaginable allure!

It should be noted that for the fengxu community, there are few saints in the world today, and even the invincible kings can't be found.

Nowadays, the patriarchs of most aristocratic clans are just the strength of the sovereign realm. In some supreme clans and great religions, the major patriarchs and religious leaders are just breaking into the realm of kings.

If an invincible king or even a saint's tomb is opened, it is impossible to imagine the gods left in it.

There is no lack of some treasures, and even there will be a king of magic soldiers in this world, such a temptation, very amazing!

That not only attracted many masters, but also some ordinary monks!

At this moment, when situ Mingyue heard the meaning of Gu Yunfei's words, she naturally understood his meaning. She hummed coldly, "yes, I really want to go to Yandang Mountain!"

Hearing the speech, Gu Yunfei said with a smile: "ha ha, it's so good. I also have this plan. Young master situ is not as good as his peers. He also has a care."

"I heard that several patriarchs will gather in Yandang Mountain in a few days. Maybe we can open the tomb. If the time is right, we can go down to the tomb and see the world."

Gu Yunfei is not weak. For situ Mingyue, he can be regarded as a help. Since he says so, he will not refuse.

They hit it off and came together.

And the waves caused by Lin Xuan's killing all over the place even swept Leizhou and shocked many people.

"What? A new comer from the outside has risen and swept through several proud figures, including even the son of the sunset sect, who has also been killed! "

"Oh, my God, it's terrible. I thought that after those invincible figures of the same generation left this world, our generation could rise up, but I didn't want to kill another strong enemy!"

"Lin Xuan... Now this name is really like thunder, even the saint son level people dare not underestimate!"

"It's really domineering to kill Teng minority leader first, force King Jingtian back, and even kill several outstanding people!"

"The most shocking thing is that his cultivation level is not high, but his combat power is no less than that of the saint son level figures..."

"It's amazing. If he grows up, he's going to dominate the world and sweep all the heroes. No one is his opponent!"

As if the news had wings, it soon spread all over Leizhou, which shocked many monks and made the world in an uproar!

Many friars even think it's a fantasy. It's too exaggerated to believe it.

But as more and more people come true news, even if they are no longer willing to believe it, they can only believe it!

"This man is even more willing to put down his words. He will show up at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting more than a month later to fight against the heroes and be respected among his peers."

However, when Lin Xuansheng was famous for a while, some people deliberately spread such words, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many Da Jiao's children!

Those who really understand naturally know that this is deliberately done by someone who intends to render Lin Xuan as the public enemy of the world and kill him.

But unfortunately, most people do not care about these, Lin Xuan's behavior, itself caused great waves, the heroes angry!

Many of the disciples of the great religion, even a few saints and sons, also said that they would defeat Lin Xuan at the grand meeting and pay homage to the dead old friends!

"Hum, arrogant, this man really doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. He dares to look down upon us so much. If he meets us at the grand meeting, he will be killed

"Yes, an outsider who dares to be so arrogant on our land is looking for death!"

"Don't say anything more. If it happens, you must get rid of it quickly!"

"He will take off his head, burn his blood and essence, and offer sacrifices to the dead of the son of the setting sun!"

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