In such a denunciation, Lin Xuan's name can be said to spread all over the world, no one knows, no one knows!

Leizhou, a remote town, sword pool heirs across tens of thousands of miles, dragging the body, back to his hometown.

That year, when he was still young, he was found by a wandering monk. He said that he had extraordinary physique and some savvy. He wanted to teach him how to cultivate immortals, and asked if he was willing to serve the left and right, and hold the ceremony of disciples!

There is no background for the descendants of Jianchi. Their parents are all mortals. The immortals in this world are not far away from them. Many people dream of this kind of fate.

He doesn't have to say much. Although he is young, he also knows that the way of cultivating immortals is the real road to prosperity.

Later, he followed the wandering master into Jianchi, who is the contemporary master of Jianchi. He gave him endless resources to teach himself, and let the descendants of Jianchi rise.

Although he was young at that time, none of his peers was his opponent. Of course, he was highly expected by Jianchi and selected as his successor.

It's a pity that all this ended after meeting Lin Xuan.

He came so painstakingly, but could not let go of a person, that is his green plum, but also each other's bamboo horse.

"Yunniang, I'm back..."

Jianchi's descendants smile. Even if they are badly hurt, they still hold on to their bodies and come here with a rainbow.

Green mountains and green waters, Jielu and live.

It was a clean house, adjacent to the river. In the courtyard, a woman in yellow was very beautiful. She looked very weak, and her eyes were very smart.

Hearing the voice that made her yearn all the time, the woman in yellow turned around and looked surprised. It seemed that she didn't expect that the descendant of Jianchi would appear.

But then she saw the appearance of Jianchi's successor, but suddenly her face turned pale and her weak body almost fainted.

She quickly ran to the courtyard to help the bloody and crumbling descendant of Jianchi.

A striking fist seal on his chest almost shattered his heart. The woman in yellow was extremely distressed and burst into tears in an instant

"You're hurt..."

She looked at her lover's chest, which is still gurgling blood, gushing from her chest, she wanted to reach out to cover, but it was useless.

The red blood in her hands made the woman in yellow tremble.

However, at this moment, the descendant of Jianchi was still grinning. It seemed that he didn't want the woman in yellow to see his pain. He didn't even frown.

"No matter, yunniang, I knew that this day would come sooner or later when I set foot on the road of cultivation. I just didn't expect that this day would come so fast."

"I just want to see you for the last time and talk to you..."

At this moment, the descendant of Jianchi went on his way continuously, exhausted the last power in his body. He was like an old man in his old age. There was endless tenderness in his eyes. Now he fell into the arms of the woman in yellow and dyed her clothes red.

"I haven't come to see you for so many years. It's not that I've forgotten you. I'm just afraid I'll bring disaster to you..."

"Your constitution can't be cultivated. I've searched all over the world for ancient books, but I haven't found a solution."

"I don't want to see you grow old like a mortal... Later, I thought that maybe one day when I won the highest position, I would be able to find a God's medicine for you to continue your life and protect you for thousands of years..."

"For this reason, I tried my best, never slacked more than half a point, and I have been working hard to practice..."

"However, I finally met an invincible opponent, but as a descendant of Jianchi, I could not retreat even though I knew that there was no life or death ahead. I had to take up the responsibility of guarding Jianchi..."

"This is the master's last advice to me..."

"I failed him..."

In front of the descendants of Jianchi, in a trance, a kind-hearted but very strict old man emerged.

It's like waving to him.

"Don't talk, don't talk... I know, I don't blame you..."

However, the soft voice of the woman in yellow with crying cavity awakened him from his ignorance, and his eyes restored a brief clarity.

At this moment, the descendant of Jianchi seemed to shine back. He stretched out his bloody palm and wanted to touch the face of the woman in yellow as he did a long time ago

However, when he saw the blood stains, he hung his hand down again, as if he didn't want to stain her pretty cheek.

However, the woman in yellow couldn't help grabbing his palm and putting it on her pretty face.

That originally white cheek, was tears and blood made into a cat like, constantly sobbing.

"Yunniang... Why are you waiting for me for so many years..."

"I'm sorry for you..."

"After I die..."

At this moment, the woman in yellow shook her head desperately, tears blurred her eyes, and her voice was desolate.

"Don't... Don't you say..."

"In this way, you don't talk, I will accompany you..."

The words of the woman in yellow seemed to flow into the sword pool. The descendant's cold heart made him abandon too much.

At this moment, the descendant of Jianchi suddenly regretted his death.

If he didn't leave here and set foot on the road of cultivation, he would just be an ordinary person

Green plum and bamboo horse, and whether they can be white head

It's just that it's too late!

The corner of Jianchi's eyes suddenly moistened. He did not know how long he had not shed tears. Now, he could not stop flowing.

Inside the platform, the forced spirit became more and more dim and disintegrated in an instant. It turned into light and rain. It flew out of his platform and surrounded them like fireflies

In his eyes, there was no light, and he was enveloped by darkness!

The cry of the woman in yellow attracted many people in the town. When they saw the descendants of Jianchi, many old people couldn't help crying.

Soon after, two new graves were built behind the house near the river.

The rain fell silent. Lin Xuan stepped on the soil and put two bunches of flowers in front of the tombstone.

Then he turned calmly.

Before the descendant of Jianchi left, Lin Xuan was afraid that he was pretending to be dying and left a mark on his body, so he was able to find him.

He didn't see what the descendant of Jianchi said to the woman, but he saw the scene that the woman's white silk went with him.


Lin Xuan sighed. He didn't know why, but now he felt a trace of compassion. He thought that if everything could come back, maybe he would die.

It's not for the descendants of Jianchi, but for the miserable woman in yellow.

"Yunniang, good name, if there is an afterlife, I hope you can meet again!" Shen MuQing looked at it from a distance and sighed, inexplicably sad.

Even situ xian'er, who has always been as proud as a little Phoenix, was moved by the woman's infatuation and wiped her tears.

"Blame you... Kill someone else's lover, Wuwu..." she accused Lin Xuan, her eyes were red.

Lin Xuan was silent for a moment, but didn't answer anything. Finally, he and Shen MuQing and situ Xianer turned into a rainbow and left.

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