In Fushui City, Lin Xuan found a secluded residence. He wanted to take advantage of the next time to devote himself to practice and upgrade his cultivation to a higher level!

With the accumulation of these days, Lin Xuan's experience has already approached the peak of the first section of Lingshi. He can break into the second section of Lingshi only by one step!

However, Lin Xuan's ambition is not limited to this. If he has enough time, his accumulated cultivation resources will be enough to push his cultivation to a very high level.

Shen MuQing also reached the bottleneck of his practice. He needed to break through the situation, and naturally he also had to practice in seclusion.

In this way, situ xian'er became an unstable factor. Lin Xuan simply did not do anything for two times. Before closing the door, he directly suppressed her in the white jade heaven and earth cauldron!

"You... You can't do this to me!"

"Let me out of here!"

The white jade heaven and earth cauldron was reduced to the size of a palm and fell into Lin Xuan's palm. The angry voice of situ xian'er came from it, just like a fierce little tiger!


However, when Lin Xuan flicked his fingers, he pointed to the white jade heaven and earth tripod, making it emit a clear trill!

But situ xian'er, who was brought into the cauldron, felt that the sky was spinning and the thunder was exploding, which made her feel bad!

"Be honest and stay in the cauldron. I'll let you out when I get out of the pass."

Lin Xuan's overbearing voice.

"Son of a bitch... Dead Lin Xuan, smelly Lin Xuan, I don't want to stay here, let me out, let me out..."

In the cauldron, situ xian'er rubbed his head and gritted his teeth.

When did she receive such inhuman treatment, she ignored Lin Xuan!

However, Lin Xuan also chuckled, shook his head and said, "scold, scold, sooner or later you will be tired of scolding!"

He is indifferent to the appearance of a change of hands will be white jade heaven and earth Ding revenue storage space, ear suddenly clean up!

As for situ xian'er, being in the dark heaven and earth cauldron, everything here tends to be chaotic, and there is no living creature, which makes her only happy to curse!

"Dead Lin Xuan, smelly Lin Xuan, your conscience won't hurt if you bully me such a weak, pitiful, beautiful little girl?"

"I've worshipped you so much before. Bah, you don't deserve it!"

"You heartless man, don't let me go out. If I go out, I must let you taste the feeling of being suppressed..."

He constantly scolds Lin Xuan and accuses him of 108 crimes. Unfortunately, Lin Xuan doesn't pay any attention to her.

In the dead and dark cauldron, only situ xian'er's abusive voice echoed continuously.

I don't know how long ago, she seemed to find that no one would respond to her, and finally she couldn't scold any more

"Wuwuwuwu... Is there anyone, can you talk with me..."

"It's so dark here, brother... Come and help your lovely, clever and intelligent sister..."


Soon after Lin Xuan suppressed situ xian'er, he fell into deep practice.

Now, for him, it is different from the past. He has broken through to the realm of spiritual master, and the power of immortal xuanjing is beginning to show. As long as he has enough resources to support, Lin Xuan can refine and transform massive resources into accomplishments in an instant!

For others, practice is long, boring and boring, but for Lin Xuan, those converted accomplishments are only numbers and experience values.

He had almost no bottleneck. In just two days, he broke through.

As usual, Lin Xuanyu felt that he might have to lead to a natural disaster. He left Fushui city ahead of time and found a secluded place in the vast wilderness. He could easily get through the natural disaster.

After he left, a hundred Li area turned into scorched earth, and all the vitality was destroyed.

However, Lin Xuan understood that these were just the beginning. After the thunder, everything was rejuvenated.

Now in this world, the more Lin Xuan knows about it, the more he understands that the existence of natural calamity is his own rule. As long as he reaches that limit, no one can escape.

In addition, no matter whether you have unparalleled talent or not, you have to go through all kinds of calamities when you go to the back of practice. The state of respect is the beginning.

Lin Xuan once saw in such a small place as Daqian dynasty that there were only a few monks who could break into the realm of the venerable. Every monk who broke into the realm of the venerable was extremely talented and awe inspiring.

If we go all the way and don't fall too early, our final achievement will be far beyond the realm of the venerable!

Lin Xuan just experienced this kind of "great love" of heaven and earth for monks in advance!

In fact, in Lin Xuan's eyes, this natural disaster was indeed God's love for him. Every time he was born, Lin Xuan gained a lot, and his flesh and blood were more powerful than before!

But for the weak, the natural disaster is a disaster. If they can't cross it, they have to die!

After that, Lin Xuan went back to Fushui city and heard the news along the way that the five patriarchal figures on Yandang Mountain were finally going to fight!

"Elder martial brother, let's go quickly. If we go late, I'm afraid we won't get a good place!"

"This time, it's said that more than five patriarchal figures were present, and it seems that some big people came secretly, but they didn't show up."

"Ha ha, no matter how much he has, we can't get the good things. When the master level can break the tomb, we can catch some soup and drink after him!"

Many people heard the news, all in a hurry out of the city, they have been waiting here for a long time, this day has finally arrived.

However, Lin Xuan didn't join in the fun. He shook his head and went back to his residence in the city. He was closed again.

Time is in a hurry. In the next ten days, Lin Xuan once again broke through the realm and was promoted to Lingshi for three periods.

When he returned, he heard news again that the prohibition outside the tomb was broken by the king's magic weapon carried by the great power of the patriarch, and many monks and disciples of the great religion entered!

"Have you heard that the forbidden system outside the Yandang Mountain tomb has been broken by several masters. We've been waiting for so long. If we don't leave, we'll really miss the chance!"

"Wait a minute. Don't worry. I've heard that it's just breaking the prohibition outside. The tomb is still intact. I'm afraid it will take some effort to enter it!"

"It's true that many of the top orthodoxy and big religions still don't make any moves. If you don't know what's going on, wait and see!"

In a street wine shop in the city, there was a saying.

Lin Xuan was not surprised when he heard that he could think of something that others might not have thought of.

"The second elder martial brother is right. It's said that there are still several important people on Yandang Mountain who have been watching, but still haven't entered it."

"Damn, these old fellows are really calm. Forget it. Since the two elder martial brothers don't feel safe enough, let's wait and see!"

These words fell in Lin Xuan's ears. Without stopping, he went back to his residence and continued to choose seclusion.

Half a month later, Lin Xuan woke up from the deep shut. This time, he almost consumed most of his cultivation resources, and pushed his cultivation to the peak of the third section of Lingshi. He could break through the situation again just by one step!

There was a lot of noise in the outside world, and the whole city seemed to be frying. When Lin Xuan came out of his room and learned what had happened, his face suddenly stagnated!

"All the five great powers of the patriarch level have fallen down. If they were not for the king's magic weapon, they would be left in it."

"In the grave where tens of thousands of monks died, Tianjiao and Renjie fell to 7788. Only a few of them escaped!"

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