"The posture of God King..."

The evaluation of Lin Xuan by the old man at the top of the heavenly palace made many masters in the heavenly palace feel surprised. They all widened their eyes and looked at the young and immortal protector of the emperor's road. It was like a dream!

If the people who said these words were other people in the hall, even if you were the leader, they would only scoff at him. I'm afraid they didn't think he was crazy.

But now it is not the case. The old man with crane hair is not an ordinary monk, but a protector on the road to the emperor. He is old and frightening. His status is respected, and his accomplishments and realm are unfathomable!

Although the old man with crane hair didn't show anything, no one in the room was a fool and knew the old man's horror.

We must know that the protector of emperor's road can't do what anyone wants.

They are either the strong men who come out of the immortal sect and the holy land, or the famous people on the way to the emperor.

If these people want to take charge of the order of protecting the road of a certain emperor, they need to pass the test set by the sages and obtain the recognition of the previous generation of protectors.

On some of the less important ancient roads, the tests set by the sages are not difficult. It is enough for the cultivation and realm to reach the peak of the venerable realm.

As long as they can obtain the approval of the previous generation of caretakers, they can take charge of the caretakers' orders.

This order is not only a symbol of the identity of the protector of the road, but also a treasure left by the sages, and also a power of the road.

Holding this order means having the power on the road to the emperor and using all the power on the road to the emperor for your own use.

It is because there is not only commander Guanggan, the protector of the road, but also many city masters and guards stationed in the pass and city, and even the tour envoys and generals who led the patrol on the road. All these are the power that can not be underestimated on the road.

Not to mention, every protector of the imperial road is born with great righteousness. Most of the aborigines in the nodes and passes of the imperial road share weal and woe with the imperial road. Seeing the order of protecting the road is like the words of a saint, don't dare to follow it!

Today, although the protectors of the emperor's road haven't personally arrived, what's the difference between the incarnation and the real body?

Who dares to be disrespectful?

Don't you see that old Dong, who is dying on Tianjian mountain, is secretly with you?

Who dares to ignore the words of the protectors of the imperial road?

However, they really don't understand why Lin Xuan is so valued by this guardian who can't see his head and tail!

It must be noted that throughout the ages, it is extraordinary to be able to walk out of the realm of a few kings in the end. As for the God King, it is rare and hard to meet in tens of thousands of years!

How can such a hero make such a fuss and make such an assertion?

"Ha ha, Taoist brother's words can be described as shocking. If these words are spread out, I'm afraid the emperor's road will make waves in vain."

The old man in grey grinned and saw everything in the world in his eyes. He was not like the younger generation at the bottom. He looked more far-reaching.

I'm afraid it was the guard that made you do it on purpose.

First of all, I would like to warn these old guys in the hall that this son is valued by the adults of the guard road. He frightens the curfew and escorts Lin Xuanbao.

Secondly, it is to add some difficulties to this amazing little guy on the road ahead

Everyone can think that if this word really spread out, Lin Xuan will become the target of public criticism and the eyesore of those emperor Lu Tianjiao!

As long as you have ambition, I'm afraid you have to find Lin Xuan's trouble. If you can step on Lin Xuan's fame, hehe, doesn't that mean you are more talented than Lin Xuan?

The praise of the king's posture naturally falls on that person.

Thinking of this, the old antique was a bit complicated in his heart. He looked at the guard road in front of him silently, but he didn't know what medicine he was selling in the gourd.

It's a speech of support, isn't it?

In other words, the guardian really valued Lin Xuan so much that he felt that he could not be afraid of the strong enemy in the way ahead and push the emperor's way. Could he be proud?

It seems to be aware of the old man's eyes, the shield of crane hair and childlike face slightly side head, that like a doll's face showing a deep smile.

"Ha ha, such a young genius is rare in the world. Naturally, I've never thought of it. However, even if he embarks on the road ahead with his talent, those troubles are nothing to him."

Looking at the smiling eyes of the old man with crane hair, suddenly, the old man in grey seems to understand the calculation in the heart of the adult, and his eyebrows move.

What genius does he see less? How can you hold that young man so high at this moment?

No one present knows better than he, an old immortal, that talent is not enough for his cultivation. You don't see that many young Tianjiao who had high hopes died in the middle of the road and didn't come to the end

A hundred refineries make steel!

He is trying to push the boy out of an unbeaten way

If it's successful, then others will praise this guard in the future. How fierce is his vision?

Eyes like fire!

When we meet again, how can Lin Xuan not respect the old guard who was kind to him?

And if Lin Xuan is dead, it can only show that this young man has failed to live up to the expectations of the guardian, but no one will blame the guardian!

"Ginger is still old and spicy!"

Thinking of this, even though the old man in grey claims to be immortal, he still feels that the silent guard in front of him makes the great man immortal

"That's right. This Taoist priest is willing to work as a Taoist priest in this barren place for the sake of such wonderful things as peaches and plums all over the world?"

You know, many proud descendants go out of this road to the emperor, but they will succeed in the future. I'm afraid they will treat each other with teacher's propriety when we think about the kindness of the protector of the road to the emperor!

This is one of the reasons why many powerful people in the holy land of the immortal sect have put beautiful elders to protect the road in such a bitter and cold place for thousands of years.

In this room, the old man in grey has a thousand turns in his heart. He still has a warm smile on his face. Looking at the old God's guard, he makes a plan.

Like the old guard, the old man in grey also attached great importance to Lin Xuan. After all, even if he was then, he might not be able to do better than Lin Xuan.

This young man really has the ability to be valued by them. He is simply a free move. Since the guardian wants to be praised by the adults, he also adds fire to the situation.

Thinking of this, the old man in grey said with a smile: "yes, the old man agrees with this. This young man is indeed a rare genius in ancient times, even if he is younger than me."

"Well, I'm glad to see this young man meeting in Tianjian mountain today. It's useless to keep this old thing. I'll give it to this young man!"

Then the old man in grey looked at the Lord of Tianjian mountain who was serving him in the main hall, and took out a small white jade bottle from his arms.

As soon as this medicine bottle came out, it immediately overflowed with a little medicine fragrance. Like smoke, it floated in the heavenly palace, and inspired the spirits of many masters!

What kind of panacea is this? Why is it so strong? Is it Wang Dan?

If they expected it to be right, it must be the life extending God pill refined by the old man in grey. Maybe it's not the king level?

Although eating too much will produce drug resistance, it will indeed reduce the effect, but it can also save lives if it is left to the disciples' descendants!

Such a life-saving pill is so simple to give away?

When is Tianjian mountain so grand?

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