Leizhou, covering water city, this city is adjacent to Yandang Mountain, from a distance, between heaven and earth a red, there is a kind of desolate atmosphere in the diffuse.

The ancient city wall is full of sword marks and knife marks. The whole body is black, majestic and majestic, as if made of black iron.

This ancient city has a long history and existed in the oldest time.

The news that the five strong masters wanted to attack Yandang Mountain together shocked the whole fengxu community. At that time, the city was full of people. With the help of the gate connecting the major cities, all kinds of ghosts and monsters came here and wanted to go to Yandang Mountain!

In front of the gate of the city, there were a lot of people, and there were many dusty monks everywhere. Their accomplishments were extraordinary.

In the past, the tomb of a suspected invincible king, or even a saint, was often synonymous with great opportunity and great terror.

In those ancient times, someone dug the tomb of the sage, got the inheritance of the sage, all kinds of treasures, and then established the invincible orthodoxy, full of mystery.

This kind of news makes almost all the friars can't sit still. Even if it's just the tomb of an invincible king, if they can get one of the things, it's a great treasure!

If they are lucky, they can even get more, which makes many monks crazy. They can't escape a fate in their practice.

This fate is opportunity.

"Elder martial brother, this time, the five major leaders and their disciples came to Yandang Mountain together. It seems that they really want to fight in. If we can catch some soup after us, it will not be enough!"

"Haha, we should be lucky this time because we've had so much bad luck!"

"It's true that there are five patriarchal figures, especially with the king's magic weapon. No tomb can be broken in the world!"

Outside the gate of the city, many friars talked about it one after another, and their faces were elated, as if chance were at hand.

However, at this time, a crazy strange old man did not know when to break into the crowd. He was silver haired and messy. The robe was also very shabby and dirty. He looked like a beggar on the roadside.

His face was dark and wrinkled, and he was blind in one eye. He was very empty. He looked a little scary!

The crazy old man called out: "can't go, can't go... It's the resting place of the most powerful. If you disturb his peace, there will be great disaster!"

"Hum, where's the madman? He's so dirty. Get out of my way!"

But at this time, a high spirited green robed friar kicked the crazy old man away, patted his silver boots and dusted off the dust.

The crazy old man was kicked by this kick and fell to the ground, but then he got up from the ground like nothing happened. He was not angry, and he cried out not to go.

This crazy old man's strange behavior makes some people worry inexplicably. Some people have a lot of friends and know some secrets.

At this time, he said: "this time, the tomb is really unusual. Many of the top orthodoxy have never moved. Only five patriarchal figures join hands. It's really unsettling."

"Yes, I've heard about it. It's said that the owner of this tomb has a very big background, and many orthodoxy do not dare to move!"

But it has attracted a lot of ridicule and irony.

"It's ridiculous that some people believe what a madman says."

"There are five patriarchal figures, and many outstanding people gathered in Yandang Mountain. Even if it is a saint's tomb, it will be wiped out. No one can stop it!"

"It's true that the most powerful people have long been dead. I don't know how many years they have been. Now they are afraid that even their bones are rotten and nothing exists anymore!"

These people are full of ridicule, all have not put on the heart, drive up the rainbow, ride the wind and go!

After the party left, the crazy old man seemed to see something in his turbid eyes and sighed again. He shook his head and said, "the catastrophe is coming, the catastrophe is coming..."

However, at this time, Lin Xuangang, who also heard the news, reached out to stop the old man. He said with doubts: "elder, what is the catastrophe you said

Hearing this, the old man raised his head tremblingly, but he was very confused. He still whispered in his mouth: "the great calamity is coming, the great calamity is coming..."

Lin Xuan was not reconciled and asked, "do you know who the owner of that tomb is?"

This time, crazy old head is awake, his turbid old eyes twinkle with a wisp of light, looking to the distance that the flourishing fairy mountain, this scene, let Lin Xuan inexplicably some uncomfortable, as if in the face of what unknown existence.

Finally, the crazy old man said in a low voice: "that's the burial place of the ancient demon God... For thousands of years, it's a bloody storm again..."

However, after a short period of soberness, the crazy old man seems to be reduced to the mundane. He trembles and staggers towards the vast wilderness.

"This old man is a madman. He can't believe what he says!"

Situ xian'er saw that Lin Xuan was lost in thought and suddenly said.

She longed for Lin Xuan to take her to Yandang Mountain. Maybe she would meet some acquaintances and save her!

But Lin Xuan always believed in intuition. He always thought that this crazy old man was unusual, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

It seems that he is a common mortal, but it gives Lin Xuan a mysterious feeling.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan looked in the direction of the crazy old man's departure, but in a flash, he was shocked

But in a flash, the crazy old man disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared.

"The crazy old man just now is by no means an ordinary person. We may have met an expert..."

When Lin Xuan was shocked, he settled down his mind and ignored situ xian'er's words.

Hearing the words, Shen MuQing knew what Lin Xuan thought and said in a soft voice, "do you think that this trip to Yandang Mountain may bring about some changes?"

"Don't worry. We don't know much about it. We'd better go to the city to know more about it and make plans later."

Lin Xuan shook his head, but he didn't say much. The party then entered Fushui city.

Then, relying on some spirit stones, Lin Xuan took a lot of things out of the mouth of some people in the city and combined them, which really surprised him even more.

"As strong as tianjianshan, lingyunzong, taimonotheism and so on, they didn't even make any moves, and even no one came from the door. It's not reasonable!"

"This kind of big tomb in this world means a chance to pour heaven. There's no reason to miss those top orthodoxy..."

"Unless, they all think that the five patriarchal figures and the king's magic soldiers will not have any effect in attacking Yandang Mountain..."

"Or what are you waiting for? Do you mean that these big religions want to use them as pathfinders?"

Then he thought of what the mysterious crazy old man had said. The burial place of the ancient demon God was a bloodbath. Lin Xuan thought of many things in a moment.

"There must be great terror in this grave. Those top orthodoxy know more about it, and they are afraid of it..."

"It seems that Yandang Mountain can't go any more. First, watch the change in Fushui city. Just at this moment, make a breakthrough first. This Lingshi has been stopped for a long time!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan made up his mind not to join in the fun first, but to improve his cultivation. Before long, the grand meeting of Tianjian mountain will be around the corner. If he doesn't have the strength at that time, it will be the real big problem!

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