Lin Xuan stepped on the sky and shot it with one hand. Wang Zhan's body turned into a blood mist. This cruel method made many monks shudder!

Even Jiuchong tianque has the eyes of big people, such as the sun and the moon. There is no place to hide what happened in the field.

Yao eleven had no time to leave, and the situation in the field took a sharp turn. Wang Zhan was defeated!

This shocked him to stare big eye son, slightly open mouth way: "defeated... Unexpectedly defeated?"

The old man in front of him was also moved at the moment. He stroked his beard slightly. He didn't expect such an outcome. He sighed, "future generations are formidable!"

When all the friars were shocked by Lin Xuan's fighting power, the young master of Shenyin gate who had been sitting in the pavilion in the middle of the lake suddenly got up!

He is not like Wang Zhan. Although he has strength, he is too belligerent, otherwise he would not die today!

"Hum, Lin Xuan, how dare you kill at the Tianjian mountain grand meeting and kill Tianjiao in our fengxu community? Do you really think that no one in our fengxu community can cure you?"

The little Lord of Shenyin gate lowered his face and yelled angrily.

Although Wang Zhan is really stupid, he is also one of the initiators of the foreign alliance. He is old with Wang Zhan. Now that Wang Zhan is dead, the young master of shenyinmen can't be indifferent!

Besides, now that Lin Xuangang has just gone through a big war, he will definitely lose a lot of money. It's the best time for him to make a move. Otherwise, if Lin Xuan recovers, it will be a real problem!

In the first world war just now, even the young master of Shenyin sect despised Lin Xuan and was afraid of him!

"I'll kill you while you're sick!"

So the little master of Shenyin gate hardly hesitated too much. His figure was erratic and rushed out of the pavilion to attack Lin Xuan!

His accomplishments are higher than Wang Zhan. He has been promoted to nine sections of Lingshi. He is a real strong enemy!

Not far away, Lin Xuan frowned, but he was not too flustered.

All these were within his expectation. He had known for a long time that the little Lord of shenyinmen might fight after he killed the king.

Lin Xuan knew his own situation. Although it took a lot of effort to kill Wang Zhan, Lin Xuan was always on guard. He left behind and could not fight any more!

Moreover, if he was forced to hurry, Lin Xuan didn't care to pay more. He would never let the little master of Shenyin ask for any good!

"Oh, don't confuse black and white here. Since I appeared, you've been aiming at me everywhere!"

"Wang Zhan's death was his first attack on me. He was responsible for everything."

Lin Xuan sneered. The young master of Shenyin sect was very vicious. He wanted to take this opportunity to push him to the opposite of many friars in fengxu, and hurt him with righteousness. Naturally, Lin Xuan didn't want to take over the black pot!

"Is it hard for me to bind my hands and feet and let you fight?"

Lin Xuan sneered.

The prince of Xia also stood up, and he said coldly, "it's nonsense. Hum, brother Wang just asked you for advice in accordance with the rules of Tianjian mountain grand meeting, but you killed him and scattered his spirit. It's too late for us to stop him!"

"And it's not only brother Wang who died in your hands, but the sun setting son and others have been killed by you. You are an outsider. You are so bloodthirsty and cruel to Tianjiao in fengxu. We can't keep you!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan complexion a stagnant, this person really can give him a black pot, originally he is the victim, the result says from this population, Lin Xuan became a heinous villain!

Moreover, the whole way of practice is to fight with heaven, earth and human beings. Killing is inevitable, which is nothing at all.

It's even more so to step on the road of God. The man whose hands are not stained with blood clearly wants to set him up as the executioner who is dedicated to killing the pride of heaven in the fengxu world and lead people against him.

Only one or two people can say that if someone is really encouraged by them to kill him, and dozens of people join hands, Lin Xuan can't stand it!

In this way, it's not the old man's fight, but the young monk's fight. Even the ancient maxim of emperor Lu can't protect him. Let alone participate in the grand meeting, maybe even the gate of Tianjian mountain can't get out!

"Well, well, I really belittle you. The black can be said to be white. In that case, I won't argue with you!"

"Don't you two say that I'm bloodthirsty and ferocious? Well, I'll kill you today!"

Lin Xuan's face was slightly cold. His eyes swept the prince of Xia and the little master of shenyinmen fiercely, and then sneered: "what Prince of Xia, what little master of shenyinmen, has long said, you go together, I will kill you all!"

To stop killing with killing is Lin Xuan's way to break the game!

If Wang Zhan hadn't intervened before, one of them would have died in his hands. Now it's a great gift to let them live longer!


There was a sudden change among the monks. The whole Tianjian mountain was in an uproar!



But more people were afraid of Lin Xuan!

Before the battle of killing the king, many monks thought that Lin Xuan was too arrogant, which was just like a fool talking about his dream. It was impossible!

You should know that the young master of shenyinmen and the prince of Daxia are both the most powerful Tianjiao in fengxu. I'm afraid that no friar who knows nothing about heaven and earth dares to say this except Lin Xuan!

But now, these words from Lin Xuan's mouth, but completely different from before!

No more ridicule, no more ridicule!

They all looked at the three people in the field with heavy faces. No one could predict the final result.

Even though Lin Xuan could kill Wang Zhan, it was a one-on-one duel after all, and now it's the little master of Shenyin sect and the prince of Daxia!

None of these two men is weaker than Wang Zhan. It's not easy to kill one of them. What's more, they talk about them directly!

But even so, none of the monks who were closer to him dared to laugh at Lin Xuan. They were moved by his strong fighting power just now. They did not dare to be disrespectful, for fear that they would be liquidated!

Only the monks who are far away dare to talk in a low voice.

"It's a big tone. Is it really better for him to have the confidence than for them to join hands?"

"It's impossible..."

Someone looked excited and said in a high voice.

"Hush, hush!"

"Although it seems to be impossible, if he can do it, no one in fengxu will be able to beat him in the future. Even if he is a saint, I'm afraid he will have to avoid him like a tiger!"

On the Jade Pool, the little master of Shenyin gate fixed his eyes on Lin Xuan. It was like hitting him in the face. He said it twice in a row. Everyone could see that Lin xuangen didn't pay attention to him!

Xia Yifei is also indifferent. He is the prince of Xia. How could he be so despised? It's a shame!

"Hum, you have to be tough at the end of your life. You've been fighting with Wang for a long time. Even if you haven't been hurt, your power will be empty now. I'll see if you can still lift your fist!"

The little master of Shenyin gate gave a cold hum. He didn't speak any more. His figure disappeared from the air and was hidden in the void!

Then, he suddenly killed from behind Lin Xuan, a ruby sword in his hand glowed, and suddenly stabbed!

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