After learning the news, many monks in Fushui city set out to Tianjian mountain, not only to attend the once-in-a-decade Tianjian mountain grand meeting, but also under the banner of asking for opinions!

And some of the friars who didn't lose anything in this battle also had the idea of watching the excitement, and they also stepped on the gate of the realm and crossed the void!

Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing were going to participate in the grand meeting, and there was Shi wa waiting for him.

What's more, Lin Xuan didn't miss such a big disturbance.

He released situ xian'er from the heaven and earth cauldron. The latter has been suppressed in the dark cauldron these days. There is no one to speak to. He is going crazy!

Just just be released by Lin Xuan, she is in a hurry to look for Lin Xuan desperately!

"Lin Xuan, how can you do this to me? I'll fight with you!"

Situ xian'er was not afraid of Lin Xuan any more. He was merciless to him!

It's a pity that although she was released by Lin Xuan, her accomplishments were still sealed by Lin Xuan. Now she's just a mortal with no power to bind a chicken. She doesn't feel much when she hits Lin Xuan with that pink fist.

"To be honest, this is the attitude you should have as a maid. I want to rebel against you?"

Lin xuanhu yelled with a low face, trying to frighten the little sister in the cultivation world

However, situ xian'er didn't care about him at all. It seemed that Lin Xuan didn't dare to kill her because of his own identity, so he was so unscrupulous!

"Bah... Who is your maid? I'm a fairy. Hum, Lin Xuan, I'll tell you, I won't let you go!"

Situ xian'er hammered Lin Xuan's fists, but he didn't respond. Instead, situ xian'er rubbed his fists and looked angry!

Lin Xuan's body is harder than the stone, which makes her speechless. There is no place to vent her anger!

"OK, I'd like to know how you won't let me go, but before that, you'd better go back to Dingli and stay!"

Lin Xuan nodded calmly, then spread out his palm, on which emerged a small white jade tripod. It was crystal clear, overflowing with white holy light, very extraordinary.

He is about to suppress situ xian'er in the cauldron again. This action finally scares her. The latter changes her face very quickly and never wants to take revenge on Lin Xuan.

He hugged Shen MuQing, shook her slender arm, and begged: "sister, help me... I don't want to stay in it. If I stay any longer, I will be crazy!"

Seeing this, Shen MuQing couldn't help laughing, but said to Lin Xuan, "don't bully her, she's pathetic enough!"

At the end of the speech, situ xian'er nodded quickly. He was about to cry out and complained about Lin Xuan's crime!

She is at least the daughter of the Lord of Tianyun sect. She doesn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. In the past, no one would do this to her even if she was in trouble. In this dark month, situ xian'er's heart would hate Lin Xuan!

"Come on, don't pretend. Even if you don't suppress you, you'd better be honest. Otherwise, if you make me unhappy again, even if someone pleads for you, it's useless!"

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said impatiently.

He could see that situ xian'er was not good at anything else, but his acting skills were really first-class. Even a stone hearted man like him couldn't bear to look at his pitiful appearance!

"Hum, who makes you bully people all the time..."

Situ xian'er sniffed, his hands crossed his waist, and his mouth puffed.

However, she also understood that Lin Xuan was really able to do it. He vomited his tongue and finally became honest and didn't provoke Lin Xuan any more.

With the help of Yumen, they crossed the void and went to Tianjian mountain.

During another way to the original familiar Town, Lin Xuan and others pass by in a hurry, but they are still recognized, which makes the little town calm again!

"Ah, elder martial brother, why are you running so fast? Wait for me!"

At the first sight of Lin Xuan, a spiritual monk turned around and ran away at a speed invisible to the naked eye as if he had met the God of pestilence. This made his younger martial brother a little confused!

All the way, after counting the breath, seeing that Lin Xuan didn't catch up with him, the spiritual master finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself, "it's really bad luck that I didn't go out to see the Yellow calendar, how I met this master!"

"Elder martial brother... Elder martial brother... What are you talking about?" At this time, the younger martial brother behind him panted to catch up. He swore that he had never seen his elder martial brother run so fast in his life!

"Well, you know a hammer. That man was a murderer just now. Fortunately, we ran fast. Otherwise, if that man was in a bad mood, he would give us a knife, and our martial brothers would be cool today!"

"Ah? Elder martial brother, who is that man that makes you so afraid? "

The younger martial brother is curious.

"Who is it? In addition to the Lin xuanlin demon who killed the descendants of Jianchi, Chixia mountain, Wolong Valley, and the son of sunset, who else

With an experienced look, the spiritual monk began to instill his own way of practice into his silly younger martial brother.

"At the beginning, your elder martial brother, I witnessed that person's supreme demeanor. The sun setting son can't hold ten faces in his hands. He is the ruthless man among the ruthless people in today's world!"

"I tell you, if we little characters meet such a murderer, how fast we can run, as long as we stay away, we won't provoke such a character!"

The spirit Master has his own way.

"Oh, elder martial brother, you are so powerful. I see." Little younger martial brother nodded.

In the distance, only a hundred feet away from the two brothers, Lin Xuan silently watched the two sneak away, with a helpless look on his face.

Originally, Lin Xuan didn't notice the two brothers. Who knew that they ran away as soon as they saw him, but Lin Xuan became suspicious and secretly caught up with them.

Lin Xuan would never have thought that he had killed just a few proud people. He was so scared that people would run away when he saw him. He was very depressed.

"I look so scary?"

Lin Xuan was a little suspicious of life and said to himself.

On one side, Shen MuQing's eyes were as vivid as water, and her cheeks were as beautiful as peach blossom. She gently raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile, "it's very frightening."

"But it's not because of your appearance, it's because your combat power doesn't match your realm cultivation, which makes people unable to see through the reality."

This seems to mean something, but Lin Xuan didn't think much about it. Quan should praise him. Ha ha, he said with a smile: "your praise is very useful to me."

However, this made situ xian'er a little upset and said, "Hey, you two have more than one thing. If you want to have a love talk, can you not be in front of me?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Xuan also stopped talking for a while. Just now, his elder sister was still long, and she called affectionately. In a twinkling of an eye, she changed her face, not even Shen MuQing's face!

If that's true, women are fickle.

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