"What, did you hear me right? A master in Tianjian mountain gave Lin Xuan a king's elixir? "

"How can you give this kind of pills to anyone? I don't believe it

"Yes, I don't believe it. Even if Tianjian mountain has a deep foundation, it's too generous!"

In Yuchi garden, many young friars are sitting around Yuchi. Some people are shocked and shake their heads. They can't believe it!

"Hey, it's true. You can't help believing it!" A young friar hey, eyes show a touch of greed.

"I have a elder martial brother in a glazed Pavilion on the Jade Pool. He is closer and can hear clearly!"

In fact, there was no need for the young man to explain. Tianjian mountain didn't block the news. With the promotion of some people, it didn't take long for Lin Xuan to get a king's elixir to spread all over Tianjian mountain!

For a moment, Lin Xuanfeng had no choice, and even the arrival of some Saint son level figures who should have attracted the attention of many people was suppressed by him.

Who can get such a high evaluation from the adults?

Who has such a big face, can let an old ancestor of Tianjian mountain give Dan?

Not in a thousand years!

Even ten years ago, the nameless Tianjiao who swept the son was not so valued!

All monks knew that after today, Lin Xuan would be famous all over the world!

With the burning of Lin Xuan's name, the Tianjian mountain Festival is coming.

Tianjiao people from all over the world gather in Tianjian mountain to talk about the past and the present!

More than that, one after another Tianjiao stepped on the stage and argued with the heroes. The grand occasion was extraordinary!

The event lasted for several days, during which Lin Xuan kept a very low profile, drinking tea in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

In addition to a few Shengzi's brilliant achievements, there are also a few outstanding people who are not weak Shengzi. They have defeated several opponents. Lin Xuan also laments that although the fengxu is small, it is really crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

However, at the grand meeting, it was not only the wind market that was outstanding. In addition to Lin Xuan's brilliant achievements, some imperial road testers who had never left the world also came to Tianjian mountain to fight with Saint son level figures. They did not fall behind, and even had it!

Although the first group of Tianjiao who took the road of God left early, there were also some talented people who left behind. The heroes gathered and the outstanding people came out in large numbers!

On the fourth day, even Shen MuQing, who had been following Lin Xuan's side, was itchy. He invited others and stepped on the stage!

That is the saint of Bixia palace, named Yupian, also known as the fish fairy.

Over the past few days, Shen MuQing and the fish fairy have been having a good talk like sisters. They are both gorgeous women, and they are rare in both ancient and modern times!

Such a woman is rare in the world, and few can be compared with them.

It was not that there were no other saints and goddesses in the grand ceremony, but there were also gorgeous beauties. However, in front of them, they were still a little ashamed.

The beautiful fish fairy is as beautiful as the goddess of the nine heavens. It's so beautiful that it's hard to say that it's wrong to turn all living beings upside down!

And Shen MuQing's appearance is not inferior to anything, but she has always been light, clothes are also very simple, no powder, less a sense of surprise.

But even so, she is a rare woman in the world.

Two fairies of women on the stage, not surprisingly, almost all the friars of Tianjian mountain are boiling, this is a rare event.

However, the result of the war surprised many people.

Originally, I thought that the final winner would be the fish fairy in Bixia palace. After all, she was a rare woman who was able to beat the son and had a brilliant record.

Unfortunately, they seriously underestimated Shen MuQing.

You know, Shen MuQing was able to fight with Lin Xuan at the beginning, but now, although Lin Xuan entered the country quickly, Shen MuQing's cultivation was not weak, and he was always catching up.

In the end, Shen MuQing's green lotus sword technique forced the fish fairy to admit defeat.

After the war, many people think of Lin Xuan again.

"It turns out that the woman who had been following Lin Xuan was so powerful that her talent was even higher than that of the fish fairy!"

"It's not a joke that these two people are here to talk about the arrogance against the outside world."

"Before that, I was still wondering why Lin Xuan was outnumbered. Why didn't she do it? I thought she knew her weight and couldn't help..."

"Maybe people don't think Lin Xuan will lose at all!"

The event lasted until the seventh day, which was also the last day of the event.

The Holy Son of Tianjian mountain, who hasn't appeared for a long time, finally returned, but he was seriously injured. He was held up and came back with blood

This kind of news makes the whole Tianjian mountain shake!

"What, the Holy Son of Tianjian mountain almost fell, and even the fire of the spirit was going out?"

Someone yelled and thought it was very bad. Maybe something big would happen.

"Who hurt him like this? Is there any rival in the same generation?"

But some people think it's strange and very confused.

Because the Holy Son of Tianjian mountain is absolutely the most outstanding person in the Holy Son level. He has already reached the peak of the spiritual master!

Before that, he once had a brief competition with Taiyi Holy Son, which was slightly better.

I can't believe that any of my peers can hurt him like this!

"Is there an old man? But are they not afraid of Tianjian mountain's revenge? "

"Or is it a hero from the outside world?"

Someone muttered to himself and put forward their own ideas.

Many people subconsciously look at Lin Xuan. Only Lin Xuan has the strength!

"Hum, brother Lin has been waiting with me in Tianjian mountain. He never left. How could it be him?"

Situ Mingyue snorted and said in a deep voice.

He didn't say this, and everyone understood it. Then they all looked back and murmured: "naturally, it's not brother Lin. now the situation is not clear. We don't have much to guess. We'd better wait for Tianjian mountain to explain it by ourselves."

However, someone was impatient and thought of something. He quickly said, "I heard that there are other people coming back with tianjianshan Shengzi this time. Where are they now? You can ask them!"

However, just at this time, someone came to the palace and said in a deep voice, "no need. I've already invited you here!"

Smell speech, Lin xuanxun reputation go, see Yao 11 complexion heavy walk, behind him, follow two some familiar figure!

Without waiting for Lin Xuan to open his mouth, he saw the two men behind Yao Xi exclaiming excitedly: "Lin Xuan!"

Shen Qingfeng and Yan Chixiao, who haven't seen each other for a long time, come to Lin Xuan with flying eyebrows!

"It's you?" Lin Xuan was stunned, which was unexpected.

"Hey, hey, who else can we have?" Shen Qingfeng smiles and punches Lin Xuan on the shoulder!

"You didn't go? Not long ago, Mu Qing and I inquired about your news, but unfortunately we didn't hear about it. We thought you had left, but we didn't expect to stay here! "

Even Lin Xuan, who had always been indifferent, laughed!

Old friends meet again, Lin Xuan several people can't hide the color of excitement, immediately get together to one side, chattering about the past up!

This surprised some of the saint son figures on one side and made them feel at a loss.

"Hahaha, by the way, just now I heard them say that you came back with the Holy Son of Tianjian mountain and suffered some injuries. What's the matter?"

All of a sudden, Lin Xuan caught a glimpse of the two people with some injuries. He immediately remembered what happened before and asked.

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