"It's him, Yin Zhengxuan, the chief disciple of tianjianshan preaching palace. His master is the master of tianjianshan preaching palace!"

"Yin Zhengxuan, I have heard that even in the whole Tianjian mountain, he is definitely one of the most outstanding disciples of his younger generation!"

"Yes, Yin Zhengxuan is the third young disciple of this generation. He is highly expected by Tianjian mountain!"

Seeing the monk in silver robe coming, someone in the crowd immediately recognized his identity and told his origin.

"It turned out that brother Yin was in front of Sun Yang, a disciple of the lower Yuheng sect. It's disrespectful

The young man in Huafu, who had previously denounced others casually, saw Yin Zhengxuan coming and immediately flattered him.

"Hum, what about Yuheng gate? If you get into trouble at our grand meeting, you won't be spared!"

Unexpectedly, Yin Zhengxuan half face not to, cold scold way.

This makes Sun Yang embarrassed, but the other party's identity is really amazing, not he can provoke, gloomy face, can only go away.

He didn't want to be in the limelight at such a grand gathering today, or he would not know how to die!

The monk who was reprimanded saw Sun Yang leave, but he also secretly suppressed his anger and didn't want to cause trouble.

All of these are heard by Lin Xuan word by word. He is a little curious about what Yin Zhengxuan said.

"Xuanwu platform, what is that?"

Lin Xuan murmured to himself.

He didn't expect an answer, just a natural revelation.

However, situ xian'er showed two lovely little tiger teeth and said with a smile, "do you want to know?"

Just when Lin Xuan wanted to nod, situ xian'er suddenly said, "hum, I won't tell you!"

Lin Xuan didn't say a word. When he reached for his hand, it was another shudder. Situ xian'er was in pain, and his tears were in his eyes.

"Why do you say you have to fight?"

Lin Xuan had been used to this for a long time. This girl had no other skills. She pretended to be pitiful. She was perfect.

"Dead Lin Xuan, smelly Lin Xuan, you hit me again..."

"Curse you for being killed when you go out. Hum, I'm so angry!"

Situ xian'er covered his head and cursed in a low voice.

For many days, situ xian'er had already understood that Lin Xuan would not do anything to her, so he repeatedly provoked Lin Xuan. Unfortunately, she was the one who got hurt in the end.

These words, Lin Xuan had to pretend not to hear, calm way: "now can say?"

"Don't say, don't say, don't say!"

Situ xian'er's tiny Qiong's nose moved slightly, gambling on the airway.

"Hum, if you have the ability, you can kill me in front of so many people?" As soon as the words changed, situ xian'er was even more aggressive.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan is also helpless, he really can't kill people, had to say: "OK, you don't want to say, then don't say."

Hearing Lin Xuan's soft words, situ xian'er turned into a smiling face, as if he had won a great victory.

"Hum, fight with me, you are still young!"

Looking at situ xian'er's complacent appearance, Lin Xuanshi couldn't help but slightly raised his hand. The latter immediately seemed to have been defending Lin Xuan for a long time. He rubbed and ran away from him.

Looking at situ xian'er's back, Lin Xuan shook his head and said to Shen MuQing, "let's go."


Shen MuQing's heart is full of happiness, and naturally understands Lin Xuan's meaning. His smile is like a flower path.

For Lin Xuan, situ xian'er was just a naughty girl. She had never thought that she would exchange resources with situ xian'er, which was just a casual remark.

To take situ xian'er away, I just wanted to beat her. All this is a small punishment for her.

However, situ xian'er, who runs far away, finds out that Lin Xuan has not come after him. He still wants to go back and continue to provoke and ridicule him. However, he sees that Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing turn away!

"Ah... Wait for me!"

Situ xian'er didn't think about anything and cried out.

"You go, don't follow us."

Lin Xuan turns back and calms down.

"Why?" Situ xian'er was slightly stunned and said for a moment.

"What? Why? I've written off all the things before. I've forgiven you for your disrespect. Now let you go and find your relatives."

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and a smile came from the corner of his mouth.

In nuota's Yuchi garden, there are many monks coming and going. They are bustling and noisy, and they are not noticed.

However, situ xian'er chased him back and said, "hum, why do you let me go? I'll go. I won't go!"

"I'll follow you!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan full face question mark, don't know this Ya hair what crazy.

"You've been yelling for me to let you go. Now you've got what you want. What do you want to do with us?"

Yes, situ xian'er may not know what to do with them.

In the early days, he hated Lin Xuan so much that he would die suddenly.

But later, after a long time together, she found that this person seemed pretty good and interesting.

The only bad impression is always bullying her.

Before she was suppressed in the dark Ding, think about the dark time, situ xian'er will be crazy.

But now Lin Xuan suddenly let her go, which made situ xian'er not used to it.

She has been living in Tianyun sect since she was a child. All the disciples in the sect know that she has a noble status and let her go everywhere. Even if she is bullied, they will not blame her.

The elder brother and the elder of the clan love her so much that they are willing to give her any good things.

It's just that the day is beautiful, but it's boring.

Later, hearing the news of the Tianjian mountain grand meeting, situ xian'er suddenly got up in his mind and ran out of the sect secretly, only following two disciples.

After that, he met Lin Xuan, a villain.

At first, situ xian'er was wronged. She had never been treated like this. She was like a maid.

But later, the anger in Lin Xuan's heart dissipated, and he didn't do anything to her. Slowly, the grievances in situ xian'er's heart also dissipated a lot.

Now I can't hate Lin Xuan. At most, I have some grudges.

"Don't you still want to take me as a chip to exchange with tianyunzong? Now let me go, and you won't get what you think of! "

Situ xian'er's voice was speechless. She didn't know what she was talking about. Her eyes were at a loss.

"No, I never wanted to give you anything in exchange. Those are just casual words. Let's go."

Lin Xuan waved his hand.

"If I don't go, I don't care, I won't go!" Seeing Lin Xuan driving her away again, situ xian'er was in a hurry and didn't talk.

See this, Lin Xuan is also very depressed, who can think that this smelly girl still depends on them!

"Follow me again. Do you believe that I will suppress you in the cauldron for ten years?" Lin xuanhu's face threatened him.

"Please, let me follow you, my father. They haven't come yet. I'll go when I see them, OK?"

Situ xian'er begged Lin Xuan pitifully. Her pretty face was full of grievances, and there were tears in her eyes.

"I don't know where to find them. It's the first time I've left the clan. Don't leave me behind..."

"All right, all right... Needless to say, forget it, then you can follow first and leave after you see your elders."

Lin Xuan sighed, and cried in his heart, "evil done!"

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