The saint of Bixia Palace also came. This is a big news, which makes countless friars excited and cheering.

This kind of scene falls in Lin Xuan's eyes, looks like the star concert of the previous life extremely, those friars are sent up to ask for autograph group photo!

In front of the old Pavilion, a beautiful woman in white, like a foot in the cloud, curls up. Her black hair is like a cloud. Now the clouds are gone, revealing a beautiful and flawless jade face, like a fairy coming out of the painting. It is extremely beautiful.

"The fish fairy is here. It's really lively."

At this moment, even the Taiyi Holy Son who sat with his eyes closed also opened his eyes and sighed.

"The fish fairy is one of the four beauties in fengxu. I have been admiring the dream fairy I taught many disciples for a long time."

The Holy Son of Lingyun sect said with a smile.

He was as masculine as a gold body, flowing with immortal brilliance, which was very similar to Lin Xuan's path. It seemed that he had reached the end of his physical body.

As both the son and the daughter, she has a noble status. Naturally, she also has a place in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

At this moment, the fish fairy smile, like a dream, people intoxicated: "two holy sons, do not come well ah."

There are fairies coming, which undoubtedly adds a lot of topics to the original pure Pavilion, chatting about the past and the present, and talking about the wonderful things in the world.

"You two have some eyesight. You haven't seen it before. I don't know where to do it?"

With that, several people in the ancient pavilion seem to have opened their conversation. Xia Yifei opens his mouth and puts his eyes on Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing.

"It's not in this world where the school of pure cultivation is located. Even if I say it, I'm afraid Taoist brother doesn't know it." Lin Xuan shook his head with a smile and told his story.

But his words didn't come down, and there was a sense of killing in the air.

All of a sudden, a fierce look swept Lin Xuan. The little master of shenyinmen, who had been silent, suddenly got up. His clothes fluttered and sneered: "did you kill the sunset son?"

The young master of Shenyin sect reacted very quickly. A few days ago, most of the Tianjiao people who had made trouble in this field left. If we want to say who is in the limelight now, I'm afraid Lin Xuan is the only one who has the confidence to sit in the pavilion in the middle of the lake!

"Yes, it's me."

This kind of words can be regarded as confirming his identity, attracting a few strange eyes, all looking at him.

Lin Xuan's smile didn't diminish. He said to the little master of Shenyin: "what? Are you going to stand up for them? "

"Hum... It's you, Lin Xuan!"

The little master of Shenyin sect snorted and patted the stone case angrily. He was so angry that he seemed to want to attack Lin Xuan!

However, this stone case is not an ordinary one. It is made of diamond. It is not damaged at all.

"Brother Gu, take it easy. You might as well sit down first. You'll have a good play later. You don't need to do it yourself!"

The smile on Xia Yifei's face doesn't decrease, facing the shenyinmen Shao Zhudao.

What does this word mean? Even if Xia Yifei doesn't say it clearly, Lin Xuan can guess a few points.

The limited seats in the pavilion in the center of the lake are not only a symbol of status, but also represent the highest courtesy of Tianjian mountain. There will be all kinds of fairy treasures presented for them to eat.

Now that Lin Xuantang and Huang Zhi are seated, they naturally grab other people's seats. When Zhengzhu comes out, there will be a storm.

At this moment, the little master of Shenyin sect was cold and stern. He sneered and said, "don't think that if you kill the sunset son, you can be compared with us. In our eyes, although you are the same son, there is a difference between them."

"You are not worthy of my hand!"

There was some irony in the words of Shaozhu of Shenyin sect, but he didn't pay attention to Lin Xuan.

However, no one thought that the little master of shenyinmen didn't want to fight, but Lin Xuan didn't care. He got up and clapped his hand to the little master of shenyinmen!


A loud noise came from the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and Lin Xuan bravely made an immortal mark, just like an ancient holy mountain shooting at the little master of Shenyin gate!

The latter's reaction was also very fast. Although he didn't expect Lin Xuan to start suddenly, his own cultivation and realm were there, and his figure was swept away in a flash. He disappeared in the same place and was not hit by Lin Xuan!

But the ancient glass pavilion was shaken by the aftereffect of this palm, and the stone case made of diamond was smashed, like the shaking of the earth and mountains, which shocked everyone!

"What happened?"

"There are Saint son level figures in the pavilion in the middle of the lake. They're doing it!"

"Oh, my God, is there going to be a bloody war before the grand meeting starts?"

Although there was water mist rising in the Jade Pool, the movement in the middle of the lake still startled them, and they all looked over!

In the distance, the little master of Shenyin gate stepped on the green wave and hung on the Jade Pool. He was angry and said, "be presumptuous!"

Such a change, together with the great Xia Prince sitting in the pavilion, was unexpected.

"What are you doing?"

"Do it in the pavilion in the middle of the lake. If you don't look at us, you can't die?"

Just now, the palm almost affected him, which made the prince of Xia very angry. He also denounced Lin Xuan coldly.

However, Taiyi Shengzi is very calm. He doesn't say a word or even move a cent. He is still meditating!

The Holy Son of Lingyun sect was also happy to watch the excitement and said with a smile: "interesting!"

Lin Xuan stepped out on the waves, carrying his hands and waving his clothes. He didn't pay attention to the prince of Xia, but opposed to the little master of Shenyin sect. He said in a cold voice: "it's not whether you want to fight with me, but I'm here, and I have an account to settle with you!"

"Ha ha ha, settle accounts with me? You deserve it, too? "

The Shaozhu of Shenyin sect was so angry that he laughed. Since the day he was chosen as Shaozhu of Shenyin sect, no one has ever dared to be so disrespectful to him!

Lin Xuan didn't pay attention, but forced him to ask, "you sent the son of sunset to kill me?"

"They made their own decisions. Why should I send someone to kill you? However, I didn't expect that all those people were defeated by you."

"What a waste!"

The little master of Shenyin sect scolded deeply, but he continued to say, "but even if they are rubbish, they are my people. If you kill them, sooner or later you will die."

At this time, in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, the fairy maiden of Bixia palace opened her mouth, like a fairy voice: "both of you are proud people. Why are you so angry? If you have something to do, you'd better sit down and have a talk."

"Thank you for your kindness. The young master wanted him to live longer, but he didn't appreciate it. He dared to attack me, which disturbed your interest."

"Well, since he is determined to die, the young master will help him today and send him on the road first!"

"I'll talk to you later!"

The little master of Shenyin sect sneered, his face was cold and overcast, and the killing opportunities were all over the field. Obviously, he was moved to kill!

"I haven't even broken through the fourth paragraph of Lingshi, but you and I can kill a piece of rubbish when you and I raise your hand. Brother Gu, why talk to him so much? Just kill him!" Xia Yifei is also no longer cover up, on the side of Lin Xuan sneer.

At the moment, Lin Xuan's face was as heavy as water, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes. This man was sarcastic to him again and again. He really thought he was a vegetarian!

"What? Don't you agree? Well, let's go together. I'll kill you all by myself! "

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