"Yes, master!"

Yao Shiyi took the order. He didn't say much and didn't care about the war under his feet. Instead, he turned and left.

In his eyes, although Lin Xuan's entry speed and fighting power were terrible, which surprised him, he faced Wang Zhan after all. He was one of the strongest people in fengxu's generation, and had almost no chance of winning.

Even if you hold on for a moment, you will surely be defeated!

As for Lin Xuan's promise that he would take Shiwa to Tianjian mountain and give it to him, it was just that Yao Shiyi said it casually and didn't pay much attention to it.

He had even thought that Lin Xuan did not dare to come. It was not enough for him to kill several people in the small town. If he appeared at the grand meeting, he would have to face the real arrogance of immortality like now.

Can survive, Yao eleven will appear to make him, at the beginning of all, is just a move in advance.

Now that Lin Xuan is going to die, it's natural that he doesn't need to say anything more!

He stepped back, shook his head slightly, and turned to leave.

But at this time, suddenly there was a loud noise at the foot, as if the sky turned over and the earth moved, which made the nine tianque tremble!


Lin Xuan, who was originally bound by the purple electric vine and wrapped up in zongzi, rushed out by any means!

At this moment, the vast sky, the purple electric vine constantly broken, like a truncated dragon, fell from the sky, fell into the Jade Pool!

The monks were all shouting and shocked.

"What kind of means have you ever seen?"

Lin Xuan couldn't really see anything around him. He was white. First he was covered by purple awn, then he was bathed in his own boundless divine light, just like an immortal God King. Only two golden eyes came out of it and focused on Wang Zhan!

"Well, well, there are some means, but I underestimate them!"

In the distance, Wang Zhan was swept away by the white sky. All the cracks in the void around him were repaired, and the endless thunder and lightning disappeared. All of them belonged to the dead void.

His secret skill didn't kill Lin Xuan as he wanted. On the contrary, his clothes were damaged and his blood vibrated slightly!

Just now, he thought that the victory was in hand, but he didn't expect that a white awn rushed out of the submerged God wheel, and the heavy purple vine disintegrated and broke in a flash!

In a trance, there are pengniao neighing in the divine wheel, flapping its wings and flying out. The voice is desolate and old, as if it came from the remote wild land.

Then, the whole world was white and dazzling. Even he didn't know what had happened.

"Wanhua holy art!"

Inside the glass pavilion, Shen MuQing whispered, and no one knew Lin Xuan's means better than her.

It's true. At the critical moment, Lin Xuan evolved Kunpeng's secret skill. A Kunpeng leaps from the North Sea and shakes its wings for 90000 Li. The wings behind it are like a sky knife with substance, which can cut everything to pieces.

It is said that in the early days of Sui Dynasty, when Kunpeng was still traveling all over the world, Kunpeng flapped his wings and even the heaven and earth could be split!

Today, Kunpeng evolved from the supreme secret art of Wanhua holy art by Lin Xuan. Although he has no ability to create heaven and earth, he can still cut those annoying vines!

The only drawback is that the magic power consumed by Wanhua holy art is huge. Even if Lin Xuan's life is full and his magic power is like a sea, he will not be able to bear it if he uses it several times!

Therefore, Lin Xuan knew clearly that since he himself had been forced to use this kind of secret skill, there was no need to hide anything. He had better make a quick decision, not long enough, otherwise it would be bad for him!

You should know that his opponent is not only Wang Zhan, but also someone who looks on coldly in the glass pavilion. Maybe he will be attacked at any time!

"Die for me!"

Just when Lin Xuan thought about it, Wang Zhan sneered and mobilized all his accomplishments to make himself more sacred and extraordinary. He waved his magic fist and suddenly killed Lin Xuan!

"Don't think you're the only one who has something to keep!"

"You are not qualified to kill me!"

Lin Xuan's face is calm. Gu Jing's eyes catch a glimpse of Wang Zhan's figure. His whole body seems to be sublimated, and all his Qi is no longer covered up.

The mighty power roared in his body, and his blood was at its peak. His whole body was as solemn as gold body!

Whether it's the secret art or the battle of the body, Lin Xuan won't have the slightest hesitation. He is not afraid of everyone under the condition of the master!

At this moment is also stepping on the sky, but also swing the magic fist, to fight a storm!


Both of them are outstanding in this way. The collision between the body and the fist technique is as terrible as thunder. The void collapses and recovers in a moment.

The battle was extremely fierce, from the center of Yuchi directly to jiuchongtianque, destroyed several halls, but no one stopped it!

Both of them have their own merits in the physical life. Even Lin Xuan, it's hard to completely suppress him!

In the end, Lin Xuan didn't want to spend any more time with him. As a last resort, he gave birth to Kunpeng with the holy skill of Wanhua. Finally, he hit Wang Zhan hard and made him cough up blood!

Then he transformed Kirin and Shenyu, reappeared the divine power of the wild creatures, tore up Wang Zhan's body, dripping blood from the jiuzhong sky, and made all the monks silent and shocked!

In the end, Lin Xuan evolved Zhu Yan's magic fist. Zhu Yan is also one of the most powerful creatures. He is the best of the royal family. He can wrestle with the royal family, but now he is rare.

This war was earth shaking. From the beginning of Lin Xuan's weakness, to the later irresistible, he pressed Wang Zhan to fight violently, which shocked many people!

"Is this still human? Oh, my God, how can it be so powerful? "

"Even Wang Zhan is not his opponent. How can it be? It's one of the strongest heavenly pride..."

"It looks very bad. Is it going to be a failure?"

"Who can think that Lin Xuan is too terrible, and who can cure him?"

All of a sudden, there was a howling sound. Lin Xuan was like Zhu Yan's rebirth. Behind him, he turned into a real Zhu Yan's spirit. His magic fist was incomparable. It seemed that he was going through the sun and the moon and broke through Wang Zhan's chest!

After this fist, Wang Zhan is hard to stop. After all, he is not an opponent. He will fall under Lin Xuan's magic fist!

In the face of the enemy who wanted to kill him just now, Lin xuangen never left his hand. He took advantage of the victory to pursue him. He not only destroyed his body, but also smashed Wang Zhan's head!

Wang Zhan's spirit flew out of the broken platform and wanted to escape, but his surroundings seemed to be Lin Xuan's forbidden area, and he could not escape.

"No, don't kill me!"

Wang Zhan yelled, a face of fear!

Since the beginning of his practice, he has never been so embarrassed as he is today, and he never thought that he would have today and that he might die here.

After Lin Xuan pursued him closely, his spirit was not as good as his body, and he couldn't bear Lin Xuan's attack.

Even the proud body was beaten through by Lin Xuan. He was no longer willing to fight. He was afraid to fight with Lin Xuan.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Zhu Yan's agility is not comparable to Wang Zhan's. He can't escape. He is caught up by Lin Xuan and his fists come out together. In an instant, his spirit breaks down and becomes endless light and rain!

"After that, there will be no more King wars in the world!"

Lin Xuan's low voice was very depressed, but it spread all over Tianjian mountain, and all the monks were silent!

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