"How is it possible for a thief to hurt the son of Tianjian mountain like this?"

Unexpectedly, hearing what Shen Qingfeng and others said, situ Mingyue frowned, looked strange, and felt that something was wrong.

"This vein has been declining for a long time. It disappeared in fengxu more than a thousand years ago. Even the disciples from outside should not be so strong!"

"Is that man about to step into the realm of the venerable?"

Situ Mingyue, as the young master of Tianyun sect and the son of the sect, has been cultivated for her amazing talent since childhood.

When he was young, he once fought with Shengzi of Tianjian mountain. He knew the man's strength. Although they ended in a draw at the beginning, if it was really a battle of life and death, he was not sure that he would win!

Such a strong enemy, he did not believe that only with the incomplete inheritance of the thief gate, he could make the Holy Son of Tianjian mountain so embarrassed that he almost died!

"No, I can't see through that young man's cultivation, but it must have nothing to do with the venerable realm. Otherwise, how could the three of us escape from him?"

Shen Qingfeng shakes his head.

They all nodded slowly after thinking for a moment. Indeed, as he said, if the other party was really a strong enemy who had only one foot to step into the venerable realm, they would not be given a chance to escape.

"When the emperor's road reopens, it's reasonable for some strong people to be born. They will always meet on the emperor's road in the future!"

Lin Xuan didn't care too much about these thieves, as long as Shen Qingfeng and them were OK.

Even if the son of Tianjian mountain was in danger, it just surprised Lin Xuan for a short time, far less than the joy of old friends' reunion.

"Yes, whatever. We haven't seen each other for such a long time. We must have a good drink!"

Shen Qingfeng laughs. He is really different now and has grown up a lot.

See, the rest of the people are also very face, did not continue to pester more questions, now Lin Xuan is already the protagonist at the event, everyone has to take care of his mood.

It's the people of Tianjian mountain who have to worry about the affairs of the Holy Son of Tianjian mountain. What's the matter with them.

For many years, Tianjiao even wished Tianjian mountain's son would die, so that when they set foot on the road in the future, they would have one less opponent.

"Ha ha, this Shenyu tea is really light. I just got a few jars of baihuaxianniang here. Let's find a good place to drink together."

Lin Xuan was really happy, so he didn't hesitate to take out all the immortal wine he had pressed at the bottom of the box. This was what he had got in the secret place of xuanming, and it has been treasured to this day.

"Well, since brother Lin said that, why don't we move to liuyunfeng together?"

Yao Shiyi's company, of course, will not refuse.

They walked to the top of the highest peak of Tianjian mountain. There were several peach blossom trees swaying with the wind.

The top of the peak is surrounded by flowing clouds, with thousands of auspicious colors and thousands of red haze, just like the pure land in the world.

Under the arrangement of Yao Xi, many saints and Tianjiao sat together, talking about the past and the present with high spirits.

Long time no see Shen Qingfeng them, Lin Xuan also some excited, push cup change between, time staggered, the sun and the moon turn back, regardless of the day.

Tianjian mountain does not lack Qiongjiang jade wine. It also comes with several jars. There are all kinds of precious flavors. They are all raised monsters with strong blood!

The meat of these monsters is delicious, and it contains the majestic essence, which is not inferior to the elixir!

They are all practitioners, and they are the best among them. They have already been reborn. Time is getting more and more blurred for them. If there is no accident, they will go further on the road of practice in the future. Shouyuan is incomparably long compared with ordinary people.

Looking back, a hundred years is just a matter of time.

As night fell, the moonlight was quiet and the breeze was cold.

When you look up, you can see that the starry sky is close at hand. It's like an immortal on the dome. Picking up the stars and sweeping the moon seems to be within reach.

It's the same for Lin Xuan. It's all like the situation in a dream, which makes him feel very unreal.

He didn't remember how many cups of xianniang he drank. The power of the medicine was intoxicating. Lin Xuan was a little dizzy, and many scenes of the past came into his mind.

In the flourishing age of lights and wine, there are lots of cars and buildings

There are also people he can't let go, who have been deeply buried in his heart.

At this moment, under the night, Lin Xuan is completely drunk. He looks at the vast sea of stars through his drinking and whispers. He still doesn't know where he is deep and whether he can find his way back in the boundless starry sky.

"Go home..."

In the past, Lin Xuan always deliberately did not think about it, suppressed his heart, and put all his thoughts on practice. Otherwise, he felt that he might not be able to persist to this day.

Next to him, Shen MuQing looks like a fire in red, slender and graceful, enchanting and moving. Mei Mou looks at Lin Xuan doubtfully. She doesn't know what's wrong with him, so sad.

"Are you all right?"

Shen MuQing asked anxiously. Her voice was soft and pleasant.

Lin Xuan heard it, but he didn't know what to say. It was a secret that no one could say.

After all, there was only a sigh. Lin Xuan shook his head, and his confused eyes finally recovered.

"I'm fine!"

Lin Xuan left from the banquet room. He stood at the highest place in the boundary of fengxu. At his feet, there were dark clouds. The cold wind whistled over his handsome face and blew his long hair like a black waterfall.

He seemed to wake up again. It was not a dream.

It's a long way to go home. Even Lin Xuan feels that he can't go back to his hometown in his life!

There is no doubt that if he can't go home, practice is Lin Xuan's only goal.

Long life, with the sun and the moon, with heaven and earth with life!


But the premise of all this, all need strong strength.

In addition, Lin Xuan thought of what he had heard from elder Luo during the reign of emperor Daqian.

Perhaps in the near future, turmoil will arise. Now he is not alone in this world, and he has everything he wants to guard.

If he could not return, then the Daqian dynasty would be his hometown.

What is the purpose of taking the road of God?

Lin Xuan asked himself in his heart. His eyes were sharp. Cheer up. He still has a long way to go

Practice, this is the top priority!

No matter for the great changes that may happen in the future, or for self-protection, if you have no strength, you can only become fish!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's heart was like a rock.

When the cold wind came, he became more and more sober in his mind. Then, Lin Xuan operated Xuangong, and the wine gas in his body was like burning, which dissipated in an instant.

Now he is actually very difficult to get drunk, even if it is xianniang, it's just different from whether Lin Xuan wants to get drunk or not!

Not far away, several holy sons are still drinking and talking. They have warm faces and can't see the slightest intoxication. On the contrary, they have bright eyes. Obviously, they have gained a lot.

Lin Xuan came calmly and asked calmly, "the grand meeting is coming to an end. The matter of Yandang Mountain has not been settled yet. What's your opinion?"

Smell speech, many young Tianjiao are consciously close to some, drinking and talking about anything can be, but when talking about real business, they must raise their ears to listen.

There were all the saints of the major sects present, and the most well-informed ones. Even though some hearsay came out these days saying that they had learned from the great figures in the heavenly palace, no one knew whether it was true or not.

"It's true that there must be a reason for not mentioning Yandang Mountain. My father is very unusual these days, always frowning..."

Situ Mingyue nodded, pondered for a moment, and then said, "there is a big change in Yandang Mountain. Maybe it's true, as the rumor has it, that's why the guardian came here..."

Others looked at each other. Taiyi Shengzi sighed and said, "if it's really because of this, I'm afraid it's really a problem. Maybe Yandang Mountain will be put on hold."

In fact, they all have this kind of speculation in their hearts, but they have never said it.

It can't be a trivial matter, and it can't be something they can participate in!

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