Lin Xuan's voice was extremely cold, as if it came from Jiuyou underworld, which made people feel shocked and cool.

No one thought that Lin Xuan, who was still sick just now, seemed to be dying out of oil. At this moment, he even swept away his decadent color. The essence and blood of the most original life were constantly burning. It turned into infinite divine power and merged into his four limbs. Like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea, he returned to Dantian.

His eyes are full of spirit, and his eyes are as sharp as a blade. The whole person's momentum can not be underestimated, just like the resurrection of the wild creatures. The long hair behind him is faintly golden, and his divine power is as strong as the sea. He has returned to his peak state for a short time.

"What? What's the secret of that? "

Outside, in the glass pavilion, there are some arrogant characters who are not born in the world. They roar in a low voice, and their faces are incredible.

Even on the huanghuang heavenly palace, there are old people who can't sit down!

"How is it possible to turn losses into profits?"

"To repeat the peak with a decadent body is contrary to the supreme principle of heaven."

The boss of the Wang family was shocked. Even he had never heard or seen this scene. He had to show his shock!

Originally, he had already judged Lin Xuan's defeat in his heart, but now such adverse events made his heart sink completely!

Not far away, the elder in the Shenyin gate also had a dignified look. His eyes were full of light, and he said in a low voice: "this is a kind of taboo secret skill. It's a temporary peak state at the cost of burning out the source."

"After this war, no matter what the result is, I'm afraid this son will fall."

Uncle Huang of the great Xia Dynasty also nodded. He had some insight and said calmly, "it should be so. Otherwise, such a taboo secret method will not be tolerated in the world."

Everything in this world is relative. In exchange for something, it is bound to lose something. Born in this heaven and earth, no one can escape the rules of heaven and earth, and no secret method is useless.

With this explanation, the old Wang family was finally relieved. If Lin Xuan really could not be limited by the rules of heaven and earth, and could be reborn with blood in every battle to his death, it would be really against heaven!

After a short thought, he realized that although no one in the world can jump out of the rules, those with great powers and perseverance have created many taboos and secrets, which can not be measured by common sense.


When many old people in the heavenly palace were in doubt, Lin Xuan had already fought with the young master of shenyinmen and the prince of Daxia again, and all of them were invincible means.

The ROC swayed and its golden wings blocked the sky and the sun. It swept them away like a sword. It was irresistible. The terrible power could be felt even in the outside world, just like an earthquake.

What's more, it breaks the chaos and dispels most of the fog in the Xuanwu platform.


The prince of Xia is full of horror. He spurts out a mouthful of blood essence. His body is about to fall. He is swept by Kunpeng. Although he tries his best to resist and let Kunpeng's shadow collapse, his body is also badly damaged.

In addition, the continuous war has already made him miserable. He thought that he could solve Lin Xuan, but he didn't expect that the enemy in front of him still had such a means, which was close to rebirth with blood, making his face inexplicably bitter.

This expression was naturally captured by many monks who watched the battle from the outside world. Some people sighed, and some understood the mood of the prince at the moment!

"Such fighting power is really awe inspiring!"

It's as strong as the prince of summer. He was famous all over the world ten years ago. Now he is working with the little leader of Shenyin sect to deal with Lin Xuan. He is also ahead of several small levels. He can't win this. It's really a big blow.

On his side, the little master of Shenyin gate turned pale and stared at Lin Xuan, who was walking towards them step by step like the king of hell. He hated him deeply!

How outstanding he is, when he was forced to such a situation, he had already given up his face, thinking that as long as he killed Lin Xuan, he could cover up everything. The world will not remember Lin Xuan's strong, but the little master of Shenyin sect is stronger!

But at the moment, the battle is moving away from where even he can't control it.

"What? Is that all you have to do to force me to this point? "

"If you have any more cards, you can use them, or you won't have a chance to use them again!"

Lin Xuan came with a sneer, and wanted to finish his work in the battle.

The golden light gushed out, and his whole body seemed to have become Zhang Liujin's body. The light gathered, and he turned into a ferocious looking creature... Zhu Yan!

In ancient mythology, there was such a record: "there is a beast in the lesser mountain... It looks like an ape, and it has a white head and barefoot. Its name is Zhu Yan. If you see it, you will be a soldier!"

Moreover, it is even stated in the ancient letters that in the ancient times of flood and famine, Zhu Yan often ate Jiaolong, luanfeng and walked on the earth, and even the royal family did not want to provoke him.

It can be seen that Zhu Yan's ferocity is frightening. What is Jiaolong? It's a creature evolved from the cultivation of Python. It's no worse than the king of the human race. It's rare in today's world. Who dares to eat them?

Luan and Feng are the descendants of the combination of Luan and Feng. Although they are not as strong as the descendants of Feng and Huang, they are still not comparable to ordinary races.

What's more, he became the blood food of other people.

If you don't look at the monk's noodles, you have to look at the Buddha's noodles. Zhu Yan even dares to eat the Feng's descendants, which is enough to see how fierce they are. This family is simply terrible.


At this moment, the giant ape in front of Lin Xuan's body roared, like a towering ancient mountain, attacking the little Lord of Shenyin gate and the prince of Daxia!

"Brother Xia, at this moment, you and I don't want to hide any cards, or we will make this bastard laugh to the end!"

The little master of Shenyin gate growled with a gloomy face.

"You and I will do our best. He will lose a lot of money when he uses such taboo skills. He won't last long. As long as he persists, he will surely die!"

With that, the young master of Shenyin gate took the lead and jumped into the sky. In his hand, there was a silver ancient sword, overflowing with holy light, which was extraordinary.

Zhu Yan, like a giant, roared like a spirit, making the whole space seem to be shaken. The golden fluffy glared like the sun. He swung his magic fist at the little master of Shenyin gate, as if to break through the heaven and the earth!

However, the magic fist, which was like the fall of the stars, did not meet Lin Xuan's wish. It just hit the silver sword. The little master of Shenyin gate was only two steps back. His face was heavy, but it didn't seem to be hurt.

On the contrary, Zhu Yan's shadow, who was evolved from him, was furious, beating his chest and roaring. If you look closely, you can see that half of the golden fist full of fluff has been cut off.

This also surprised Lin Xuan.

"Sure enough, there are some means!"

"But that's not enough!"

The little master of Shenyin gate sniffed: "arrogant!"

He rushed here again. Although the young master of Shenyin sect had never confronted Lin Xuan physically before, it did not mean that he was physically weak.

When he was young, he used the blood of a different animal to fight the flesh, and practiced the holy skill of refining the body. He was no weaker than man!

Behind him, the prince of the great Xia came back to himself and said angrily, "brother Gu, I'll help you!"

He knew that there was no way out for them at the moment. Only by killing Lin Xuan could they walk out of the Xuanwu platform alive!

"Trapped Dragon into the sea!"

In a twinkling, his body was torn apart from his spine, and a bloody dragon rushed out. The lantern sized bloody eyes were ferocious and ferocious. They were writhing in the chaotic fog, and the Dragon chanted loudly!

This is the spine dragon in the body raised by the prince of Xia. It's his biggest card. This method almost gives up the body, but it's also for the sake of the dragon!


However, Lin Xuan didn't feel a bit flustered when he saw these things. He pulled the bloody dragon out of the clouds and fell heavily on the earth, shaking the void!

Then, the ape pounced on the blood dragon, swung the magic fist of the size of the stars and kept falling. It seemed that he could hear the cry of the blood dragon!

"It's just a wicked dragon, dare to bark!"

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