Lin Xuan was recognized in the small town. As long as someone said, "the devil Lin is coming," all the friars would turn into birds and beasts in the bustling streets and lanes. They would disperse and treat him like snakes and scorpions. They did not dare to walk with him!

This scene is like a king in the jungle, where all animals retreat!

In this regard, Lin Xuan is also very helpless, he is not a killer, these are just rumors of his misunderstanding.

"Let's go."

Lin Xuan shook his head, and they finally left the town again, only this time in the opposite direction.


Tianjian mountain, one of the most ancient and mysterious heritages in Shangfeng market, is immortal in the world.

This is a thriving network of people. All the disciples who come out of the door are dragon and Phoenix among the people, proud and outstanding. They are famous!

No more than one hand of fengxu can match its inheritance.

The Tianjian mountain grand meeting has a long history and is well-known. Almost all monks know it and yearn for it.

A grand event like this is held every ten years, but the Tianjian mountain grand event is divided into two parts: a general meeting and a small meeting.

One hundred year conference, one small conference in ten years.

This is the once-in-a-hundred-year Tianjian mountain meeting. At the time of the meeting, people from all forces will be present, and countless strong people will gather.

In the past, many Tianjiao figures gathered together. At each grand meeting, not only were there all kinds of rare treasures, but also many young Tianjiao would discuss with each other and compete with each other.

This is a once-in-a-hundred-year meeting. With the factors of Yandangshan tomb, it can be said that all of them are in a hurry. It is definitely the most lively event in hundreds of years.

Many monks from other big states also took great pains to come here, very ceremonious.

They also came to the foot of Tianjian mountain and saw too many friars who came here to attend the grand meeting. They were like a crucian carp crossing the river.

The reason why Tianjian mountain is called Tianjian mountain is not because it is a branch of swordsmanship.

But because of the fairy mountain in front of them!

It's like a sword in the sky. It's like a pillar of heaven!

Looking up, at the top of the sky sword, countless jade buildings are as vast and magnificent as the heavenly palace. They are surrounded by hundreds of millions of rosy clouds and innate aura, just like the residence of gods.

In that fairy palace, many auspicious animals rush to jump, fairy birds hover, a sacred atmosphere, it is hard to forget such a spectacle.

A White Jade Terrace connecting heaven and earth extends from the towering tianque to the foot of the mountain, attracting many visitors and showing the style of immortal gate!

Many friars who had never seen such a battle even widened their eyes. They were as shocked and incredible as brass bells!

"This is Tianjian mountain. It's really the top Holy Land in our fengxu area. It's really worthwhile to come here today."

"I never thought that Jianshan was so magnificent that day. This is the real treasure land of the immortal family!"

At the foot of Tianjian mountain, many friars come here for the first time and take part in such a grand meeting for the first time. They are very surprised and constantly sigh.

"Many years ago, I came to the foot of Tianjian mountain again. I remember that when I first came here, my master took me into the palace and suddenly I was in a fairyland, which I still remember!"

A middle-aged man has some feelings. His face is ordinary, but he is not angry. He wears a rich and gorgeous purple robe, full of noble spirit.

By his side, he was accompanied by several equally prominent young monks, such as his disciples. Everyone's breath was very strong.

Such a grand event once in a hundred years has made many monks sigh with emotion. Even a few old people, with the help of their disciples, came here with nostalgia.

Now I revisit my hometown and look up at the towering Jianshan mountain with tears in my eyes.

When they were young, under the leadership of their respective masters, they came here to increase their knowledge, and even set up a challenge arena with others to compete with each other.

It was their most prosperous age. Everyone was full of vigor and vitality. Now, they are all old.

What's more, the ten-year grand meeting is not the same as the hundred year grand meeting.

How many hundred years does life have?

Even a monk, if he can't break through the situation all the way, he will grow old one day. Such a grand meeting can't be seen several times in his life. It's reasonable to feel like this.

However, Lin Xuan is not so pretentious as these people. He has seen too many big waves, and is very calm and calm.

Shen MuQing and the two of them ascended the steps. The cloud climbing ladder has tens of thousands of steps. It really looks like the sky.

It was made of white jade by the founder of the sect in Tianjian mountain at the beginning. Only at the Centennial grand meeting can it be used to welcome guests.

On weekdays, there was no such grand ceremony at all. There was only one rainbow bridge in succession, and most of the disciples entered the gate by flying through the clouds.

However, what surprised Lin Xuan was that although the ladder looked like tens of thousands of steps, they did not take a few steps, but they had already come to the gate of heaven!

Looking back, the abyss is behind us.

"This white jade climbing ladder is also a treasure."

With a sigh, Lin Xuan entered the immortal gate with the flow of people.

It's like a border outside. It's like a big pot wrapping Tianjian mountain. Only when you really step into the immortal gate can you see what the real immortal earth is.

Lin Xuan only felt that his pores were opening all over his body. The rich innate aura rushed into Lin Xuan's body and made him feel like an immortal. Even his body was much lighter.

Then the towering palaces and palaces, built on the basis of clouds, are resplendent and sacred.

Compared with what Lin Xuan had seen in the secret territory of xuanming sect, he had never been better!

Under their feet, the fog is dense, like stepping on the clouds, and they are in the real palace of heaven. Nine arch bridges are connected to those ethereal fairy towers. From time to time, fairy maids flying by with jade plates in their hands.

One after another, great figures emerged from the immortal gate behind Lin Xuan, followed by many energetic disciples. At first glance, their origins were extraordinary.

However, none of them would pay attention to Lin Xuan. They just thought he was a little monk and didn't care.

And as those big men stepped on the arch bridge, there was a gate behind them, and the crowd cried out, "the master of huoyun mountain is here!"

"The headmaster of Yuheng sect is here in person!"

"Kylin cave master, with his disciples and grandchildren, comes to the banquet!"

"The elder of Lingyun sect is here!"

"The head of the royal family of beizhou came to visit all the heroes in the world with his sons and heirs!"

One after another, the arrival of great figures attracted the eyes of many monks, who were very shocked!

It's incredible that we can see so many big people today, even though we don't see one of them on weekdays!

Even Lin Xuan had to sigh again that Tianjian gate was the top orthodoxy, but he had enough face. It was just enough.

But just now, among those forces, Lin Xuan heard several familiar names.

The legitimate children of huoyun mountain are almost killed by a demon level figure.

The Holy Son of Lingyun sect was defeated by Jiang Jianyun.

The young disciples in the Yuheng sect were also pushed by a demon like God, Tianjiao. No one was their opponent!

And these people, all from the outside world, have made a great reputation in this field.

But when Lin Xuan came, those people had already left.

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