In Yunzhou, an ancient relic, Shen Qingfeng escaped from it with a disheartened face. Behind him, Yan Chixiao was also ragged and had blood stains on his face!

This ancient relic existed tens of thousands of years ago. It is a forbidden area within the boundary of fengxu!

However, there are great opportunities for such places.

It was when they heard that there was a trace of magic medicine in the ruins that they came to take a chance. As a result, they entered the ruins for more than half a month. They didn't even see the shadow of the magic medicine. On the contrary, they almost killed themselves in the ruins!

"Damn, this ghost place is really evil. There are ancient corpses. They are just like his mother's iron walls. They can't be broken. Fortunately, I can run fast, or I have to be planted in it!"

Shen Qingfeng gasped for breath and cursed.

Since he entered the world of fengxu, he seems to have changed a person. He seems to have no bondage and his temperament has changed greatly. Yan Chixiao is used to this kind of scene!

"I picked a few medicine kings and found half a large piece of Luo Yinjing. This time, I didn't get nothing. You don't have to scold so much!"

Yan Chixiao wiped the bloodstain on his face and bared his teeth.

"Well, it's been more than half a month in the ruins. I don't know whether Lin Xuan and his family have found the ancient order of emperor Lu, and whether they have entered this realm..."

Scolding, Shen Qingfeng suddenly sank and sighed.

At the beginning, Lin Xuan gave him his token, but he didn't step on the road of God, which made Shen Qingfeng keep it in mind all the time.

A month ago, Hong Hao, Shi Po Tian and the eighth prince all left this world. Originally, they wanted Shen Qingfeng to go with them, so they had a chance to take care of them.

But Shen Qingfeng has to stay in fengxu, waiting for Lin Xuan to appear!

However, what surprised him was that Yan Chixiao took the initiative to stay. He said that he didn't want to go ahead too early. He had to settle down in fengxu to consolidate his accomplishments. By the way, he could see if there was anything good in this small world.

Although the relationship between Yan Chixiao and Shen Qingfeng is not very good in the outside world, they both come from Tianxing University on the way of God. Naturally, they are much more friendly.

As soon as they hit it off, they were waiting for Lin Xuan's news in this world, and then they searched for the earth. Only when they had a chance did they escape from an ancient relic just now!

"Ha ha, I don't think you and I need to worry too much about a person like brother Lin. it's just a matter of time before we can get a piece of the imperial road ancient decree." Yan Chixiao laughs and trusts Lin Xuan, but his face is tired and dispirited.

"Oh, come on, let's go. We've been in the ruins for a long time and lost contact with the outside world. We don't know if we can make people pay attention to Lin Xuan's news

Shen Qingfeng shakes his head and sighs again. Since he entered the world of fengxu, he has not gained nothing. Fortunately, he ran into several opportunities and broke the third level. Now his cultivation level has been promoted to the fourth level of Lingshi. It can be said that he has entered the world with great speed!

In this world, we can walk horizontally!

Yan Chixiao is not bad either. This heaven and earth is more suitable for practice. The essence of heaven and earth is far stronger than that of the outside world. It is close to the most ancient times of flood and famine. With some opportunities, his realm is still one level higher than Shen Qingfeng. Now he has just broken into the fifth level of Lingshi!

They entered fengxu for more than three months ahead of time, and their luck was excellent. Their realm seemed to be like a rocket, and they were promoted to a small realm almost a month!

Hearing this, Yan Chixiao nodded and said, "well, let's go to Yuncheng first. We can't wait for a while. Anyway, we have a long way to go. We can leave at any time!"

Yuncheng, the largest city in Yunzhou, is extremely prosperous. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Almost every fairy mountain has a big religion to protect the city. It is as solid as gold. It is free from the invasion of bandits and exotic animals, and attracts many monks!

As soon as Shen Qingfeng and Yan Chixiao entered the city, they heard the name that inspired them!

"Hey, did you hear that a powerful outsider appeared in Leizhou recently. He successively killed the descendants of Jianchi, Chixia mountain, Wolong Valley and sunset son. It was so strong that people shuddered!"

"The most important thing is that the man's cultivation is just a spiritual master. Do you think it's outrageous?"

In the city, there was a monk with a face full of wine. He just came out of a wine cellar. He was staggering, as if he was going to fall at any time.

"What? Did you drink too much? That's bullshit. Who else is so powerful? " The people beside him looked suspicious.

"Ha ha, why do I cheat you? It's true that the man's name is Lin Xuan. Now the news has spread all over Leizhou a few days ago. Before long, Yunzhou will be shocked too!"

At this time, a passing friar with a silver sword on his back said with a smile: "it's true that there is such a strong man. I'm going to Leizhou to meet him at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting to see if he is as strong as the rumor!"

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng and Yan Chixiao, who happened to pass by, suddenly got excited. Shen Qingfeng grabbed the friar in Huafu and asked eagerly, "Taoist brother... What's the name of the man you just said?"

"Ha ha, Lin Xuan, you don't know that?"

"He killed the young master of Teng family a few days ago, and then forced King Jingtian to retreat. He has already gained some fame. But who would have thought that he killed so many talented people just half a month later? It's amazing!"

Lin Xuan's name is not very common, and he is the only one with such fighting power.

Shen Qingfeng almost didn't think he would recognize the wrong person, so he said: "Taoist brother, do you know where he is now?"

"Isn't that bullshit? Where do I know?"

"Forget it, he appeared in Leizhou a few days ago. I just heard that he seems to attend the Tianjian mountain grand meeting in a month's time!"

"Haha, such a grand gathering naturally needs me. I'm just going to join in the fun!"

Smell speech, Shen Qingfeng face smile, he exhaled, laughing: "finally, Leizhou, tianjianshan, brother Yan, let's go!"

He is very excited, pulling Yan Chixiao, is about to walk towards Yumen, to take the way to Leizhou.

However, Yan Chixiao stopped him and said, "well, don't be in a hurry. Now even if we go to Leizhou, we can't find anyone else."

"But we can meet at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting. Anyway, there is still a month left. I have just got something to gain when I enter the ruins this time. I can take advantage of this time to break the boundary again!"

"There must be a lot of people who want to kill Lin Xuan now. Then we will be better at cultivation, and we will be able to use it!"

Smell speech, Shen Qingfeng also return to God, know Yan Chixiao said right, also did not refute.

"Yes, I've been waiting for so long. I'll see you at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting in a month!"

They decided to find a secluded place to break through and practice at ease.

However, just a few days later, the terrible storm caused by Lin Xuan was covered by another event that shook the world of fengxu. That was the real shock to the world!

Five patriarchal figures, gathered in Yandang Mountain, with the king's magic weapon, want to work together to break the ban!

For a moment, Leizhou was full of storm. Many monks came to Yandang Mountain by way of Yumen to drink soup behind the five patriarchs!

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