At that moment, Lin Xuan's eyes were fixed, and a jade tripod appeared in his palm. He immediately enlarged it and blocked it in front of his chest!


A clear piercing sound passed the jade tripod. The ruby sword flashed with divine brilliance and brilliance. It was blocked by the jade tripod and could not move forward for half a minute.

The little master of shenyinmen didn't hit the target. He didn't continue to entangle. The void trembled slightly. His figure disappeared again, leaving no trace. It seemed that he didn't exist in the world!

Naturally, this is the secret method in Shenyin sect. The reason why this pulse is so powerful is that it's impossible for people to defend it. It's not clear when a sword will rush out of the void and pierce the throat!


However, Lin Xuan's counterattack was also very quick. He shook the jade tripod and smashed it in a direction in the void!

The loud noise was like thunder, and a large area of void collapsed. Lin Xuan's blow was as powerful as a mountain collapse!

However, the shadow of the little master of Shenyin gate didn't appear in the empty air. Lin Xuan seemed to have a feeling. He took the jade tripod with him and dashed to the left rear abruptly!

This time, I didn't waste my time. A dull hum came from the void. It's obvious that the little master of Shenyin sect was shot by the jade tripod. Unfortunately, he ran away again and disappeared!

In the place where the jade tripod fell down, there was a lot of void collapse. The turbulent current made the waves on the Jade Pool startle the sky. Many monks at the pavilion in the middle of the lake were also speechless!

"Get out of here!"

Lin Xuan roared, he urged the jade tripod, not afraid of the initiative to hit the other direction!

It seems that the tripod weighs more than one hundred million yuan, just like Mount Tai, smashing the surrounding void beyond recognition, revealing a lot of dark black holes, and absorbing a lot of aura of heaven and earth on Tianjian mountain into the dark black hole!

This kind of scene makes several Tianjian mountain elders sitting on the Jiuchong tianque unable to sit down!

If you let Lin Xuan smash it like this, God knows what it will be like to smash Tianjian mountain!

"Since the two friends want to compete, I will open the Xuanwu battle platform immediately. Please enter the internal battle!"

A brush of dust came from Jiuchong tianque, which made the whole heaven and earth clear. The shaking void was stabilized. The young master of Shenyin sect had to show his real body under the intervention of the elder of Tianjian mountain.

The old man swung the dust in his hand, and the Jade Pool suddenly turned into the sea. Several glass pavilions moved in the Jade Pool like chess pieces, and finally scattered around like lotus leaves.

At the bottom of the Jade Pool, a Green Tortoise Shell emerged, like an ark, covering most of the Jade Pool and floating on the water.

The veins on it are very old, which makes many monks have a sense of fear in the face of prehistoric beasts!

"Tortoise shell of Shenao!"

Lin Xuanguang naturally guessed that this was the tortoise shell of Shenao. He once belonged to a giant beast like an invincible king, the overlord of the sea.

That kind of coercion, even if it has been refined into artifacts, is still residual, awe inspiring.

The elder of Tianjian mountain is very kind and has no airs. He is like an old man next door. If Lin Xuan hadn't known that the old man had already returned to his original nature, he would have thought that he was just an ordinary old man when he met him on the road.

"Two little friends can rest assured that the Xuanwu platform is a magic weapon refined by the founder of the mountain. It has its own universe and is no different from the outside world."

Seeing that the elder of Tianjian mountain was resolute, the little master of Shenyin sect could only enter it even though he was unwilling.

There's no way. They're doing too much damage.

For the little master of Shenyin gate, if he is outside, the void he can use is more extensive. If he enters into it, it is undoubtedly restricted.

However, this kind of influence is acceptable to him. After all, the secret arts and inheritance of shenyinmen are not only about hiding the body.

Even if there is a frontal battle, the Shaozhu of Shenyin sect has the power of the first battle.

But he is used to this kind of magic tactics, often in the face of other opponents, almost can win without blood!

He turned into a ray of light and entered the Xuanwu platform first.

But Lin Xuan didn't say a word, and then his jade tripod hung on his head, scattering hundreds of millions of rays of divine light, as bright and cold as the moon, looking more and more extraordinary!

However, at this moment, the prince of Daxia not far away also moved. He caught up with Lin Xuan and said with a sneer, "no one has ever looked down upon us so much. You outsiders really don't know how to die. Well, I will send you on the road as you wish!"

With a flash of his figure, he also entered the Xuanwu battle platform, which aroused the discussion of many monks.

"It's over. Lin Xuan is too big. He shouldn't be so frivolous. Maybe he still has a chance to live, but now he has hurt himself."

"The great Xia prince became famous ten years ago. Although he experienced twists and turns and wasted some time, he found his true heart later. He was promoted to Lingshi Jiuduan some time ago, which can't be underestimated!"

"Hehe, he said he would let them fight together. Even if he died, he was to blame himself!"

"Ha ha, it's true that this man doesn't know the heaven and the earth. He really thinks that the little Lord of Shenyin sect and the prince of Daxia are like the son of sunset. Can he fight three with one?"

When Lin Xuan and the little master of shenyinmen all entered the Xuanwu battle platform, some of them became bold, relieved and sneered.

The Xuanwu platform is blocked by thick tortoise shells, so you can't see it. However, the elder of Tianjian mountain has been prepared for a long time. He reflects the picture of the Xuanwu platform with secret weapons over the tortoise shells, which can be seen by many monks.

When Lin Xuan entered, he found that there was a large space in the Xuanwu platform, which was about the size of ten Tianjian mountains.

However, the tortoise shell is not a small world. It is a chaotic, gray, unopened scene without any vitality.

This is also the reason why chaos can repair everything as long as the tortoise shells are not destroyed.

And if you want to destroy a giant's remains close to the level of the invincible king with the aftermath of the war, at least one or two people of the same level can do it!

Today, fengxu is no longer the grand occasion of the ancient times, and the venerable realm can become the patriarch. There is almost no strong one who can destroy this relic!

Countless eyes gather in the picture of Xuanwu battle platform. The young master of Shenyin sect shows his real body first, but then he suddenly disappears under everyone's eyes.

"God, this secret method of Shenyin sect is too terrible. No wonder even the holy land doesn't want to be provoked. If this secret method is used to kill people, it can't be prevented!"

Then, the figure of the prince of the great Xia appears in the picture, and he is surrounded by hundreds of imperial spirit, which is hard to ignore.

"Well, the prince of Xia is worthy of being famous all over the world ten years ago. He has refined thousands of dragon Qi, which is of great use!"

Some people's faces were surprised and exclaimed.

On the contrary, it was Lin Xuan who didn't show up for a long time, which made many people anxious.

But at this moment, the picture flashed, and Lin Xuan's figure emerged. Compared with the former two, he was much more cautious. After careful investigation in the Xuanwu platform, he came to the central area.

However, at the moment of his appearance, the chaos trembled slightly, and an ambush figure was killed from behind him again.

At the same time, the figure of the prince of Xia in the distance is also revealed in the front. They seem to have discussed in advance, one in front of the other, and one after the other, to kill Lin Xuan quickly!

Urged by the prince of the summer, all the Dragon Qi around him turned into lifelike little dragons, and like a feather arrow, he went straight into the forest!

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