The bloody rainbow that runs through the sun and the moon turns into a dragon shape above the clouds, just like bathing in the divine fire, constantly churning, sending out deafening dragon chants!

The boundless divine power filled Lin Xuan's four limbs and bones, making his body more and more immortal and shining, just like a treasure!

In a flash, Lin xuanru's wings fluttered as if he had crossed the world. His whole body was shining like a meteor. He swung his magic fist to meet the blonde man!

However, Wang Zhan was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was born with a fighting body, and he went through many challenges. The art of physical fighting reached its peak, not much weaker than Lin Xuan!


They collided like comets, and there was a loud noise on the Jade Pool, just like the roar of a big bell, which made many friars numb and scared!

Lin Xuan and Wang Zhan finally fight each other. Both sides are invincible. The close combat is like a golden dagger fighting. The whole world seems to be shaking and the void is unstable. It seems that it will be destroyed!


Originally, the talk in the glass pavilion stopped suddenly, and almost everyone was attracted by Lin Xuan and Wang Zhan, and looked at them strangely.

At this moment, it doesn't matter what archaic secret or ancient history of human race. Only two God like characters become the focus of the event.

Yuchi garden is boiling. Many people come here for this moment. They hope to see the duel between the real proud people and give them great help in practice!

"Well, it's really a grand gathering in Tianjian mountain. It's just lively. I just met the top Tianjiao duel. It's worth the trip!"

"It's better to come early than to come coincidentally, just in time for such a big fight. Both of them are one of the strongest talents at this grand meeting. This is definitely the peak duel that is hard to meet in ten years!"

A lot of people just arrived and were amazed.

Even some old people were startled by the sound in the Jade Pool. They cast a few eyes from the tianque above the clouds. Some old people murmured and said with a smile, "ha ha, young people nowadays fight when they don't agree with each other. They are really young and fearless!"

In the middle of the Jade Pool, they attack each other like a shadow. They are entangled with each other very much. There are powerful secret skills constantly playing out. It's as if they are creating heaven and earth!


In mid air, Lin Xuan's magic fist was fierce. He drank it like a demon. His hair danced wildly and his momentum was like a rainbow. He made his own immortal mark!

This is the embodiment of art and law. Heaven and earth seem to have a feeling and make a sound. A Golden Shadow rushes out of Lin Xuan's fist. His black hair is like clouds and his physique is like a dragon. He is the same as Lin Xuan. He is fighting against the golden man!


There was another loud noise, just like thunder in the sky, and the monks who were watching in the distance were all trembling!

Then, they fought together again, shining like the sun and the moon!

For a moment, the Jade Pool, which used to be as blue as a mirror, was also affected by the aftermath of the battle between Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan. It set off a thousand waves and rolled back to the nine days, as if to submerge the magnificent Qionglou palace!

In the war, both of them were deadly moves, but they were all resolved by each other one by one. It was difficult to separate them for a while, and no one could take half of the advantage!

This situation is not what Wang Zhan wants to see!

"It's incredible that Lin Xuan is so powerful. We underestimated him before."

"The most incredible thing is that his cultivation is only three stages of Lingshi, and Wang Zhan has already been promoted to the peak of eight stages of Lingshi!"

"In this kind of Tianjiao duel, every small realm is like a natural moat. There is a difference between the clouds and the mud, but Lin Xuan has been able to fight with it for a long time without falling behind. It's like the reappearance of a myth."

In the glass pavilion, even some proud figures have to feel that Lin Xuan's fighting power is rare in the world, so it's hard to guess!

"What kind of world is the outside world? It's surprising that such immortals are born one after another. For example, Jiang Jianyun, who was a flash in the pan three months ago, is just like a sword immortal. He has defeated several Saint son level talents. Only the saint son in Lingyun sect has survived from him!"

"What's more, the devil like guy singled out the powerful disciples of huoyun mountain, which shocked the world of fengxu!"

"Don't forget that there is also a monster pushing the Yuheng gate. That's the real supernatural means. It's unimaginable!"

Lin Xuan's power surprised so many monks that they all compared him with those who had left earlier!

At this moment, in the center of the battlefield, countless mysteries are shining, just like a galaxy of stars!

But Wang Zhan's face was deep. He was surprised in his dark eyes. He murmured: "it's amazing that you can hold on for so long in my hands!"

You should know that he was born with a fighting body. He was born in the royal family of beizhou. He practiced all kinds of skills and secrets. He even bathed in dragon blood since he was a child to refine his body!

Although it's only dragon's blood, not the real dragon's blood, the effect is unimaginable. From his childhood, his physical body is comparable to that of Jinshi. Even the descendants of Honghuang race recorded in ancient history, I'm afraid that some creatures' physical bodies are inferior to him.

After several wars in adulthood, not to mention finding an opponent who can fight against him physically, even those who can take him ten moves are rare!

But now Lin Xuan's performance is beyond his expectation. Even though he has made some fame in this world and killed a holy Son, he doesn't pay much attention to it.

He thought he could beat his opponent like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, but after the real duel, he found that this man was extremely difficult to deal with, and he nearly suffered a big loss in several matches.

This is unprecedented!

"I admit you have some skills, but that's it!"

"I just used 70% of my accomplishments just now, and you can't resist it. If I do my best, you will be defeated in an instant!"

"The grand meeting will be held soon, so I won't play with you!"

Wang Zhan's voice was very low, but it spread all over the place, which surprised the friars who heard this, and made the whole audience in an uproar!

"What? Wang Zhan hasn't done his best yet. Isn't this still his strongest fighting power? "

"Oh, my God, if you do your best, how can you be strong?"

"Sure enough, I had guessed that it would be like this for a long time. Even if that Lin Xuan was extraordinarily refined, he would never surpass Wang Zhan in five small realms!"

"With the constitution of the ancient war style, it was the pride of heaven. Now Wang Zhan has the leading position in realm and cultivation. Even if Lin Xuan goes against heaven again, he will surely die!"

Some people decide life and death. They think Lin Xuanwei is in danger!

As a matter of fact, it is true that Wang Zhan is just like a man king in ancient times. With his words falling, he no longer retains his accomplishments, and the horror of his fighting style finally emerges!

Just a random punch, it is the earth shaking, a roar, shattered the clouds, eyes like gold elixir, as if the fire is burning, there is a kind of invincible momentum!

"This is one of the strongest young people of the same generation. It's really powerful and shocking!"

"Wang Zhan is worthy of the title of" king is invincible ". I'm afraid his fighting power is not as good as that of a saint son?"

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