"However, there is an old saying that this kind of constitution is the recovery of the blood of the ancestors of the human race in their descendants."

After a pause, situ Mingyue continued to add: "this argument is also based on something. Just like the atavism of the Honghuang race, the pure blood creatures after the atavism are naturally powerful, and all of them are transcendent beings in their race!"

In the Liuli Pavilion, there are many monks who have heard of the name of the ancient battle style, but such a saying as situ Mingyue is unheard of.

A young Junjie asked: "master situ, what do you mean by this? Is there any secret in the ancient war style that we don't know?"

Seeing someone asking questions, situ Mingyue said with a smile: "I can't talk about it secretly. I just overheard it, so I always have such a guess."

"It is said that in the remote times of flood and famine, and even in an even older era, there were the ancestors of the human race coexisting with the flood and famine race."

"In other words, the earliest human race is also one of the most ancient races."

Situ Mingyue's words were amazing. He didn't avoid anything. His voice was full of air. Even the monks who were far away heard these words!

They had never heard of this before. It was like touching the great secret. All the friars were staring at situ Mingyue.

Inside the pavilion in the middle of the lake, some people also looked sideways, obviously surprised!

"How is that possible?"

They don't think that situ Mingyue is just talking. They all think that she knows the real secret and they are all exclaiming.

"In the Honghuang period, how many years ago can't be verified. At that time, the ancestors of the human race existed?"

This is not consistent with the ancient history of the human race that they have heard all the time. Some people are surprised and uncertain.

"There are traces to follow in ancient history. The earliest trace of human origin can be traced back to the end of Archean. Even if some relics are true or false, they can only be traced back to the middle of Archean!"

"As for dating back to the earlier flood and famine era, the time is too long, and there has never been any record!"

Hearing the speech, situ Mingyue shook her head and said: "in ancient history, the origin of the birth of the human race is indeed the end of the Archean era. At that time, the human race drank blood like a savage. Only a few tribal civilizations scattered on the earth!"

"They were regarded as uncivilized barbarians by other archaic races, enslaved as servants, and even killed wantonly."

"At that time, the human race was weak, just vassals and servants of all races. We all knew that!"

"But don't forget, that's not the real source of the birth of the human race. It's just the source that can be traced back to the ancient earth where the human race walked!"

"Some powerful people once deduced that great changes took place at the end of the Honghuang era, which led to the extinction of many powerful Honghuang races, and even the disappearance of some royal families..."

"These are all things that people know!"

"I've read it in an ancient book, so I guess that maybe the ancestors of the human race are also one of the most powerful races, and they may be related to the disappeared ancient giants and other ethnic groups..."

"The real ancestors of the human race may have suffered great changes at the end of the flood and famine, which led to the emergence of faults. Only a small number of the ancestors of the human race survived and intermarried with some other races. Later, the Archean race came into being, but it is no longer the grand occasion of the flood and famine era..."

Situ Mingyue was born in Tianyun sect. In fact, this vein is somewhat mysterious. His path is different from that of some traditional practice sects. The ancient ancestor who established the sect is a rare Qi Watcher in the world!

The so-called "looking at Qi, looking for dragon and fixing acupoints, pursuing good fortune and avoiding bad fortune, deducing the fate of heaven, Qi fortune and public health, all kinds of mysterious methods" are all good at this pulse.

Some monks often confuse Wangqi master with array pattern master, but this is not the case. The real Wangqi master is to take advantage of the general situation of heaven and earth for his own use. He can master the ups and downs of heaven and earth almost without setting up an array. He can also deduce the fate of heaven and turn evil into good!

The pattern master only knows the way of pattern.

If you want to know what is the most secret inheritance in fengxu, it really belongs to tianyunzong.

It should be noted that the ancient ancestor of this vein was once an earth life master who came to the end of the road.

It's hard to imagine that there are few places where the earth life teacher can't go and what he can learn. It's shocking that some of them are left behind!

There is a common saying about the way of looking at Qi: "looking at Qi for a hundred years, looking for dragons for a thousand years." it means that the way of looking at Qi, if studied carefully for a hundred years, is just a good way to get started and can be called a "looking at Qi master".

After thousands of years of intensive research, he was able to locate the acupoints and search for dragons. He can be called a dragon seeker.

The earth life master, however, is far beyond these two realms. It can hardly be made up by time. It needs talent and opportunity. To reach that realm, it is really close to the divine, comparable to the invincible king, and can turn the power of heaven and earth into its own use!

What mountains and rivers, in its eyes are chessboard, to dragon vein strange point drop, extraordinary refined!

If people in this vein can reach the realm of dragon seeker and even earth life seeker, any big grave Jedi can come and go freely, just like walking on the flat ground.

Just like the Yandang Mountain tomb, why Tianjian mountain must invite the master of Tianyun sect, because the master of Tianyun sect is a great master of Wangqi!

The threshold of this way is almost the highest of all the other ways. It's not difficult to make any alchemy.

But it's hard to be a famous teacher.

If there is no ancient law, there is no way to get started, and this kind of law is the only one in fengxu.

It's the lifeblood of tianyunzong. No one else can touch it.

Even among the disciples of Tianyun sect, almost no one can get the inheritance of Wangqi and Xunlong, let alone a few Wangqi masters.

Even the last dragon hunter in the gate died 500 years ago.

Moreover, even if there is such a method, the degree of obscurity and difficulty is even more difficult to understand than that of the heavenly script.

Even if situ Mingyue, as the son of Tianyun sect and the parent-child of the sect leader, had been carefully cultivated, she was just beginning to look at Qi and could not continue to understand it.

"Many variants of later generations are likely to be a kind of atavism, just like those pure blood creatures in the wild race!"

At this time, situ Mingyue's words at will can make all Tianjiao and Renjie boiling.

"In fact, it's not really secret. It must have been recorded in the door of some Taoist brothers present, but ordinary people don't know it."

"Even if I don't say it today, I will know it when I step on the road of God. It's not a secret."

When situ Mingyue looked at the people in the pavilion nearby, the implication was that they all knew.

At this moment, the Holy Son of Taiyi sect suddenly got up from the pavilion in the middle of the lake. He naturally heard what situ Mingyue had just said. He immediately said with a smile: "brother situ, since you are here, why don't you sit with me and talk freely and explore the secrets of the past and the present?"


All of a sudden, there was a change on the Jade Pool. The battle between Lin Xuan and Wang Zhan was inevitable. With a low drink, his body roared and roared. The flourishing Qi and blood turned into essence, and constantly gushed out from his head like a rainbow into the sky!

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