
On Tianjian mountain, almost all the monks who saw this scene were roaring excitedly. In the fog, Lin Xuan was like a demon. His hair was like a waterfall, and his face turned coldly, as if facing all living beings. It was amazing.

"He didn't seem to be as some people said before. He would run out of his life and die. Now he looks terrible and powerful!"

"It's really against the sky!"

"My God, who can tell me that all this is not a mirror, but a real thing?"

It's hard for many monks to imagine that this would be a feat that a monk with three sections of spirit Master can achieve. He actually won and survived!

Inside the glass pavilion, some arrogant people who had been watching coldly could not help opening their mouths. They thought it was incredible and shocking!

"We all underestimated him. Such a person is very rare in the long history. Every one of them is a famous genius through the ages!"

"Ha ha, since today, he has not seen enough of the most arrogant and talented people in fengxu."

"I have to admit that even if he is on the way ahead, he is absolutely a rare talent in the world. The ultimate road will have a place to compete with those real holy places and the descendants of immortal sect!"

Situ Mingyue sighed. She was ashamed of herself and had a bitter smile on her face.

By the side of the body, situ xian'er knows how high his brother's evaluation is.

You know, situ mingyuegui is the son of tianyunzong. He is so arrogant and arrogant that he has never paid attention to him.

Only the little master of Shenyin sect and the descendant of Tianjian mountain were recognized by him. But today, Wang zhanti, the prince of Daxia and the little master of Shenyin sect have been killed by one person, which is a great blow to him!

If it's just fighting at the same level, Lin Xuan has created a myth, which spans six small realms and kills three people successively. It's self-evident what it means.

As Lin Xuan said, if you are on the same level, I'm afraid you can suppress the prince of Xia and the little master of Shenyin with one hand

It's very likely that they will be swept by Lin Xuan when they go up together

However, they don't know that the big men in the heavenly palace are not calm!

"Hey, hey, is this the descendant of Shenyin sect who has made every effort to cultivate? That's all... "

Someone sneered at the elder of shenyinmen.


Hearing this, the elder of shenyinmen was furious. His eyebrows stood up and he glared at the mocker. It seemed that he would fight if he didn't agree!

He was also an old man, dressed in grey and ordinary, but the people present did not dare to underestimate him. He was a great man who inherited from the hermit world. He was an old enemy of shenyinmen. How could he miss such a good opportunity and fall into the well.

"Two Taoist friends, today is the grand meeting of Tianjian mountain. Please give me some face. Harmony is the most important thing in everything..."

At this time, a middle-aged man in purple and gold clothes had to get up and remind him to ease the tense atmosphere.

He is a hero of Tianjian mountain.


The face of Tianjian mountain still needs to be sold. Even if the elder in Shenyin's gate is unhappy, he can only give a cold hum and hold his nose for recognition.

"Is extremely is extremely, today's grand meeting, we are originally for the business, some small generation's struggle is nothing?"

The old man in grey nodded with a smile. There was a lot of teasing in his words. The light from the corner of his eyes swept the old man at the top and then he closed his mouth.

Some of them said with emotion: "the Tianjian mountain is indeed a great place to look down upon. It's really rich. I didn't expect that there are still some living antiques who can sit with the protectors of the emperor's road..."

With his insight, he naturally understood what kind of character the crane haired and childish guard of the emperor's road was. Even if it was just an incarnation, it was not comparable to the ordinary noble realm.

And to be able to sit with them, it can be seen that there must be a number of the same level. Even if it's a little inferior, it must be the half step King

"Hahaha, Taoist brother, this is not true. Although it's a struggle among the younger generation, I seem to be 500 years younger and back to the age when I was young and fighting for supremacy!"

All of a sudden, someone burst out laughing, interrupted the old man's thoughts and said with a smile.

The eyes of all the people gathered together, and the heart said, who is so bold, don't put people in the eye, dare to so scold Fang Zun?

When they looked at the man who opened their mouth, they suddenly realized that it was him.

Situ Xiu!

Master of Tianyun sect!

Today's God of Tianjian mountain is Tianjiao of the same era. In those days, when he was fighting for supremacy at the same time, he set foot on the road of emperor, and returned a hundred years later!

This is enough to show that this man's terrible, Emperor Road hundred years of immortality, come back alive, this is a legend.

However, the most legendary thing is that this man was not the son of the emperor, but came back from the emperor's road, defeated the son of the emperor, and entered the eyes of the former patriarch.

However, even so, it is still difficult to seize the throne of the son. It is because the former patriarch was in a bad way and died in a different place, which gives this patriarch a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

He joined hands with the elders in the clan to sweep away all the forces of the Shengzi family, and then succeeded to the position of the patriarch.

Now, hundreds of years later, tianyunzong has been run by him. No one has more prestige than him. He is the real leader of tianyunzong!

In contrast, the holy master of Tianjian mountain is even less prestigious, just like the first one, who can sit with the protector of the emperor's road, and does not show the mountain and water on weekdays.

Although he has long been indifferent to the world, who dares to be disrespectful on Tianjian mountain? The Lord of Tianjian mountain is no exception!

"Brother situ is right. Time drives people to grow old. You and I have not lived up to our prime, and we can only remember it."

The Lord of Tianjian mountain is smiling. At this moment, only he is qualified to talk with situ Xiu.

But no one dares to answer this.

I'm joking. Not to mention their current status, few of them can compare with each other in terms of cultivation.

Although both of them are over 500 years old, they are in their prime because they have reached the highest level of respect.

In the future, we can live for at least a thousand years, or even longer. We should not be able to break through the natural moat and enter the realm of the king.

It's not common for the elders of Shenyin sect, the elders of the Wang family and the great uncle of the Xia Dynasty to be able to reach the highest level in their life. As for the higher level, they can't even think about it!

If the head of Shenyin sect and the emperor of the great Xia came, he would take care of some of them, but these people would not be able to enter their eyes.

"What the LORD said, if you are not in your prime, I'm afraid the old man is already in the earth."

An old man chuckled and stroked his beard.

"But it's true that even the old man thinks that these young people are extraordinary, and their future achievements will be far better than ours..."

The man who spoke was also an old patriarch and had some say, but that's it.

After all, there is a gap between the sects, such as tianjianshan and tianyunzong, which are the top orthodoxy in fengxu.

Just now, the short-lived storm turned into smoke and clouds, and many big men began to talk with laughter about the generation who made a great deal of noise. The atmosphere in the heavenly palace was back on the right track.

Deep down, the grey robed old man at the top of the temple grinned, turned to the old man with crane hair and said, "I don't know what you think of this little guy?"

Even though the old man in the grey robe is old, his hair is sparse, and his teeth are about to fall out, his mouth still calms down the palace in an instant. Many great men silently look to the top, with respect.

Hearing the speech, the old man with a crane hair and a child's face didn't change. He gently said, "in time, I'm afraid there will be another God King in the world..."


With this remark, many people's eyes shrank and their hearts were as if they were shocked!


Did they hear right?

Is it a joke that the old man with a crane's hair and a child's face says that the younger generation has the appearance of a God King?

Even the master of Tianjian mountain and the master of Tianyun sect are no exception. They look surprised. Originally, they thought they had enough respect for these young people. They said that Lin Xuan and others saw themselves in their bodies

That is to say, Lin Xuan has the image of a God, and his future achievements are comparable to theirs.

This is already a very high evaluation. After all, there are only a few male leaders of the same generation who can compete with them.

But the evaluation of the protector of emperor's road is beyond their reach

The posture of the God King

Even the heroes like them just hope to break through the natural barriers and enter the realm of the king in this life

He who can be called the king of God is the king of kings!

Everyone knows that if this word comes out, it will not only shake the wind and ruins, but also have the name of Lin Xuan on the emperor's road!

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