Lin Xuan's face was cold. His body was huge, and his whole body was covered with red hair. It was like his real body coming out of the long river of time. He was thousands of feet tall, and seemed to be level with heaven and earth!

In his continuous evolution, the tyrannical Red Ape constantly bombards the wailing blood dragon.


The roaring sound was like thunder. Zhu Yan's spirit condensed Lin Xuan's spirit, which almost destroyed the dragon shaped by the spine of the prince of Xia.

Then it was easy to tear the blood dragon apart, and the prince of Xia, who was in charge of the blood dragon in the distance, was also attacked. His face was as white as snow, and his body was as shaky as exhausted blood essence!

Under Lin Xuan's attack, Zhu Yan, who had evolved from him, was incomparable. He was like a natural fighter. Every blow was terrifying, just like the collapse of heaven and earth!

Even though the spine dragon was trained by the prince of Xia day and night, the supreme method of their pulse still couldn't stop Lin Xuan's counterattack. The blood dragon turned into powder and scattered in chaos.

This scene shocked the public. Many monks turned pale and couldn't believe it.

But in an instant, Lin Xuan reversed the situation. He had no power to fight back against the prince of Xia. He could even separate his mind to block the little master of Shenyin gate, and fight against two with one!

How powerful is this?!

How amazing?!

Rare in the world!

"Too strong!"

"Even the prince of Xia is not the opponent to show his Yunlong method. Who else can stop him?"

Everyone was afraid of Lin Xuan at the moment. He was so terrible. Now he is still young. He has such a way to subdue the arrogance of his peers!

If it grows up in the future, what kind of prestige should it be?

Even some of the great figures in the heavenly palace could not sit still. The uncle of the Xia Dynasty glared at him. Rao was the leader of Fang Xiong, and his face was different.


You should know that Xia Yifei, the prince of the great Xia Dynasty, is the most gifted person in the royal family. He has high expectations. If there is no accident in the future, he will inherit the great unification.

But now the situation is very bad, there is a risk of falling.

However, when Uncle Daxia was shocked, the Red Ape evolved from Lin Xuan entangled the real body of the prince. His greatest reliance was that the spine dragon that he raised day and night turned into powder, which was like taking half of the life of the prince!

The body is completely discarded, and its essence is in the spine dragon. Now it consumes all the blood essence. Even the ordinary monks are not as good as they are. They are already defeated and defeated. Even one fist can not stop them.


However, in a short time, the prince of the great Xia was just like an old man in his twilight years. His spirit and spirit were all gone, and he was beaten to pieces, and his body and spirit were all destroyed!

It's like poking a hornet's nest, letting the outside world explode completely!

It's not enough to have a fight body dead. Even the prince of Xia died in the hands of Lin Xuan. Only the little master of Shenyin sect was left

"It's over. Even the prince of the summer is dead. It's really breaking the sky."

"Before that, Lin Xuan was able to fight against two people with one enemy. Now, when the prince of Xia dies, Lin Xuan has no pressure, and the little master of Shenyin sect will surely be defeated!"

"After today, Lin xuanruo can still survive. His name will really become a monument and legend..."

At the same time, many monks were shocked, and there were also angry voices in the heavenly palace!

"No way!"

Uncle Daxia's eyes are full of anger. He can't believe it. It's the most proud son of his royal family. Ten years ago, he became famous all over the world and is the most powerful pride among his young peers!

Now, it's like this. How can we not be angry? In his heart, he even has the intention to kill!

Among them, no one knows better than him how extraordinary their practice method is. The road they have taken is crazy. The reason why they founded their country and only based on the dragon vein is to practice!

In order to cultivate one's own body with Huangdao and Longqi, it is necessary to take an extreme road.

It's said that if you can practice this way to the peak, you can transform into a real dragon, transcend the common customs and be immortal!

It's a pity that this kind of Dharma was not created by their ancestors, but by chance. It's incomplete and can only reach the realm of the venerable.

On the basis of this method, he established an immortal god Dynasty. The emperor came to the world and cultivated himself with the spirit of the emperor. He made up part of this incomplete method and reached the peak of the kingdom.

In the peak year, the imperial family of the great Xia Dynasty controlled thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, no less than the transcendent holy land such as Tianjian mountain.

It can be seen from this that this kind of Dharma is so terrible that it can rebuild an immortal Dynasty.

But even such an extraordinary Dharma had no fighting power in Lin Xuan's hands, which made uncle Daxia realize that it was not only his talent that was hard to find in ancient and modern times, but also his stronger Dharma, which even suppressed Yunlong Dharma.

If they are the same King level skills, the Yunlong skill is far more than ordinary. Even if it is incomplete, it is mysterious and can't be suppressed so miserably by Lin Xuan.

Unless... Lin xuanxiu has the skill of the sage!

This bold conjecture made uncle Xia shudder!

You know, this is not the time when many heroes came into being in ancient times. Nowadays, there are few heroes in fengxu, not to mention a saint inheriting them.

In this way, Lin Xuan's origin and roots in his heart suddenly rose ten thousand feet.

It's the inheritance of sages. Even in the holy land of immortal sect, not all disciples can practice.

He glanced quietly at the old man with crane hair at the head of the heavenly palace. He remembered how much he meant to protect in his previous words, and his heart was clear.

"The origin of this son is certainly not common. It's also true that such a proud person can't be seen for thousands of years. How can it be common? Only the Holy Land and immortal sect can cultivate such a person!"

"What's more, with the help of the protector of the emperor's road, I'm afraid I will not only worry about my own life and death, but also affect the royal family."

Thinking of this, uncle Daxia sighed after all and settled down. At this moment, he must not act rashly to avoid causing great disaster.

No matter how important the prince of Xia is, he can't be compared with the state of the royal family. He can only recognize it by holding his nose.


At this moment, another loud noise came from the Xuanwu battle platform under him. Uncle Xia's eyes were exquisite, and he looked down.

The fierce and cruel Red Ape stood upright, just like the embodiment of Lin Xuan's fighting spirit. After the fall of the great Xia prince, he quickly fought with the little master of shenyinmen. He was bathed in red blood and roared constantly. The breath of ancient barbarism flowed on his body, which was frightening.

In a very short time, as expected by the monks outside, the silver sword in the hand of the little master of Shenyin sect broke, and his body cracked. A crack appeared in the center of his brow, revealing the purple light inside.

At this moment, the little master of Shenyin gate grinned, showing some sadness of being in a dead end, but he still didn't fall down, supporting his body which was about to split, and continued his dignity.

This scene makes the onlookers feel a little sad. A generation of proud and outstanding people, who are respected by their peers, will be defeated in such a moment

The little master of Shenyin gate looked at Lin Xuan standing silently in front of him. The strength of this man was beyond his expectation, or everyone's expectation.

He even thought that if he hadn't been so targeted before, wouldn't he have fallen into such a field?

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now. As a young leader of Shenyin sect, he can't lose the prestige of Shenyin sect.

Well, since the war started with him, it will end with him!

"Lin Xuan, at this moment, there is nothing to say. Let's fight for life and death."

Not far away, Lin Xuan sneered. He knew the meaning of what the person in front of him said and decided life and death with one move... It was just because he could only make another move

His Qi and blood were withered and his spirit was also severely damaged. Even if Lin Xuan didn't do it, he couldn't last long.

However, Lin Xuan also understood that this was the last bit of dignity of the person in front of him

"Well, I'll help you!"

His spirit sank into the elixir field, and he no longer maintained the terrible form of Zhu Yan. Like a cloud, all his divine power seemed to be led by Lin Xuan and returned to the noumenon.

Then, the whole person turned into a breeze, looked at the young monk who was fighting at him, and lightly waved his fists


Between life and death, the little master of Shenyin sect hit the strongest blow in his life. The air waves all over the sky were like waves, which completely dispelled the misty fog!

The rain of blood poured out, and Lin Xuan's magic fist was brilliant. It seemed that he had solidified his figure in front of him. His face was not happy or sad, and his eyes were as calm as water.

"Oh... You won... I'm not as good as you..."

The young master of Shenyin gate gave a miserable smile, and the crack in the middle of his brow was finally hard to contain, and the turtle kept cracking

In a flash, the original complete body of the young master of Shenyin gate turned into a shower of blood, and the last ray of purple light in his platform also disappeared!

The end of the war!

After a long time, it was like the collapse of heaven. All the monks seemed to react from their stupidity. They were so surprised that the outside world was boiling!

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