What Lin Xuan was worried about finally happened. Yandangshan tomb is really a fierce place. There are many outstanding people in it. They killed so many outstanding people that even the great power of the patriarch could not be spared. The death is extremely miserable and frightening!

"This time, those powerful calculations failed. They lost a lot of people."

"It's not a place of chance at all. It's a magic cave. We can see thousands of skeletons climbing out of the tomb, just like purgatory!"

Fu Shui City, there are lucky monks difficult to escape back from Yandang Mountain, said with lingering fear.

"Wuwuwuwu... Elder martial brother, hold on. We'll go back through the gate now. The elders in the gate must have a way to save you!"

It's hard to predict that Lin Xuan met several familiar figures in the crowd. He once met briefly at the gate of the city.

A young monk in green robes, carrying his dying elder martial brother on his back, said with a sad face and a crying voice.

They passed by Lin Xuan and rushed to the altar of Yumen in the city.

"Mad, I've listened to your lies this time. I have to find some chance. I almost died in it. I'm going to deal with you when I get back!"

Facing him came a rough man. His face was bloodstained, his body was full of scars, his clothes were in tatters, and he beat and scolded the friar with a bad look on his face!

"Pain, brother, don't fight. We have to thank God that we can escape. Are you going to kill your brother?"

Lin Xuan walked out of his residence and all the way along Qingshi road. He saw too many injured people and heard many secrets in the tomb!

In a short period of time, the accident of Yandang Mountain spread all over Leizhou and even the whole fengxu community. All the monks who heard the news were shocked!

For many years, he Zengsheng, as he is now, the fall of Tianjiao and Renjie has killed five masters. It's incredible!

You know, even in the fengxu area where the people are outstanding, the strong masters are also famous people, and there are even some masters of great religions and sects. The fall of these people has a great impact!

"I won't come here any more. What's so special is that I didn't get a hair, and I used the treasure my grandfather gave me to save my life. What a pity!"

In front of him, another angry friar in gorgeous clothes walked past Lin Xuan. Behind him, several retinues were all disheartened and hurt!

Lin Xuan was silent, and he was also glad.

Then, he went to know some details of the Yandangshan tomb, and learned a news that surprised him.

Even in the case of the death of five patriarchal figures and tens of thousands of monks, they did not really enter the tomb.

Just at the entrance of the tomb, there is a unique killing machine hidden. There is a terrible array operation, which makes many skeletons resurrect and climb out of the soil.

And the five patriarchal figures were killed by a sudden slap from the tomb. They were all turned into flesh and mud, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed!

"Is the owner of the tomb still alive?"

When Lin Xuan heard the news, he was shocked for a moment, which made him unable to calm down for a long time.

In the heart is to send out doubts, doubt whether the tomb owner really died!

But if, according to what the crazy old man said at the beginning, there was an ancient demon God buried in it, I'm afraid that even a saint would perish in such a long time?

In ancient times

I don't know how many million years ago, is it still alive?

What kind of means is this against heaven?

I'm afraid it can't be called demon God. It's time to call it demon emperor. It's all fine!

But then Lin Xuan thought carefully for a moment, and gave up the idea, because it was too shocking!

Even in the outside world, there are very few emperors who live forever. Throughout the whole history of the human race, there are only a dozen people.

It is impossible for such a character to appear in a small wind market.

Lin Xuan was more willing to believe that it was just a means left by the tomb owner before his life, just like the array, but his knowledge was too shallow, so he made such a fuss!

After that, Lin Xuan returns to his residence and tells Shen MuQing everything he has explored.

The latter heard, but also very shocked, so that she was silent for a long time!

However, what Lin Xuan did not expect was that a wave did not come to an end, and a wave began again. Soon after, news came from Tianjian mountain.

"Big news, it is said that after the Tianjian mountain grand meeting, Tianjian mountain will join hands with the top orthodoxy such as taimonotheism, Lingyun sect, Tianyun sect and sunset sect to open the Yandang Mountain tomb together..."

"At that time, almost all the top orthodox patriarchs in fengxu will be present. In order to ensure safety, it is said that some old people who are not born will be invited. Many great religions will surely win the things in the tomb!"

The constant flow of news has once again affected the hearts of many people.

If the previous five patriarchal figures joined hands only as pathfinders, then such a high-profile style as Jianshan today is really sharpening the sword and determined to open the Yandangshan tomb!

We must know that these forces are the real top orthodoxy in fengxu!

Compared with the previous five suzeraints, the former is just a small fight!

But at this time, there is another news, even more terrifying!

"The news of Yandang Mountain tomb was originally released from the monotheism of Tianjian mountain and Taishan. It was also that they secretly encouraged several patriarchal figures to fight, which led to such a tragedy!"

Up to now, everyone knows why there are so many great religions and sects in Yandangshan tomb?

It turned out that because I couldn't understand the reality of the tomb, I was afraid, so I used some means to let people explore the way first!

"I'll go. I'll tell you how the Yandang Mountain tomb suddenly spread all over the fengxu area. It turns out that those great religions knew about it long ago, and even spread the news secretly before!"

"The calculation of these old guys is really vicious. Knowing that there may be changes in the tomb, they don't say anything but let us go in and die!"

"Mad, none of these great teachings is good. If not, it won't hurt me. I've lost an arm!"

"Hum, I won't go any more. It's a chance. I won't fight for who I want. Who knows if it's a routine again? I don't want to die in it!"

When the news came, there was an uproar in Fushui city. Many monks who survived from Yandang Mountain were scolding these great religions for their shamelessness and indignation!

Some even threatened to seek justice for the dead!

"The grand meeting of Tianjian mountain is just around the corner. We have lost more than a dozen outstanding disciples in this battle. We must never give up. We have to go and ask for an explanation!"

A dignified old man said in a low voice.

"It's true that many members of my Xiaoyao sect have died, and several elders have fallen. If we don't ask for an explanation, we are ashamed of their spirit in heaven!"

Some people agreed angrily, and their accomplishments were also extraordinary. They were all powerful figures of major religious sects. What they said still had some effects, which made people dare not underestimate!

However, after all, they can only be regarded as first-class and second-class inheritance, far less than the top orthodoxy like tianjianshan. The so-called asking for advice will naturally end up with nothing!

It's just a show off. It's good to stop all the people in the door and pass all their anger on to these top orthodoxy. They who are in power will be able to get out of the business!

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