Luo Li was shocked by Lin Xuan's words. He didn't expect that Lin Xuan would dare to do so. He wanted to go to the Huxin Pavilion and sit with a group of saints!

In his eyes, it was almost the same as death.

"Lin Xuan..."

Luo Ligang wanted to open his mouth. Suddenly, a light flashed in his head, and he muttered: "Lin Xuan... This name sounds familiar. It seems that he heard it somewhere..."

In a flash, his eyes suddenly stagnated, and he repeated: "Lin Xuan... Lin Xuan..."

At the moment, Luo Li doesn't understand that the guy who just called brother is Lin Xuan who killed the son of God, killed Tianjiao, destroyed Renjie and caused a terrible disturbance a few days ago!

"No wonder he is so frivolous that he dares to sit in the pavilion in the middle of the lake. It's him!"

Luo Li wakes up from a moment's stupidity, but he looks around, and there are no more figures of Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing in front of him.

Situ xian'er also had some indescribable thoughts. She stood in the same place and looked into the Jade Pool. She didn't know what she was thinking. Her beautiful face was a little sad.

However, after him, situ Mingyue had already sensed his younger sister's breath. They had the same origin, and they all practiced the same skills.

Moreover, situ xian'er also has a secret treasure, which was given to her by situ Mingyue before. If the distance is enough, you can feel the other person's existence.

"Xian'er, are you ok?"

Sima Mingyue was dressed in white, with sword eyebrows and stars. He was very handsome. He came from the clouds like a banished immortal. He had outstanding temperament, and his cultivation was unfathomable and amazing.

He was wearing a jade pendant with dragon pattern around his waist. It was a secret treasure. Now it was shining, guiding situ Mingyue to come.

In situ xian'er's body, there is a same jade plate, but situ xian'er's body is a Luan Huang jade plate, mutual induction.

Suddenly, situ xian'er looked back and saw her elder brother coming. She should have been glad to escape from the devil's hand, but now she didn't know why she was so happy.

Situ xian'er shook his head, his eyes still did not leave the Jade Pool, it seems that some do not give up.

"The guy who tied you up didn't do anything to you, did he? Where is he now? Brother, go and kill him now and take revenge for you

Situ Mingyue sees situ xian'er's out of his mind. She is furious and thinks Lin Xuan has bullied her little sister.

You know, situ xian'er is the apple of the eye of the whole Tianyun sect. Although he is rebellious on weekdays, both the elder and his disciples like him very much.

It's too late for them to be spoiled. Why have they ever been so abducted and bullied?

It is a deep hatred, to wash the shame with blood!

Just, situ xian'er heard his brother's radical words, and immediately stopped him and said, "brother, I'm ok. I'm worried about you and your father."

"He didn't do anything to me. Let's call it a day."

This made situ Mingyue confused. He only felt that his little sister had changed a lot in the days when she left the clan and left them!

"Xian'er, tell me, where did he go?"

"If he intimidates you, don't be afraid. My father will be there soon. He's just a foreign exerciser. He's not afraid. He can't make waves!"

Situ Mingyue's eyes were slightly cold. She thought that situ Xianer was threatened and said.

"No, brother, no one's threatening me. Don't worry about it any more."

Situ xian'er shakes his head as if he wants to understand something. He pushes away his elder brother in front of him and goes straight to the Jade Pool.

In the Jade Pool, there is a vast expanse of smoke, and the immortal spirit is transpiration.

There are people sitting in the seven colorful glass pavilions from time to time. They are all proud people from all walks of life.

Only the nine colored glass pavilion in the center of the lake was a little quiet. Even if someone sat down, they didn't say a few words.

Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing step on the blue waves and come together. Both of them are very indifferent. They walk leisurely in the courtyard, like entering the realm of no one.

At this time, there are four people sitting in the pavilion. They are as strong as the Taiyi sect's son. They have a divine ring in the back of their head. They are born close to each other. They can communicate with the Tao and the law naturally and understand the infinite mysteries.

He was dressed in a purple Taoist robe with Yin and Yang Pisces painted on it. It was vivid and shimmering. At first glance, this Taoist robe was a magic weapon to protect his body.

Holding a treasure bottle on the main road, it has a lot of patterns on it, shining brilliantly. It's not an ordinary product!

He closed his eyes and sat in the pavilion. Baoxiangzhuang was solemn and did not ask anything about the world, just like a young god, which was awed by people.

It has been rumored that the reason why there is a divine ring in the back of the brain and all laws do not invade is a kind of prediction!

In ancient times, every reincarnation of great power was born with a vision, which was different from ordinary people!

Or head angle towering, eyes born pupil, three head six arm, born variant, all have far more than ordinary ability!

This person's mind is a symbol of God ring, now as the Holy Son of Taiyi religion, has already reached the state of transcendence!

However, these are just the words of the old man. They can't be true. Shaolin Xuan has never heard of any one who can reincarnate!

"It's better than those emperors and saints, who have fallen into the long river of history and can't change their lives against heaven. I don't believe that anyone can break the mystery of life and death and reincarnate!"

Although Lin Xuan himself was a strange figure, he was not a saint in his previous life. He was just an ordinary citizen. He had no ability to change his life against heaven!

On the side of Taiyi Shengzi, Lingyun Shengzi is not as solemn and solemn as the former. He has a faint smile on his lips. His whole body is flowing out of the dust. His black hair is like a waterfall, and his blood is full of vitality, just like a human dragon. His bones and flesh are all turned into gold, and his body is full of brilliance. At first glance, it is the expression of the utmost of his body!

Mysterious and unpredictable, such as the little master of Shenyin sect, every generation of disciples can be ranked among the strongest members of the same generation.

Even ten years ago, Xia Yifei, who had already stirred the world, now ten years later, his accomplishments have become more and more terrible. He is a real dragon, invulnerable and invincible. He is extraordinary. None of the four is a simple person!

"What, and who are these two?"

"Oh, my God, is there another strong man coming?"

As Lin Xuan and his wife sat down, some people in the crowd by the Jade Pool in the distance were puzzled. They didn't know where Lin Xuan came from. They had never seen him before!

However, almost at the same time, there was a noise outside the Yuchi garden, and almost all the young monks were furious!

"Here comes the lady fish of Bixia palace!"

"Oh, my God, it's the fish fairy. I only heard his name in the past, but I haven't seen a real person. It's really worthwhile to be able to see the immortal face today."

In the distance, a graceful lady walks towards yuchiyuan with her feet stepping on the clouds. Every step is like a fairy dancing, beautiful and moving.

She was dressed in white, with a delicate white arm like lotus root, which could be broken by blowing.

The temperament is as holy as snow lotus, as if facing the fairy in the sky, which makes people can't bear to blaspheme.

However, his body is covered with immortal Qi, floating like a cloud, which conceals his face and makes him unreal.

But just a figure, still let people feel dreamy, send out this woman should only have the feeling in the sky.

"Hateful, I was covered by the fairy fog. It's a pity that I can't see the fish fairy's beautiful face."

"You don't have to. I think the fish fairy did it on purpose. If you and I can see the real body of the fairy today, it's worth the trip!"

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