"Oh, don't mention it. It's a long story. It's bad luck to think about it!" Shen Qingfeng waved his hand and sighed.

Although Shen Qingfeng waved his hand and didn't want to talk more about it, because it was Lin Xuan who asked, he was still reluctant to say it!

"When I was separated from brother Po Tian, I chose to stay and wait for you. Then brother Yan didn't leave in a hurry because he found a historical site. We just got together."

"Two months ago, we finally found the historic site. Brother Yan and I got into the historic site. We were lucky. We got some chances

Speaking of this, Shen Qingfeng pauses and looks at Lin Xuan.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen you for a long time. Now Shen Qingfeng seems to be a different person!

Speaking, have become a lot of casual, not like the original as a shelf.

After a little thought, Lin Xuan also understood that Shen Qingfeng must have seen too many Tianjiao and Renjie along the way.

Those people are not inferior to him. This is no longer Luohuang City, nor qixuezong, nor Daqian Dynasty.

Shen Qingfeng is just one of the talents in the world.

"That's good. I've managed to get rid of the arrogance."

Lin Xuan slightly jaw head, eyebrows stretch out, showing a smile.

This subtle change has not been noticed, because everyone's mind has fallen on Shen Qingfeng and Shen Qingfeng.

"After I came out, I happened to hear that you appeared. I wanted to come to Leizhou to find you."

"But Leizhou is so big that we want to find you is just like looking for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, you said that you would come to Tianjian mountain to participate in the grand meeting, otherwise we really don't know how to find you..."

"At that time, brother Yan and I got a chance, and our cultivation just reached the bottleneck, so we first found a secluded valley to break through. We thought we would come back to you when the grand meeting opened..."

"But who knows..."

Speaking of this, Shen Qingfeng gritted his teeth and said angrily, "brother Yan and I broke through in the closed door. Who provoked us? The fight came to us, and the whole valley was almost lifted..."

"You know the temper of brother Yan and I, how could we be so angry that we went out of the gate to find someone to argue with..."

"Fortunately, we both broke through at that time, just in a stable state, otherwise it would be a bit dangerous..."

Shen Qingfeng frowned and said with lingering fear.

"That day, the Holy Son of Tianjian mountain fought with another man. Oh no, to be exact, he was chased and beaten by others..."


This speech, the presence of many Saint son level figures are looking at each other, feel a bit shocked!

Are you kidding?

People like Shengzi in Tianjian mountain will be chased and beaten?

You know, among the peers in the whole fengxu community, there is no one who can beat him. He is definitely one of the strongest holy sons!

"Is that man a strong old man?"

The son of Taiyi religion asked with an incredible face.

"It shouldn't be... I had a fight with that man at the beginning. He was very young, and his practice level was not even as good as mine, but his body was hard and frightening, as if it was made of divine gold!"

Shen Qingfeng shakes his head and looks at Lin Xuan inexplicably. It seems that he is comparing whether Lin Xuan's body is stronger or that person's body is stronger

After thinking about it, he still felt that the body of that man was stronger!

"Oh? Is there such an immortal talent

"Who is that man and what is his origin?" Asked the Holy Son of Lingyun sect.

"I don't know. That guy is very strange. He has an ice face. It feels like a dead man without feelings. It's very cold."

"I'm still wearing a shabby old Taoist robe. It seems that it's going to be scattered when the wind blows, but it's a divine robe. It's a rare treasure. It's able to block a lot of killing moves for him!"

Before Shen Qingfeng's words came to an end, Yan Chixiao said: "that young man is really a bit mysterious. His skills are very strange, and many secret skills are unheard of. His origin must be very big, and when he faces him, he always feels frightened."

"The ancient Taoist robe on his body definitely does not belong to this era, at least it is the style more than ten thousand years ago..."

"I suspect that this robe... Seems to have been picked from the dead..."


As soon as Yan Chixia said this, suddenly a cold wind came, which made everyone have some palpitations!

Pick the clothes of the dead?

Still wear on the body, this guy is absolutely a cruel man, this NIMA does not feel scared?

Even Lin Xuan didn't know what to say.

This world is not a strange world, but a mysterious world!

Everything is real!

You don't hear the big hand that was found in the grave of Yandang Mountain before. When you raise your hand, you destroy the five patriarchs, which makes people shudder!

It's not so easy for some powerful monks to die completely!

In some mysterious and evil places, there are even ancient corpses channeling, and it is not uncommon that some corpses and ghosts are born.

Or the ghost will fall into the evil way, vanish humanity, and turn into a Yin God who only knows how to kill!

These are recorded in ancient history, which is not unusual!

The origin of ghost and Yin God can even be traced back to ancient times.

According to legend, there was once an old and terrible super power, which was strong to the extreme at the peak and was known as the reincarnation of heaven and earth!

The tone is unprecedented!

That force is called Yin Si, also called hell!

But I don't know why, in the Taigu years, the Yin Department finally disappeared, as if it had been erased by heaven and earth!

At this time, however, Shen Qingfeng said, "although we don't know its origin, the Holy Son of Tianjian mountain once speculated that he might have practiced the secret method of stealing the gate, and he was a disciple of stealing the gate!"

"The thief?"

Hearing this, Sima Mingyue, the young master of Tianyun sect, suddenly showed a look of surprise and her eyes were blazing.

This stealing door is not an ordinary stealing, but a real practice inheritance!

In the presence, no one can match situ Mingyue in terms of his familiarity with the thief's door!

Because, they tianyunzong a vein, has the origin with this thief door!

When it comes to pilfering, we have to mention that the predecessor of pilfering, pilfering Tianzong, has a long history. It is older than some immortal sects and holy places. It was brilliant in its heyday, but it was just a flash in the pan!

There is a supreme secret in this course, which is called stealing heaven!

It's said that the practice has reached the end, even the way of heaven can be stolen. Instead, there is nothing in the world that can't be stolen!

The person who created this secret method is really brilliant. He used this method to steal all the fortune in the world, occupy all the secrets of heaven, and practice to an incredible degree. He is almost one of the strongest emperors in ancient times!

In his later years, he was also known as the emperor of heaven, and the thief door he founded was also extremely powerful!

In ancient times, many emperors and emperors, who can be famous in history, are not worldly, and this stealing emperor is recognized as the strongest emperor!

It's a pity that the emperor of heaven was strong, but he died all day and took an unusual road

Ordinary emperors are looking forward to a long life, searching for divine medicine, or even further.

This emperor of heaven was different. In his heyday, he tried to steal the power of the way of heaven, trying to create a grand event unprecedented in ancient times

It's natural to imagine that he failed in the end. According to historical records, the God of thunder came from the sky, which killed the world. There were totally 18000 ways. The emperor of heaven was almost killed

I don't know how many times more terrible this is than the imperial robbery, but the emperor of heaven still survived.

It's just a lot more honest.

Later, in his later years, he had been accumulating accomplishments. When he reached the top of his life and could not go any further, he issued the emperor's book, which was called emperor of heaven!

However, when all living beings thought that the unreliable emperor was going to make trouble again, the emperor mysteriously disappeared. Since then, he has never been here again!

Ten thousand years later, tens of thousands of thunders fell from the sky, just like the fury of heaven, and the Tiandi mansion collapsed. The inheritance established by the supreme Tiandi also turned into smoke and dust under the sky thunder, and since then, it has been cut off.

Tiandi himself carved the stone of Tianjie, which was also broken and scattered in the world.

It is said that the emperor touched the real secret of heaven and earth, and created a wonderful Sutra, which led to the punishment of destroying the world!

But exactly how, are also buried in the ancient years, only a little bit of ink recorded in the mottled yellow old paper!

Later, some descendants who escaped from the death of the robber Tianzong wanted to revive the clan, but they were afraid of being entangled by cause and effect, so they changed their family name to robber Tianzong.

Although many pieces of Tianshi were found after a lot of painstaking efforts, none of them existed.

The real decision of stealing heaven is lost.

Then I don't know whether it's cause and effect or anything else. Even if I change my family, I can't escape the misfortune of stealing. I've experienced all kinds of exterminations.

But how, this vein is really tenacious, just to survive in the cracks, has been struggling to this day!

It's a pity that these thieves have nothing to do with the earliest thief Tianzong, because later, the way of this sect began to go astray.

The inheritance of Zeng Qiangsheng's great ability to steal heaven has become a real "steal" gate!

The stealing skills of the disciples in the sect are all used to deal with the dead. They walk in the big tomb all day. Where they pass, they are restless!

Many of the funerary objects that were exiled to the outside world were almost related to the stealing door, which they brought out of the tomb!

In the eyes of the thief disciples, as long as they dig enough tombs, they can always find the secret skills, the cultivation resources, and the magic weapons!

But now, the disciples of this vein are not very popular, and they will not show their identity easily!

Because they have no integrity at all, it's not sure whose tomb they dig.

Dare to make friends with them, I don't know when the ancestral grave will be planed!

But just like this, they are forced to walk out of a way of life and become the "thief door" today!

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