"Well, the leader of Yuheng sect, the leader of huoyun mountain, the leader of Qilin cave, and even a supreme elder in Lingyun sect. My God, it's a great honor to see these great people today."

Behind Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing, someone whispered, with a look of reverence and yearning, watching those leading figures step over the arch bridge and enter the real pure land of Tianjian mountain!

Lin Xuan's eyes were deep, and he looked at the nine arch bridges, all in the shape of dragons, spreading out golden avenues, showing his style!

Such a scene naturally makes people yearn for it. Many monks who come here are impatient to step on the arch bridge.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

There was a green robed friar, laughing heartily, striding toward the arch bridge.

But then, suddenly someone said in a low voice: "tubaozi, the seat of Tianjian mountain grand meeting, can you sit if you want?"

"Even if I get it now, I'll wait for all of them to show up. It's not that I'm going to give up my seat and lose face."

Hearing the speech, another sneer came, saying: "what Taoist brother said is very true. Over the years, this seat at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting can't be taken by anyone who wants to sit."

"If you have a bad temper, I'm afraid it's not just about giving up your seat!"

"Well, it's true. If you don't have that ability, you're just insulting yourself!"

These words were extremely harsh, but the Taoist priest seemed to have never heard them. He was as fast as wind and electricity, and disappeared in front of everyone in a moment!

Lin Xuan looked on coldly from beginning to end. As an outsider, he had never participated in any Tianjian mountain grand meeting. Naturally, he didn't know many rules.

But he did not care, and Shen Mu Qingfeng light cloud light to one of the arch bridge to the foot.

The water flowing under the nine arch bridges is like the water of the Tianhe river. There is no root and no Ping. It flows backwards from the sky. The turbulence is ceaseless, and it sprays endless auspicious light!

Inside it, the fish dragon is tumbling, as if to leap over the dragon's gate. It really feels like a heavenly palace.

Moreover, this Tianhe river alone is the means of throwing heaven, which Lin Xuan had never heard of before.

It should be noted that the water of the Tianhe river is flowing in the white clouds under our feet, which is against the rules of heaven and earth. It's unbelievable.

"This method is absolutely by the hands of the people of Gaidai!"

With an exclamation, Lin Xuan leaped over the arch bridge and stepped into the real immortal soil of Tianjian mountain.

There are thousands of purple clouds, thousands of auspicious colors, and the celestial palace is hidden in the hazy, as if in a painting, some of which are not real.

In all directions of the arch bridge, there is a guide from Xian'e in Tianjian mountain.

At this moment, a Xian'e in colorful clothes came up to Lin Xuan and leaned forward slightly: "where are you from? Is there a teacher with you

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "there is no school or teacher. We are all wandering people. We have a long admiration for the name of Tianjian mountain. On this occasion, we are here to see some of the world."

The fairy e is beautiful and graceful, and her colorful clothes are as thin as cicada wings.

And the realm is not much weaker than Lin Xuan and others. He is already a spiritual master.

This kind of cultivation, if put in the earth, can also be called the immortal, but now it is only a woman here, which is amazing.

However, Lin Xuan also found that the cultivation of Xian'e was somewhat unstable. For example, she forced the building with a magic medicine, which could only be regarded as a vase and had no combat power.

At this time, after hearing Lin Xuan's words, Xian'e's original respectful look suddenly changed a little. She pointed to Lin Xuan and said, "that day in the palace, it's the place where a male master sits. You can't enter it."

"But in the Yuchi garden, you can find someone to sit down“

"This is the Centennial grand meeting of Tianjian mountain. Since you are here, you must remember that you must not cause trouble."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods: "thank you."

Then, with a slight nod, she turned and left to meet a red faced friar in purple. She took the lead in person and showed her respect.

In this regard, Lin Xuan was calm and did not have any dissatisfaction.

No matter in the world or in the world of practice, it's hard to escape from such forces. Lin Xuan had seen too many human feelings in his previous life, and now he's reborn, so he doesn't care much about them.

Shen MuQing's swordsmanship is full of spirit, his mood is empty and bright, and he is even more peaceful with a smile on his eyebrows and eyes.

Only situ xian'er's small face showed dissatisfaction and hummed: "bah, the dog's eyes are low on people. I can't see such people most!"


However, Lin Xuan suddenly knocked on situ xian'er's head, which made him feel painful.

"Come on, let's go."

Lin Xuan fixed his voice.

Situ xian'er clenched his fist and bit his teeth angrily, and hummed in a low voice behind them: "well, you Lin Xuan... Bully me again, hum, wait, my father will come later, let him teach you a good lesson!"

These words naturally did not drop in Lin Xuan's ear, he did not say a word, and returned to appreciate situ xian'er a record of shudder.

Such a move can be described as bold, but Lin Xuan is not afraid.

Because of the ancient maxim of emperor Lu, there are also law enforcers in this area. They even come here to participate in the grand meeting. Even if the Lord of Tianyun sect is in a bad mood, he will not be killed on the spot.

The more high-profile Lin Xuan is, the less likely it is that a big man will attack him in public.

The heavenly palace is magnificent and resplendent, just like the LingXiao palace. It is majestic and solemn. Only the male masters of all parties can enter it. Even the descendants and disciples can't enter it.

Even if it is as strong as Tianjiao, you can only go to yuchiyuan, but you can find a good seat.

The Jade Pool Garden is not small. It is built around the pool. The jade pool is not so much a pool as a jade lake.

In the pool, there are green lotus, fragrant flowers, swimming fish, Qianlong, koi, and dense fog, connecting with the Tianhe river.

There are tens of thousands of seats in the park, scattered all over the place. At a glance, you can hardly see the boundary.

In Yuchi garden, there are many fairy maids holding jade plates and precious fruits, eating delicious food and wine, shuttling back and forth, flying through the clouds and driving through the fog, which is very like the peach festival in mythology and legend.

Moreover, in the middle of the Jade Pool, there are seven colorful glazed pavilions, arranged like the Big Dipper. In the middle of the Jade Pool, there is a nine colored glazed pavilion with many seats.

"Ha ha, what are you looking at? Do you want to go to the glass pavilion?"

"I don't take care of my own virtue. Let alone in the glass pavilion, even in the Yuchi garden, these good seats close to the lotus pond are not for you."

When Lin Xuan and others came here, many young friars had gathered in the Yuchi garden. They happened to meet a friar in gorgeous clothes, who was yelling at him.


"You want to die!"

The man was young and energetic. He was so insulted. He was so angry that he wanted to fight!

But then, someone stopped him and said, "the grand meeting is coming. Don't make trouble!"

"If you really want to do it, you can open the Xuanwu platform, regardless of life or death!"

With a cold rebuke, he was full of life and blood. He wore a silver robe and war clothes. He was full of brilliance and extraordinary martial arts. He was not angry!

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