Hearing Lin Xuan change her tongue and ask her to stay, situ xian'er's pretty face shows a smile.

And he even took the initiative to talk about Lin Xuangang's doubts: "I also heard my brother say that the Xuanwu platform is hidden in the green waves of Lianchi!"

"The origin of this Xuanwu platform is very old, and there are many interesting stories."

Situ xian'er is rarely so serious. Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan are all ears, nodding silently, indicating her to continue.

"It's said that at the beginning of Taigu, I don't know for what reason, fengxu was separated from the big world and formed an independent small world."

"Apart from heaven and earth, there is the boundless North Sea. Now it is in the extreme north of fengxu, where it is submerged by the sea. If you look at it, there is a vast sea, and you can't see the end."

"It's said that in those old days, there was a heterogeneous species in Beihai Haiyan, which was left from the world in the flood and wasteland era, sleeping. Its name was Shenao. I don't know the end of its life. A dream can last for millions of years!"

"And the Shenao in Beihai has been sleeping in the eye of the sea for thousands of years, waking up at the end of Taigu and coming out of Beihai!"

"It's said that although the Shenao has not been transformed into a human shape, it is comparable to the king of man. Its shape is like carrying an ancient holy mountain on its back, towering and standing up with four feet. It is even more like a giant pillar supporting heaven, which is as high as heaven and earth."

"At every step, the endless sea water is pouring into the earth, stirring up tens of thousands of feet high waves, submerging the whole northern land, killing hundreds of millions of people."

When situ xian'er talked about this secret, even she was excited and vivid.

"Later, a number of invincible kings of the human race joined hands, chopped off the spirit, returned to heaven and earth, and separated the dead gods. They were all valuable treasures, and the essence of blood was able to prolong life."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan seemed to understand something and said, "those kings come from different sects. What Tianjian mountain got was the shell of Shenao?"

Hearing the words, situ xian'er nodded and said, "those invincible kings are the founder of Tianjian mountain and the first leader of taimonotheism. The last one is not from this world. Later, he left, leaving no orthodoxy in fengxu."

"My father said that this clan can be regarded as the most special alien in heaven and earth. An adult Shen Ao, whose longevity is a mystery, lives a long time longer than a saint. If they are allowed to live and die on their own, I'm afraid they will not die easily due to the change of era."

Lin Xuan seems to be listening to a myth. There are some similarities between the myth of Nuwa taking Shenao four to build heaven and earth in his world. They are both Shenao.

"In this world, Shenao really exists, even more than Shenao. The mythical creatures, such as real dragon, immortal Phoenix, unicorn and Kunpeng, all have traces to follow."

"What's the connection?"

Lin Xuan thought of many things in a moment. He came to this world for no reason. It was like a dream to step from a scientific and technological civilization into a civilization of cultivating immortals.

However, Lin Xuan knew that this was not a dream, but a real one.

Lin Xuan shook his head and threw away his thoughts. He knew there would be no answer.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing that Lin Xuan was abnormal, Shen MuQing asked subconsciously.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised to hear such a fabulous story."

"In the flood and famine years, what kind of era was it? Hundreds of millions of inborn races were so brilliant. But now, there is no trace in the world."

Lin Xuan smiles and no longer thinks deeply that those problems are not what he should consider now.

At this time, situ xian'er continued: "the tortoise shell of Shenao was obtained by the ancestor of Tianjian mountain. Later, it was divided into two parts. The tortoise back of Shenao was refined into a treasure Fantian seal. Now it's hanging in the main hall of Tiangong to suppress the clan's luck."

"The carapace of the lower body is also refined into a battle platform, also known as the Xuanwu battle platform, which can block the fluctuation of the war between the strong and not affect the innocent."

"For a long time, it has been hidden in the depths of the Jade Pool. On weekdays, only when the great power above the venerable realm competes in Tianjian mountain, can it open the Xuanwu platform."

"However, every time there is a grand meeting in Tianjian mountain, this platform will also be opened for all heroes to debate and fight against Tianjiao!"

Lin Xuan just looked at situ xian'er for a moment, but he didn't say anything. He nodded slightly and said, "I see."

With the passage of time, there are more and more monks in Yuchi garden.

From time to time, some proud people rise up in the sky, step on the auspicious clouds, and sit in the colorful glass pavilion.

These people are outstanding among the younger generation, the seed level disciples of the major sects, extremely confident and calm.

From other people's words in Yuchi garden, Lin Xuan already knew that the glazed Pavilion in Yuchi garden was prepared for the real pride of heaven.

Only those who are extremely confident in themselves dare to sit down.

"If you can get a seat in the colorful glass pavilion, you can taste the unique Shenyu tea on Tianjian mountain."

"This tea has a wonderful effect on the control of mental power, and can help people to realize, which is of infinite benefit to practice."

"At the beginning, when the supreme elder lived for two thousand years, he made such a small pot and gave it to his outstanding disciples. I had the honor to taste it. It's like sweet wine. I'll never forget it!"

A monk with Taoist robes stood in front of the Jade Pool, looking at the ancient pavilion on the lake, with a look of nostalgia, talking to the people around him.

Lin Xuan happened to come here and said curiously, "Taoist brother, since you miss it so much, why don't you go to the pavilion and take a seat?"

"Ha ha, brother, you are not in this world, are you?"

"If I guess correctly, this brother should be a tester from the outside world."

Hearing this, the Taoist priest turned his head and looked at Lin Xuan and said with a smile.

"I don't know why you said that?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and chuckled, but did not admit it.

"Ha ha, brother, as long as you are a friar in fengxu, you won't ask."

"As we all know, Tianjian mountain grand meeting is not only a grand meeting of Tianjian mountain, but also a grand event of the whole fengxu community. As long as people in fengxu community are aware of the grand meeting of Tianjian mountain."

"Every time a grand event is held, everything that happens during the event will spread all over the world, and almost everyone knows it."

"But brother, you want me to sit in the Liuli tower. Don't you know that you are pushing me to huangquan road?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan really some doubts, don't understand a way: "how, this inside still have what view?"

"Of course, all the previous Tianjian mountain festivals were full of pride, and almost half of the descendants and disciples of daotong would be present!"

"Over the years, Tianjian mountain grand meeting has the drama of Tianjiao duel, which attracts people's attention!"

"Ten years ago, there was an unknown friar who played brilliantly at the grand meeting. He invited all the heroes to compete and won twenty-eight games in a row. Even the saint son level figures were not his opponents. There was no one in the world

Speaking of this man, the Taoist priest had a look of awe. He had heard the legend of that man since he was born.

"It's incredible that there are such people in fengxu."

Lin Xuan was also a little surprised that he could win 28 Games in a row at such a grand gathering. It was too strange and inconceivable to speculate with common sense.

Absolutely invincible in the same realm!

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